
"Hey Penguin! Whats wrong?! Why are crying?"

"Wonwoo, tomorrow i want divorce file from my lawyer. I cant stand it anymore. It so hurt Wonwoo-ya. Please help me and i dont have any place to live. What suppose me and my child live. I dont even have money.*cry* Wonwoo help me im tired."

"You wait at near park there. I will go pick you and back to my home."

Wonwoo who had just done showered pick his phone when he saw his ex crush called. He also try to cheer him up to realize that they are just bestfriend.

When he heard what just she told he quickly take his jacket and drive to pick her. Also he feel burn at his heart knowing that Jimin , demon man make his bestfriends hurt and suffer in pain.

When he arrive there, he search her like hell. Then he saw her and run to her.


She turn and quickly hug him but not too tight because aware of her 5 months pregnancy.

He also carefull about that and release their hug. He check her to make sure she not hurt.

"Wonwoo-ya i wanna go away from this.*cry sobbingly*"

"Im here, pumpkin. Now lets go, you need some rest. Its not good for your condition and health when you standing for too long."

He help her carry her bag to his car and drove them to his house.

When they arrive there, Wonwoo told Mina to sleep for a while. He show her guest room and make sure she rest well.

While she was asleep, he tidy his house a bit and go out for a while. He actually go to near shop buy some heavy but healthy food for them.

Then he quickly back home and heat it. When the clock was 3 o'clock, he slowly walk to her room and open her door silently.

He woke her up and slowly help her walk to dining room. Then while they eat, Wonwoo stare her and admiring her face.

"Mina, whats your plan right now?"

"Im planning to divorce him tomorrow. And i will work part time to raise my own life. And to take care my child alone. Actually i have been plan this since i was first month pregnant."

They both silence until Wonwoo speak,

"Actually... You dont need to work."

Mina look up and raise her eyebrow.

"You will live here at my house. I live alone here and you know my sister, Seulgi know you well since we were young. Ofc she doesnt even mind if you here when she visit here on weekend. Work? Its not good for you because, look , you are 5 months preggy and still wanna make sure you can do some works? Hell no, Mina. You are not alone. And about lawyer? Yes i think you should call Mingyu. He the best lawyer we knew since its your cousin and my bestie meanie. Seulgi is a doctor and i will tell her to take care of you during your pregnancy. You deserve to be happy, Pumpkin."

Mina then start to cry. Her heart was touch by hearing what Wonwoo said.

"Wonwoo.... I have something to tell you. I keep this since we admit we are bestfriends."

Wonwoo slowly sit beside her. He stare at her and wait her to speak.

"I.... i actually... i actually falling in love.... with you, Wonwoo." She close her eyes feeling nervous.

Wonwoo was stunned like stone. He cant believe that his love are not one side. He cant believe that word was out from Mina's mouth.

"Mina.... i also falling in love with you. Knowing you will get married break my heart. Thats another reason why i cant go during your marriege because i cant accept that i have to let you go for another man."

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