Chapter 8

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I woke up in extreme pain. I was 9 months pregnant now. George woke up.

"Ya al'ight, doll?"He asked.

I groaned and held my stomach. He grabbed my hand and we got into his car. At the hospital they put me in a bed.

"We're having a baby,"George stroked my hair.

A couple hours later I held our daughter in my arms.

"How about Ariel Makenna Harrison?"I asked.

"Perfect,"He smiled.

My phone rang. I answered it.

"Mackenzie, it's Paul."

"Hey Paul."

"J-John's gone,"He said.

I dropped the phone and started sobbing.

"Mummy, what's wrong?"Ariel asked.

George walked in.


"John's gone,"I stood up.

He hugged me and Ariel held my legs.

"Daddy!"Dhani yelled.

We had three year old son and seven year old daughter. Harmony was sixteen and Jesse was 7.

George had lung cancer from smoking to much. He was in the hospital and I was with the kids and grandkids. The doctor walked out and sighed.

"I'm sorry for your loss,"He said.

I sobbed. Jesse and Ariel hugged each other and their kids.

I was nominated into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame along with Ringo. The kids were excited. Nothing was the same without George or John. Paul was there with Harmony and Kaihlan.

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