☆ Does it count? - Kili imagine

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"What are you doing here?" You heard the familiar voice speak from behind you. You inhaled the scent of the warm night and faced your chin toward the sky. It smelled of old leaves and pine. It was autumn in Lothórien. You watched as the clouds shifted lightly over the stars. You traced your fingers over the old wood of the bridge and brought your eyes back down. You leaned over to smile at the water flowing in no certain direction over the sharp rocks.

"The party's inside you know?" His voice decided to speak again. He spoke of the celebration of an elves engagement, not one you were particularly close with yet you knew through a few conversations. Everyone who resided in the area and out was invited for the evening. The joy it brought to Lothórien was unmatchable.

You nodded your head and sighed slightly before shifting yourself until you were looking at the source of the voice. It was an unmistakable voice, light and airy, filled with joy yet worry. Kili was always worried about where your head was at whenever he was around. Only you were to know that your head was filled with thoughts of him and no one else. Kili could only hope for it to be real.

"I know, I just needed some fresh air. There are literally elves running over my toes in there and children dancing with no thought. Got a bit messy if I do say." You took in his look for the night. His button down hung open over his chest, tucked into black slacks with a thin belt looped around his waist. A gold chain hung from his neck and a countless number of small and large rings wrapped themselves around his fingers. One stood out to you particularly. Its beauty was unsurfaced. It was gold and had a simple green jewel stuck in the center.  He wore it a lot and you never failed to love it.

He did not answer and you spun yourself back around to look out at the water once again. "Why you are out here is what we should be discussing." You said and picked at a leaf that had fallen onto the bridges ledge. You heard Kili take two steps until he stood beside you and leaned over attempting to reach the water which was silly to you because it was more than obvious that you two were too high up for that.

Yours and Kili's relationship was complicated. You had met quite some time ago when an elf maiden had brought you down to Lothórien to help mend a few broken bones of yours which had only been smashed through carelessness of yourself. Your clumsiness stood out to most. The Dwarves had been residing there for a while, making themselves at home when needed be. They would head out for weeks on end and return without word. They weren't homebodies but appreciated the generosity of the elves to them.

Kili and Fili along with their uncle Thorin, happened to be in Lothórien the day you rode in on the back of a horse behind a beautiful elf. You were human, raised in a small village and never encountered elves or other bodies unless they were passing through. "Who is that?" Fili asked without thought to how he may have come across as rude. You watched as Kili nudged him in the side as to say that he shouldn't have asked such, mainly because what business were you to them?

It was one of those complicated things. You and Kili, friends yet more. Nothing you really enjoyed thinking of. Everyone knew there were things going on between the girl and the dwarf yet kept to themselves. Elves were polite beings and shared joy in hoping you were to find something good in the dwarf they had taken in, or attempted to, as one of their own.

"I could say the same, though elves dancing and children stepping on toes would suit your phrase much more." His voice spoke, responding to one of your previously spoken thoughts, and snapped you out of your own dismay. You looked over and caught the dwarf grinning at you, finding himself very amusing.

"You do look stunning tonight." He turned his head, hoping you would take the compliment and not throw it back as you sometimes would. Kili wanted more out of what you had but he was patient. He knew you did too though wouldn't say. He would wait an eternity for you whether he were to admit it to a friend, foe or not at all.

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