Chapter 4

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"First off Lord Death is the only word that matters. Whatever he wants us to be completed at any cost. He gave us this power and gave us all second chances, so we serve him to the death." Grim said.

"We have two main powers Death's Field and Death's Gate. Death's field allows us to drag anything we are hunting into the dark world. Not only can we battle it without destroying half the city, but the only people the creature can target are those who are sleeping and their souls have entered the dark world.  Death's Gate grants us access to Lord Death's pool of energy. We can take the power and amplify our abilities but if we you use to much we risk burning out our souls and ceasing to exist."

"What?" Nadia reply, slightly alarmed.

"Chill, most of us can't even open the gate that far." Selena said.

"One of our most useful skills is the Stigma. A little side talent that Lord Death gave us. In Katie, James, and Ryans' case it's the ability to turn into weapons. I have my blur ability."

Ryan tossed an apple behind her into the room. Grim blurred across the room and within a second he was standing in the same spot eating the apple.

"Elizabeth ran condense a tremendous amount of power into a single shot that to this day has never missed and Selena can turn herself invisible."

"How do know when something breaks into this world?" Nadia asked.

"Right." Katie tossed her a black smartphone with a green skull on the back. "It will ring when ever we have a job."

"Foods ready." Ryan said as she slid one last plate onto the counter. Piles of breadsticks and pots of spaghetti were tall enough to feed a small army.

"That is a lot of food." Nadia said as the others grabbed plates and attacked the pile.

"Fight demons and monsters works up an apitite. Plus considering I can count the number of times I've gotten a full nights sleep this month on one hand it's nice to have something for a midnight snack." Ryan said. "Grab something to eat, you're going to need it."

Nadia got a plate and sat down with the others around the couch.

"Are you going to the game tonight?" James asked. She looked at him puzzled. "Football. Our school has a football team."

"I guess, never really seen any American football before."

"You're coming too Grim." Katie said firmly.

"But I don't wanna." He moaned.

"Then I guess you don't want your dessert." She said with a sly smile.

"Keep it in the bedroom you two." Elizabeth said. They all laughed. "Babe where are my cigarettes?"

"Here." Ryan said throwing her a pack from the cupboard.

"You guys can smoke?"

"Lord Death keeps us stocked on anything we want. Food, alcohol, cigarettes, condoms, anything except drugs we can get. I just smoke to calm my nerves and it helps with the twitch in my arm."

She pulled up her sleeve and the ruined veins in her arm flashed green. She lit a cigarette and sat back in her chair.

"Time to go guys." Katie said.

They dropped their plates in the sink and grabbed jackets. They walked back to the school, flashing their ID's at the gate. They grabbed their usual spots at the top corner of the bleachers. The game started and they all relaxed a little.

Nadia observed the way the others acted around each other. Grim never seemed to want to look up from his book, while Selena was absorbed into the game. Elizabeth and Ryan were alternating between looking at their phones, watching the game, all while talking about some parady video they watched. She noticed that they were holding hands but they kept their hands hidden. The game was going well when they felt the spike, something was breaking free.

"We got it. Deploying Death Field." Elizabeth said as she and Ryan disappeared.

"Should we help them?"

"That wasn't a big spike in the local energy field, more of a nuisance than a danger." Grim said. The duo reappeared before the play was over.

"Just some stupid demon trying to play boogieman." Elizabeth said almost bored.

They all were very accepting and brought Nadia into the fold immediately. She was glad she finally found somewhere she belonged.


Deep in the underworld the creature pulled it's self from the ocean of misery that divided up the underworld. It's master had taken over one of the islands, absorbing the ocupant and corrupting the island. It bowed in front of the shade from an enormous black cherry tree.

"Master, we have found a place to breach. A condensed area with lots of young humans. There are seven hunters, three pairs and a glyph wielder. One of them uses a rifle." The creature said rubbing the area were the Hunter had ripped him in half with one shot.

"Good, tell Myst that her target is the Glyph Wielder." Said a silky smooth yet seductive voice. The creature huried away and it's master called for her gaurdian. "Venom!"

Almost instantly a figure jumped down from the tree above her. It wore an elongated  helmet and tactical military gear. It's masculine body was covered in black and grey camoflouge. The purple visor of it's helmet look directly into the shadows.

"Yes milady."

"The one with the scythe, isolate him, wear him down, but don't break him. Soon he will be at his strongest but most vulnerable state and I will collect what I was denied so long ago."

"As you wish." He launched himself into the ocean with a back flip.

"Soon everything will come to fruition and that fool Death will suffer for trapping me in this forsaken realm."

She rose from her throne and stepped out of the shadows.

4,343 words down.

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