Ready To Go

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"Morning!" Aina cheers, chortling as Levine grunts. She just laughs harder as her brother’s thick arms wrap around him, holding Nani in a lock as he rolls over and stuffs Aina down against the bed.

"Go back to bed, An," Levi says blearily.

"Can't. Orientation, 'member?"


After a few thundering steps towards the kitchen, Jodi Jackson happened to be lying in the floor.

"What happened here?" Levi asks, sounding tired. The body on the floor twitches, and Jodi sits up quickly enough she sways, blinking at them.

"Wha?" she asks, squinting.

Levi gives a resigned look.

He rolled up his metaphorical sleeves- he has yet to put on real clothes yet, still in a tank top- and do what needs to be done.

Levi plucks Jo's skinny butt off the floor and hikes her over his shoulder, placing the girl into a chair.

Sonya and Jamal, there younger siblings are relatively easy to wrangle, too. Unfortunately, last night they said their goodbyes to their sister and brother.

Levi made them two plates of pancakes and scrambled eggs and placed it front of them.

He takes his seat at the head of the table, stealing Aina's toast just as he’s about to bite into it and pretending not to see the offense in his sister's face; which she retributed by hogging all of the orange juice and apple sauce.

It's nice. This is nice. Looking around, Aina takes in the part of her family. Her brother and… Jodi, who blends perfectly into the ambience of the loud, messy breakfast time.

That's when the doorbell rung, and Levine dashed out of his seat and the girls glance at each other before getting dressed.


Aina rushed through the halls wearing blue jeans with a cyan t-shirt, and seafoam sneakers with Jodi who was in green Cargo pants with combat boots and a black hoodie over her shirt.

They came up to the doorway to Levi hugging none other than, Bradley Uppercrust the Third. Pulling out of the hug, Bradley gave her a smile.

"Hey, Brad." Aina said deadpanned.

"Hey, Nana how's it going?" The brunette embraced her long enough for Aina to hug back before getting out of his embrace. He then jingled his keys.

"Ready to go?"


The day before going to college, the guys and I are practicing on our homemade course in Mr. Goof's backyard. P.J.'s riding his bicycle. Max skateboarding down his half pipe. Bobby's casually rollerblading through cones.

Meanwhile, Goofy prepared their party as he tried, but failed, to put up a [Good Luck At College]. As the man kept trying, some of the tape rolled down Pete's leg as he was barbequing. Goofy yanked the tape and caused the heavyset man to trip and himself wrapped in the tape. Goofy fell onto the ground, and the banner he had put up fell on him.

Max, PJ and Bobby stopped to take a break from skating to talk about their future in college. Pj was working on his bike while Bobby and Max sat on the ramp.

"Do you realize going off to college means no more...well-meaning, but totally smothering, overprotective, doting, ah-yucking dads?" Max asked with slight annoyance and excitement.

"Yeah, well, yours at least, my dad's been counting down the days until he can turn my bedroom into a bowling alley," Oh groaned, rolling his eyes.

Where We Left Off (A Max Goof Love Story)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang