-Authors Note-

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So, there are two things I wanna say.
First off, holy shit 117 reads?! Thank you so much, I didn't expect to get that many! To the people that have been reading this book since the beginning, you are very appreciated. Also, when you vote on my books, or add it to your reading list, I stalk your account. I read your books, some of you, I know by username.
Secondly, just wanna say sorry for not posting. I haven't had my phone much, and I've been procrastinating a lot. I'm currently using another device to write this story, so my writing might change a bit. It will go back to normal in a little while though.
I am truly sorry to the people who wanted an update, I will get one out soon. That's all for now folks, and again, thank you so much for all of your support.

Author-san, out!

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