Chapter 20 [The last chapter]- A New Dawn

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    Four months later,I had become bony and frazzled,everyday was so horrific and each day passed like months and each months like years. Sometimes,I was incredulous to believe his death and every night,I would watch the last video he made for me and read his last words too, I've always had constant nightmare and I rarely wake up without tears on my face.

Each time I dress to school,I would dress in hope that Justin was still in school waiting for me but when I get to school,I would see his picture hung everywhere with "RIP" embroidered on it,that was when it would dawn to me that Justin's gone.

   Ever since my accusation has been cleared and everyone knew I was framed by Anna,I had become popular in school. Each time I arrive in school,all the students I sight would be clapping and cheering for me,some would even offer me gifts. I had become a role model to my Juniors,I had planned that I would spend the two years in Scotland in silence and leave quietly but Anna didn't want that for me, now everybody wanted to become my friend.

   Their daily cheering you always cheer me up a little before I enter class,the first place I look at whenever I enter the the class was Justin's seat,I will look at it with tears rolling down my cheeks and my classmates would try to cheer me up too. I wonder how's it's going to be if I wasn't cleared of my accusation before Justin died,the people's sneering plus the sorrow of Justin's death would have drove me crazy and I would have committed suicide,it was the cheering and consoling that kept me moving. Anabelle would stick to me more than ever while Nick would also come in Justin's stead,I told Anabelle to accept Nick since he's now rueful but Anabelle wouldn't listen. I must say she's really determined not to have any boyfriend till college.

   Sometimes,Nick might want to crack a joke that he and Justin normally used in teasing girls before I came to Edinburgh high school and in the process of cracking it,he would mistakenly mentioned Justin's name while smiling,that was when he would knew and that was how it had been with my classmates too,it was hard for everyone to adjust to the fact that he was dead.

     A week came and final examination began,I struggled to read though it wasn't easy,this is the very first time I find it hard to read and comprehend but I strived to study since it's the last examination I'll ever write in Edinburgh high school. Justin's spirit appeared to me in my dreams while I was wandering in a remote area,he cheered me up and gave me the strength I needed in my exams,I was still in high spirit when I woke up and with the strength Justin gave me,I read and studied hard.
  Examination held for two weeks and I tried my best to study so as not to disappoint Justin,my parents and even myself. On the last day of the examination,I walked out of the Hall with Anabelle,I was relieved that examination was over but not happy because the last examination we did, Justin was alive and brisk,I still find it hard to believe that the cute, generous guy whose eyes are always encouraging is gone.

     As I was about to leave school with Anabelle,I sighted Master Alfred and greeted him,he walked up to us and said 'Anabelle,give me a sec with Mandy' 'Okay' Anabelle replied and excused us 'I heard you besought the principal to rehire me,I must confess that I'm grateful. After all the horrible things I've done,why do you chose to forgive me?' he asked remorsefully 'You were one of those who fell prey to the society's injustice,I knew you were also a victim who couldn't defend himself,I knew it wasn't your fault and Anna must have threatened you' I replied 'Yeah, you are right' Master Alfred said as he explained all what Mrs Brown did,how the person she sent beat him up and forced him to lie against me and he knew Anna was behind all this because the person mistakenly mentioned Mrs Brown 'You've really gone through a lot' I said after he narrated everything to me 'Thanks to you, I've found a way to live my life right again,Jason and Justin also helped me and shaken my befuddled conscience, I've thanked Jason and I'm going to thank Justin too at his burial,he also helped me alot' he said 'His burial?!!!' I asked looking perplexed 'Yeah,it's in two days time' he answered,I greeted him and left.
   I went to where Anabelle was waiting for me 'I heard Justin's burial is in two days time, are you aware?' I asked with a puzzled frown 'Huh?!!,no' she lied but I wasn't fooled 'Why am I just knowing now,why didn't you or anybody else tell me?' I asked feeling hurt 'They said you've been going through a lot since Justin's death and they don't want you to harm yourself at his burial, The Herricks pleaded we keep it from you' Anabelle answered.

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