Chapter Forty-Eight: First Act

Start from the beginning

After her shower, it was already past lunch time, but she was still hungry. She took the time to make some random stir-fry from various things in the fridge. That was one of the last things she taught Penny before she-

No! Penny isn't going to be brought down by the thoughts of her

Instead of being alone to her thoughts, Penny turned on her phone and played a random show on Netflix. It distracted her, and allowed her to cook lunch in peace. She continued to watch the show while she ate. Soon, she was done eating and didn't know what to do. 

She had to arrive at five since the show started at seven, but that meant she still had two hours. 

She started to fill that two hours with cleaning the kitchen and packing away leftover lunch for dinner that night. She also packed a few snacks, if she got hungry but there wasn't enough time to eat a full meal. Penny soon realized that she would have to rearrange her whole eating schedule, since dinner was usually right in the middle of preparation for the show. But...that felt like an after Christmas types of thing to figure out. 

Going back to her room, Penny did her hair for the evening. It was usually brushed out curls, with the top layer of her hair placed into to high ponies. It gave Penny Harley Quinn vibes, since the character is a psychotic killer; however, it was more subtle, since the pigtails only contained half the hair on her head. The whole process was certainly the longest part of getting ready. 

Firstly, she curled her hair with a wand, being careful not to burn any part of her skin. 

Secondly, she sprayed though curls like lots of hairspray. Then rubbing her hands together with a dollop of clear gel, she raked her hands through the hair, separating the tight curls into loose brushed out one. 

Lastly, she carefully sectioned the top layer of her hair into two section. Pulling the middle and bottom layer back, she is able to cleanly tie the two sections up. She finally added hairspray to the front of her head to control any fly away. 

She looked at the time and it took up a majority of the time waiting to leave. 

It was getting closer and closer to when she had to leave, so she packed a bag full of anything she might need, including her script (just for emergencies). 

Penny called an Uber to take her to the theater, since Quentin was still at work. She texted him that she was leaving and that she will text him when she was there. She also shot a text to remind him not to forget the tickets for his whole family. 

Right at five o'clock in the evening, she arrived at the stage door. The sun just set, but that didn't matter for the city that never sleeps, and it certainly didn't matter for Penny when she was just entering work. 

She signed up and went to her private dressing room. Since Penny was the lead, she got her own dressing room, but often opened it up to everyone. It turned into a place to hang out among actors instead of a closed off room for arrogant stars. Sitting her stuff down, she first started on her make-up and then got into her costume. Her cuts on her legs turned into light scabs, but she still covered them all with plaster and covered that with makeup, and the covered her legs with tights. She shimmed up her light purple dress, yet waited to put on her shoes. She finally opened her door to the public. She was happy that her cast members respected her privacy when getting ready. Now that the door was open, there was no stopping all the girls coming in to talk. 

They all gossiped and prepared for the show, waiting for the mic check, and warm-ups. They were finally called. Everyone was wired a mic and check to make sure it worked. They stood around the piano to do their usual vocal warm ups. Lastly they stood on stage, stretching and practicing hard choreography. 

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