☆crazy forever☆

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I woke up gasping for air. I was broken out in a cold sweat, and my heart was pounding. I shivered, remembering the nightmare I had just had.

"Will are you ok?!" Mike cried. I couldn't see his face in the darkness of the room, but I knew he was worried.

"Yeah... I'm... I'm ok." I replied, knowing I was just lying to myself. I sensed Mike could tell to.

"Will, honey, what's wrong?" He slipped his hand into mine.

"I... I had that nightmare again." Tears were building up in my eyes.

"Ohhh. Oh. I'm so sorry." Mike whisphered.

"I wish they would just go away! They keep haunting me! I can't take it much longer!" I started crying, my tears soaking the blanket. Mike turned on the light, and wiped the tears away.

"Remember, 'crazy together'." Mike reminded me. I smiled. Mike layed down again. I rested my head next to his. I pulled the covers up.



Poor Will. His nightmares have been getting worse and more frequent. I don't know what to do to help him. I love him so much, and I hate seeing him so upset. He's always scared. Always. He can never fully enjoy anything. And literally hurts me to always see him so terrified.

I want to make him feel like he is the best person alive. He really is too me. It's so hard to make him feel like that when he is upset. I know I'm going to keep trying though. He is so brave. The bravest boy I've ever met actually. I don't know how he lives with all the trauma. I don't think I could...

I love him. He always makes everything better by just being with me. I like brushing the hair out of his eyes, and giving him gentle kisses on the cheek. I love how he curls up close to me and how he creaves attention, knowing I will gladly give it to him. I honestly just want things to stay how they are. It feels better that way.

Will was fast asleep. I smiled and turned out the lights.


Will's POV:

Mike turned out the lights and hudled close to me. He thinks I'm asleep. I felt terrible about what had just happened. This is the third night in a row this has happened. I hate having Mike feel sorry for me, because I know there's nothing he can do to make it go away. I'm glad that he is a least there to help me calm down. He does everything in his power to help me feel better, and when I think about all he does for me I just feel so thankful to have someone who cares and who loves me.

He always willing to help me no matter what and I just wish he knew how much I appreciate it. I really want to make it up to him.


The eyes fluttered open. Mike wasn't beside me. I gazed over at the clock. It was 6am. Mike hates getting up early. He always sleeps in. Always. I shoved the covers off me and jumped out of bed.

"Mike? Mike?!" I yelled. Where was he?! I started to panic. I hated to be alone. Fear consumed my body and took over.

"MIKE?!" I felt a shiver down my spine. I put my hand on the back of my neck. Something wasn't right.

"MIKE?!" I screamed. "MIKE!" I broke down crying. Everything around me started to slowly disappear. All the monsters from my past stood before me.

"MIKE! MIKE!!!" My eyes widened in fear and I let a scream escape as the monsters approached.


Will shaked around violently. I could hear him saying my name.

"Mike.... Mike?"

He started screaming. He was having another nightmare. I shook him to wake him up.

"Will, it's Mike. I'm right here. It's ok, I promise." I empathized, growing more worried by the second.

"Will?! WILL WAKE UP!" I yelled. I slapped his face only to wake him up. His eyes imedently opened, and his pupils went small.


"I'm here Will. Are... Are you ok?" I asked him with a worried expression.

"I-yeah." He stuttered. Tears streamed down his face. I kissed him and hugged him tight. I could feel his body relax.

"Are you sure your ok?" I asked him again.

"Yes. It was a terrible dream though." He started shaking.

"Shhh. It's ok. As long as I'm here, no one can hurt you. I'll keep you safe." I tried to calm him down. I stroked his hair and held him tight. His breathing started to become more normal.

"I'm... I'm s-sorry." He said inbetween shaky breathes.

"Sweetie, why are you sorry? You did nothing wrong." I tell him.

Will looks at me in disbelief. His lips quivered.

"I promise you, that you did nothing wrong." I said again.

"Crazy together?" Will whisphered.

"Yes, crazy together and forever."

Will smiled. He knew I would always be with him no matter what.

Author's note: Hi guys! I made the playlist! Here's the link: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4FyGLQeHfZAUuAJYLyKCKL?si=sxpaGYKEQC2KPMVpOITL3g. I added more songs to it and I removed one of the songs I said would be on the playlist because it didn't fit in my opinion. Anyway, I hope you enjoy!

Picture link: https://pin.it/65B35GA

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