Justin "Panther" Bennett

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Operation Queen's Fall 5-23-19

Operation Queen's Fall 5-23-19

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Gadget evaluation

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Gadget evaluation

Gadget: Panther Lense

Justin "Panther" Bennett

Lead specialist:
Monika "IQ" Weiss

Description: "I'll admit, the Panther Lense is very unique but familiar as this has a lot of similar functions to my own scanner but the things that this different are quite astounding. The lense are Integral in Justin's night vision goggles given the option to pick between this or night vision, the lenses when active are able to see through hard surfaces such as concrete or solid steel but can also specifically outline things made of metal so some guns may be targeted. Justin tells he uses this as a stealth and info tool and I'd have to agree as this can be helpful in defusing certain bombs or have an idea of what's behind a door though I hate giving Justin too much credit as he tends to overthink it."

Born in the capital of the United States of America, Justin Bennett grew up comfortably in a rich family well known for being politicians, Justin often isolated himself from the politics as he didn't at all care as he mostly hanged out with his questionable friends as he was introduced to smoking at the age of 14 as he was oblivious to the consequences of doing such a thing till he was arrested as the officer lectured him harshly as Justin after this got his act together.

Justin began changing for the better as he focused on his studies and he occasionally talked with the officer as he viewed him like a father due to his own father being distant. After he graduated, he went to university earning a masters degree in law, he soon joined the D.C. SWAT unit as he was highly skilled in leadership taking responsibility and care of his team. During his time in the unit he grew an almost flawless record as his greatest accomplishment was stopping a school shooting from happening as he managed to talk the kid out of it which garnered the attention from the FBI due to his by the books way of doing things. He was soon recruited into the FBI SWAT unit at age 27 meeting Miles "Castle" Campbell as they easily got along due to their way of doing things.

Justin over the years gradually rose up the ranks reaching the rank of Captain accomplishing multiple hostage rescue missions which always turned out in his favor. In his free time he serves as an ambassador helping people of any age with their smoking addictions as he genuinely enjoys helping people. His skills to get the job done would get him into Fourth Echelon in 2016 where he'd meet Anthony "Oni" Riley as the two would grow to be friends, in Fourth Echelon Justin's skills would drastically improve being under Sam Fisher's wing, particularly his skills in stealth would earn him the nickname Panther, nowadays Justin Bennett is very distant from his father as the man's politics make him unbearable to be around.

"Strong headed is one of many words I'd use to describe Justin Bennett but he sees it as more of a positive rather than a flaw and I can understand why as he stops at nothing to help people as he cares about the well-being of everyone which is a very humanitarian viewpoint but he does reluctantly acknowledge that he can't save everyone which clearly bothers, I asked what motivates him to save people and he expressed that he feels his life won't mean much if he doesn't good things as he says he doesn't want to waste the second chance that was given to him.

Due to him being a police officer, Justin prefers there be rules and structure as he believes in doing things by the book, this mindset has put him at odds with Caveira as he feels she's close to being more of a liability than an asset, he also seems to resent our NIGHTHAVEN operatives as he doesn't trust them to stay loyal to their contract if a bigger offer comes around and lastly he says he doesn't trust Lion due to him getting medical personnel killed and expresses that could happen again. Despite him being distrustful, I believe he only says these to motivate our operators to get better or stay in line. I asked if there are only operatives that he respects, he said Doc, Ying, Oni, Ash and Castle are the ones that he respects the most due to their professionalism and work ethic.

The more we talked, the more I grew to understand Justin as a person, he's motivated not only to save people but to be better than his younger self and convince other youngsters to go down a better and healthier lifestyle, he certainly sounded like a concerned father which a lot our younger ops call him as a joke even though he isn't that old. Off the field he'll be your best friend and funniest guy you'll meet but on the field, he is strict and takes his job seriously about as much as Ash does making the two a good when it comes to Operations, he also gets along fairly well with Ace as he respects his accomplishments in saving people but thinks his arrogance should be dialed down a bit."

Author's note: if you wish to use Panther, do let me know beforehand.

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