
19 1 8

"Bye mom! Bye dad!" Ched yelled as she ran out of the house, waving to Tresa as she ran to the silver Vespa.

"Morning Ched, hope your afternoon is cleared of plans. We've got some....things to take care of" Tresa said as she handed Ched her helmet.

"My afternoon is totally free" Ched put on the helmet and got onto the Vespa. Tresa smiled and started driving to school with Ched holding onto her. Once they made it to school, Tresa parked the Vespa and the two got off and walked into school. Where they saw Stanley by his locker as the same two guys were obviously tormenting him with words. They were messing with his hair, the one with the sun kissed skin, icy blue eyes and sun blonde hair laughed and the other who had olive skin, deep brown eyes and raven hair kicked Stanley in the ankle. Ched grumbled "are those the things to take care of?" She asked as they watched from afar.

"Yeah, I don't want you messing with them during school or they'll get suspicious." Tresa said as she pulled out her phone.

Ched looked at Tresa a bit confused "you say that as if you plan to meet up with them." "I do, I ran into both of them after school yesterday and asked to meet them behind the school after the last class. They think they're going on a date with you and I but they are really just walking into a death trap." Tresa said as she went through her notes on her phone. Ched nodded slowly "got it, so no actual date?" "No actual date."

(Why not go to Stanley)
Stanley sighed as the two dumbathes (I choose to kinda censor it) laughed. Though he was so irritated that he didn't hear Alec speak(blonde).

"Hey! My buddy Alec here just asked you a question." (☆〜(ゝ。∂) )

"Don't worry Leon, we'll deal with him after school. Obviously, we didn't get our little lesson through his head last time." Alec said as he grinned. "We can't though, we have that behind the school date with those two weird hot babes." Leon quickly said. Alec nodded "you're right, I forgot about that. We'll deal with you tomorrow after school then." Stanley slammed his locker shut and accidentally squished Leon'a hand "oh mushrooms! I'm sorry!" He was truly sorry, sadly. Leon crumbled to the ground, holding his now throbbing hand "you are so lucky there are teachers and students around or I would beat your ass!" Alec said as he helped Leon up to the infirmary. Stanley snickered a bit but quickly stopped as the bell rang for class.

After school had ended, Tresa and Ched walked out of the building and walked to the back of the school where Alec and Leon were both smoking some weed. Alec looked over at the two and grinned "hey hotties, come over here and smoke with us before we get down to the dirty." Alec, being a disgusting perv gripped his groin but Leon slapped his hand. "You're gonna scare them away idiot!" Leon yelled, the two men started to argue. Tresa quickly spoke up in a seductive tone "don't worry~ who said we don't like freaky stuff~?" She walked over to Alec and put her arms around his neck "let me get a hit~" he handed her the blunt and she gratefully took it.

Ched looked over at Leon who was just staring at Alec and Tresa. She quickly walked over to Leon and sweetly smiled at him "hey~ stop staring at them and kiss me~" she cooed. Leon looked at Ched and smiled at her before leaning in to kiss her but before he could even touch her lips, Ched pulled out a knife from her side bag and slit Leon's throat. Blood started gushing out, Ched turned around and that's when Tresa put the lit blunt on Alec's neck and he tried screaming but she put her hand over his mouth as he fell to the ground slowly.

"Go ahead and cut the limbs apart, I'll get that wagon thing from the gardening shack." Tresa said to Ched before walking towards the gardening area on the side of the school. No one in the club was supposed to be there but Stanley was there talking with a girl. He saw Tresa from the side of his eye "hey Tresa!" Stanley hollered, Tresa looked over to them and smiled "hey Stanley!" she ran over to Stanley "who's this? Your girlfriend~?" She teased. Stanley laughed nervously "nope, just a friend. Kymora here is the president of the self defense club." Kymora waved "It's nice to meet you Tresa, you can call me Kymi. I should get going, don't forget about the twenty roses Stan" "I gotcha, have a nice evening Kymi" Stanley waved as Kymora walked off "Cya Kymi!" Tresa quickly hollered before looking back at Stanley "I'm just here for the wagon"

"You doing some gardening work?" Stanley asked as he led Tresa to the area with the wagon.

"You can say that" Tresa replied as she grabbed the wagon.

"Well you have fun with that." Stanley said "thanks! See you tomorrow Stanley" Tresa pulled the wagon to the back of the school after making sure no one saw. When she got to the back of the school, Ched was cutting of one more limb off of Leon which was his arm. She smiled psychotically "this knife isn't my best but it's all I could sneak, we had to do this quickly" Ched said as she watched the blood gush out, she was surrounded and splattered by blood. She began cutting of Leon's fingers one by one, she was overwhelmed by excitement and adrenaline. "It's good enough, help me get the parts onto here."

Ched put down the knife and started picking up each limb with Tresa. The situation was very messy and well....bloody. The grass was painted with red like the white flowers in Alice in wonderland.
After getting all of the limbs onto the wagon, Tresa pulled it out to the forest that was right behind the school and that's where they buried the bodies six feet under. Tresa luckily had already had a shovel prepared so there was no need to walk back to the gardening club place looking all bloody.

They threw the cut up body into the hole and planted back the dirt. Tresa and Ched both ran to the gardening area with the wagon without being seen, they turned on the hose and got all the blood off of their skin, out of their hair, and out of the wagon. They went back to the back of the school where they had a backpack, the two change into their spare clothes and just put the bloody clothes into the black backpack. Black so the blood wouldn't show.

The two headed to Ched's house afterwards where they just finished some homework and played among us.

My brain hurts

The love of a kill [Completed]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum