Chapter 26

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"I'm Terra Jones with Channel 6 Action News and I'm here at the Silver City barricade. Just hours ago the mysterious warrior nicknamed The Reaper was gravely wounded. We have just received word that he is recovering and is expected to..."

The steady blip of a heartbeat monitor was the only thing Grim heard. He opened his eyes and looked around him. He was able to push himself up onto his elbows but an alarm started to beep. A doctor and Nadia came into the room.

"Lay down Grim." Nadia said gently pushing him back down.

"We have to go, we don't have time to sit around."

"I would listen to the lady young man. Your body may have been able to heal from its wounds but you are in no condition to fight."

"I'll be fine." He said trying to sit up.

"You can't use your powers Grim. The blades were coated in a poison that is blocking our connection to the Death Gate. Until it wears off we're stuck as normal human beings. Or at least as normal as a suicidal maniac and a scythe can be." She said.

"If my wounds are healed at least let me get up." He held out his hand and Nadia grabbed it pulling him up. He gasped a little as some of the scabs on his back cracked.  "What's all of this for." He said motioning to all of the bandages around his chest and arms.

"You're body has an amazing ability to repair itself but there must have been too much damage. Most of your injuries have been lessened and scabbed over but you are still at risk of a secondary infection. I recommend that you keep the bandages on and change them every couple hours."

"Thank you doctor." Nadia said as she helped Grim out of bed. Grim held himself up with the bed and noticed his right hand was covered.

"At least that's one thing I don't have to worry about." He thought. Carefully he slid his jacket, ignoring his tattered shirt. He looked like a mummy with all the bandages wrapped around his arms, neck, and chest. He stepped outside of the tent and was blinded by the afternoon sun. "How long was I out?"

"Day and a half." Nadia said exiting behind him. "Here's your gear." She handed him his pistol holsters and his mask, which he immediately put on. He left his mask around his neck.

"Reaper a few words please." The reporter from the day before ran towards him.

"Only a few questions please, I'm not at 100% yet."

"Of course. So we have heard from a few people that your real name is Grim and you were a student in Silver city, is this true?"

"Yes, my real name is Grim and I use to work with a few other students."

"Is there anyway we can talk to them?"

"No, three of us are dead and I do not know where to find the other two." The reporter turned to Nadia.

"So who are you?"

"I'm Nadia, Grim's partner."

"So how are you two able to fight these things?"

"I have the ability to become a weapon that Grim uses to kill the creatures."

"Is it advanced science or is magic real?"

"It is magic and it is more real than you think. Many people can do it but they never receive the training they need to use it."

"So who do you work for?"

Grim stumbled a little and Nadia steadied him.

"I'm sorry but as much as he wishes he was Grim isn't quiet back to normal yet. We can answer some more questions another time."

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