Chp 8

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I wasn't exactly waiting for Tsukishima to text me, but I was expecting it. It wasn't for very long, but we had been talking a lot. Sometimes he'd call to ask how school was going for me. Other times he'd send a stupid picture.

At morning practice, Tsukishima looked incredibly tired. Yamaguchi kept repeating to him, "Tsukki, just go home and rest." But he never responded. 

They were going in circles to let Sugawara and Kageyama practice their sets, and every time it came to Tsukishima's turn, he would hit them with everything he had. The clap the ball made with the floor caught everyone by surprise. 

Practice ended, and everyone rushed to class. Tsukishima was the last to leave the gym and the last to leave the club room. I watched as he walked out. Instantly putting on his headphone and dug his hands into his pockets. 

I pondered on his actions for the rest of the day. He's been acting weird ever since that night we walked home together. He basically told me he was interested in me and opened up, and now he's completely closed off again. 

The final bell rang, telling all the mentally tired students that school was finally over. We thanked the teacher, and I threw my arms up. I stretched backward and sighed. 

I want to talk to Tsukishima.

Yui came running to my classroom. "Let's walk home together! I want food!" She said, full of excitement. She threw her arms up into the air, her radiate smile almost convincing me to go. "I have to go to the volleyball club today. Plus, I need to talk to Tsukishima." 

She fake-pouted and stuck her tongue out at me. "Boo!" She poked my side and waved goodbye to me. 

I felt a little bit bad for dismissing her like that, but I really need to talk to him, just for some sort of answer. 

I searched the halls for him, but he was nowhere to be found. I checked down the hall. I usually see him when I go back to class after lunch, but he wasn't there either. 

I sighed and turned around quickly, almost bumping into him. "Oh, Tsukishima. I was looking for you."

He raised an eyebrow but never said a word. "I just wanted to know if you were okay." I stepped back a little. His gaze was as intense as ever. 

"I'm fine. You bump into everyone. Stop being so clumsy dumbass." He breathed out before he walked away. I reached out to grab his sleeve, but he pulled his arm away. "What are you doing?" He yelled.

"I was just worried about you. You were acting off for a while and especially during practice. I just wanted to make sure you were okay." I said, a bit annoyed. The way he yelled made me a bit defensive in my response. 

"Worried? Y/N, I'm fine. I'm not your responsibility. Just mind your business, okay? You're not even the official manager. It's just a stupid club anyway. Leave me alone." He spat out his words. 

"Stupid club? That's not how you-" 

His voice rose a bit louder. "I was just talking stupid that night! You can't tell me how I feel! It's just a club. You didn't actually believe what I said, did you? You're more stupid than you look." The words came out of his mouth like they were poison. 

"Is that how you really feel?" I whispered, drawing my gaze to the floor. "Yes, it is." Just for those words, I heard the regret already in his tone. 

I managed a fake laugh. "Alright then. If that's how you really feel. I'll leave you alone." 

I felt regretful and wanted to cry. They poked my eyes, begging me to be let out. I turned away from him before he could see. 

My footsteps were small at first but gradually got larger, and before I knew it, I was running away. I ran with no real purpose. I felt foolish for having high hopes for my relationship with him. 

"Y/N! Wait!" I heard his voice echoing behind me, but his face is the last one I wanted to see. 

With my eyes shut tightly and my head is drawn to the floor, I bumped into someone. 

"Y/N? What's wrong? Why were you running?" I knew by the voice that it was my brother. I hugged him by instinct. 

I was always close with him. So those tears that wanted to leave my eyes trickled out little by little. "Hey, what's wrong." He cooed, hugging me back. 

"Y/N." Tsukishima yelled as he reached me, realizing I wasn't alone. Guilt was written all over his face. Ryu wasn't stupid. He connected the dots really easily. 

"He made you cry." He bellowed a laugh. His smile dropped in an instant as his intense eyes locked onto Tsukishima. "What'd you do." He let me go and stalked to Tsukishima. 

"I knew something was going on; I just didn't know with who. Now that I know it's you, it just makes me incredibly pissed off." 

"No. It's nothing like that. Just please let me talk to her." Tsukishima said. His voice was a bit broken, and he never looked at Ryu. His eyes were focusing on me. 

"Nothing like that?" I laughed a little, wiping tears from my eyes. 

"Y/N. Please let me explain." Tsukishima pleaded. I stepped forward, and Ryu put his arm out. "You did this." He pointed at Tsukishima. A look was way more intense than he has ever given. 

"You made her cry, and by that already, you don't deserve her. Stay away from her." He took my wrist and dragged me away from him. 

I looked back at him and saw Tsukishima clenched his fist and looked like he was choking back words. He looked up from the ground and punched the nearby wall. He brought his fist back, and I saw little blood drops fall onto the floor. 


MORE ANGST bahaha love it.

author here - yes i really love angst. and stories that don't end very happy. they make me feel....alive lmao

anyway - thank you for enjoying. means a lot:) 

bye bye:) 

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