"If your having a really tough day, then maybe bring it up to your brothers that you aren't feeling well and if you have school that day then ask to take a time off, I'm sure they won't mind." She adds, and I nod, blinking my eyes open a few times.

"They're usually really good about that, they know how crappy it is," I say, and she nods too, still playing with my hair.

"Come downstairs with me and I'll make you a tea and heat up a hot water bottle, we can talk more when you're comfortable." She stands up, grabbing my hand and helping me up.

Soon enough, we're curled up on the couch in blankets, a hot water bottle on my stomach and a cup of tea in my hand, and I already start to feel better.

"Thank you so much, Mrs. Olson, I really appreciate this." I tell her honestly, and she smiles, kissing the top of my head and putting her arm around my shoulders.

"Don't worry about it, sweet pea. And I know you have your sister in law and she's like a sister to you, but if you ever need to girl talk with somebody, I'm here. I don't want you to ever think you're a burden or anything short of an absolute pleasure to be around and talk with, Maddie. You're a beautiful girl and you have an beautiful heart." She cups my cheek, making me look at her, and kisses my forehead.

"Thank you," I feel pressure behind my eyes, a big smile on my face, and she smiles back.

"And I've told you, call me Phoebe. We're friends." She says teasingly once she's dropped her hands, bumping her shoulder into mine, and I giggle a little.

"Well, thank you, Phoebe."

"Sam told me one of your friends is staying with you, that's pretty exciting. Has it been nice to have her around?" She says brightly, and I nod, smiling.

"Amelia has been my best friend my whole life, it was really hard not having her around but I'm glad she's back. She's a little annoying sometimes, but I love her to death."

"Is she staying for long?" She asks, gently fixing the sleeve of my shirt in such a motherly way it almost hurts.

Fuck, having a mom around, literally any mom, feels nice.

"Well, um, her parents kind of kicked her out, so as long as she likes really. She isn't a bad kid or anything, she's really sweet, she just- she's dating the guy who's like a brother to me and he's a really great guy too-" I ramble, and she smiles softly at this, making me stop.

"She's pregnant and her parents took the news terribly, so we offered to let her stay with us. She's not irresponsible or anything usually, but life happens and this is life for her I guess. She's really a great girl, I promise," I add, and she brushes my hair off my cheek, the smile still stuck to her face.

"You don't have to justify anything, Maddie, I understand. Louis has told me how hard it was having Sammy when he was young, I'm not going to judge you or her, she's clearly trying her best to get her life on track and that's already amazing for someone so young."

Letting out a small sigh, I relax. I'm not sure why her opinion was so important to me, but it feels great knowing she's supportive.

I mean, if she was bad about it of course I would've stood up for Lia, but I like knowing she's one of the good parents.

"And please, if she needs anything before the baby comes or even after, don't hesitate to tell her that I'm here and more than happy to help. I've never been pregnant before, I'm sure Sam has filled you in on that, but I've had Rory since he was born and I've gotten a little bit of experience with newborns under my belt. I'll try my best to help with anything I can." She offers kindly, and I nod, smiling a little.

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