Chp 1

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The loud but serene bell rang, signaling the end of class. My head fell off my arm that was supporting it. I was falling asleep in math again for the 1000th time. 

"Clean up before lunch." The teacher announced. "Yes!" Some groans while others sounded bright. The mixture of moods was enough to make the teacher roll their eyes on their way out. Who can even like math? I  was convinced anyone who likes math loves to torture themselves. 

"Y/N!" My best friend, Nakaya Yui, called out. She stood at the doorway waving her hand. Her smiling radiating into everyone's heart. "I'm coming," I shouted back. I let out a big yawn. The perfect type of yawn. The one where tears formed at the edge of your eyes. "C'mon!" I shook my hand at her. I collected my lunch from my bag and walked her way. 

The sun shining behind her blinded me. She tucked her long, shiny black hair behind her ear and twirled around. "I'm so hungry." She stretched her arms, trying to balance her lunch on top of her head. The bracelets on her wrist chimed against the other.

"Did you see? That pretty 3rd year was around the 1st year hall again. I wonder what she wants." She gave me a side-eyed view. I rolled my eyes. "Don't play dumb. You know I don't want to do it."  I sighed and opened my lunch. That "pretty 3rd year" was Kiyoko Shimizu.

She and my brother, Ryu Tanaka, have been yelling at me for weeks to be the new volleyball manager. It just honestly seems like so much work, though. Plus, I'm in the student council. I can't ditch those duties so thoughtlessly.

"You should just do it, Y/N." She shoved food into her mouth and smiled. "That's too much work. Plus, school is already all I have to think about. I am on the student council. What kind of student would I be if I left the student council for a volleyball club." 

She rolled her eyes. "You don't even like being on the student council. You always complain about how big of snobs they are. Especially the president." I shoved more food in my mouth. I didn't want to have this conversation again. 

Of course, she was right. I was guilt-tripped into the student council. Leaving to support my brother doesn't sound so bad. I didn't want to see one particle person so often. 

We rest of lunch was spent like usual. Casually talking about a pointless thing that would make us laugh till our stomachs hurt. Usually, people around us would start to leave because of how loud we were. Their loss we're hilarious. 

"Oh, before I forget. I can't walk home with you today. Ryu wants to talk to me after school. About the club, and I promised him I would at least listen and see what being manager was all about so." My voiced trailed off. 

I wasn't excited but I knew I should give them a definite answer soon. Yui nodded her head. "It's okay. Loverboy asked to take me home anyway." My mouth formed an "O." I smiled and nudged her slightly. "So it's finally happening with him?" She blushed. "Yes. Finally! Soon we don't have to his code name." She laughed and covered her mouth. Wrinkles formed in the corners of her eyes. I loved it when she laughs. It amazed me how her crush didn't notice her sooner. 

But boys can be idiotic.

The bell rang and ruined our moment of bliss. "Let's go, smart girl. It's the time where we 'accidentally' walk past beanpole and you 'accidentally' stare at him while he walks by." 

I faint blush dusted my cheeks. "It is an accident. We just happen to walk in the same path everyday." I said bluntly. Yui rolled her bright brown eyes. "Whatever Y/N." She smiled smugly and walked on ahead of me. 

I walked behind her for a short time before I caught up to her a tugged her shirt. "Don't leave me behind, jerk." She waved me off, and as I looked away from her, I caught a swift glance at the very beanpole I was frightened to see.

Yui smiled smugly again and walked a bit faster. My arm was outstretched in front of me as I was clinging hard to her shirt. He walked right past me, not giving me as much as a sideways glance. His best friend right beside him, hands tucked deep in his pockets, and his headphones wrapped nicely around his neck.

"Tsukki! That's great!" His best friend yelled out. Hearing his nickname made my heart flutter. Thank god he was behind me, and I couldn't see my blush creeping up my face. 

"There are your few seconds of pure serotonin." Yui sighed and finally walked by my side. "I hate when you do that." My hands clenched the hem of my skirt. "You need to talk to him. You've liked him since the first game, yo-" I covered her mouth with my hand. She licked it. "Don't lick me!" I screamed, and she laughed loud and hard. Covering her stomach with her arms. "I'm sorry I forgot—no talking about beanpole in the halls because then people will know. I forgot. My bad." She wiped the tears at the corners of the eyes. She waved bye and disappeared into her class. Immediately running up her crush. I smiled at the sight. Hopefully, something like that will happen for me soon. Fantasizing wasn't enough anymore.

The school day ended quickly. I stretched out my arms and laid my back on the empty desk behind me. "Finally." I sighed and closed my eyes. 

I guess I should start heading to the volleyball gym. I stood in front of the door and breathed in deeply, closing my eyes for just a moment.

 "Y/N!" I heard my brothers deep obnoxious voice. "Hi, Ryu." I sighed and opened my eyes. He stood at the doorway with his arm leaning on the side. "C'mon. Kiyoko is waiting for you." He blushed at her name. He couldn't even hide her admiration for her anymore.

"Hi, Kiyoko." I smiled, and she did as well. She seemed relieved at the sight of me. "Thank you for considering this. It's been rough trying to find a new manager. But I want to do my job well." She smiled lightly to herself. 

"Ryu! Kiyoko just smiled!" I heard Nishinoya yell. My brother was already facing us and wiped fake tears from his eyes. "Thank you, God, for this sight." I laughed and rolled my eyes. "You dork." I walked over to him and lightly hit his head. 

"Hi, Noya." I looked over in his direction and gave him a high five. "Hi Y/N. Are you finally becoming our manager?" He held his arms above his head, stretching them. "I'm not too sure yet. I'm just checking things out for today." He nodded his head and ran over to Hinata, who had just entered the gym with Kageyama by his side. "Shoyo!" He shouted. I smiled and walked back over to Kiyoko, who began explaining the rules and what a manager does.

My attention was tore for Kiyoko's voice as Tsukishima finally entered the gym. "Hi guys." Yamaguchi and Tsukishima both said in unison. They walked in confidently and placed their water bottles down. Tsukishima changed his glasses and carefully placed them on the floor. I admired the sight. He seemed to move in slow motion. He snapped the elastic behind his head. He looked so serene doing so. The same stern look on his face, and I somehow was stuck on it.

"Y/N. You got all that." I suddenly snapped back into reality. "O-Oh yeah." The coach busted into the gym and ordered them to line up. They all did as they were told. 

"Just follow my steps today, okay?" I nodded my head.

Hopefully, everything goes fine. I was just shadowing. What could go so wrong?


author here! - im gonna fix this story now! about time ik. im sorry! i was writing my other story but im gonna take a break from it and focus on fixing this GROSS STORY

im sorry for your notifications haha but I'm just fixing small stuff like clarifying and taking in some of your suggestions! i will also be changing chapter titles! i will also probably be including more of Yui sooo :) 

 so thank you for giving this story so much love

- cough cough - show that energy to my other story, soiled.  -COUGH-

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