Chapter 16: Another Call

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I wake up in the familiar bed that I missed. I was about to get up, when I felt Pietro's arms wrapped around my waist, and his warm breath on the back of my neck. I smile to myself, and grab my phone, staying in the position in the bed.

I scroll through my phone for a while, checking emails, social media, and reply to text. I stopped when I felt Pietro move, and groan. I chuckle, and turn around to face his way. "Morning baby," I whisper, and he hums in response.

"How long were you up for?" he mutters in his raspy voice.

"Not for that long," I reply. I grab my phone again and realized it's 10:23. I sit up in the bed, rubbing my eyes. "We should get up before we stay the whole day in bed."

"And why wouldn't we want that?" Pietro says with a smirk. I lean down a kiss his lips quickly.

"Get up you lazy ass," I say as I get out of bed, and I hear Pietro groan. I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and hair, and put on a t-shirt and shorts. I go to the kitchen, getting ready to make something for breakfast. I text Wanda, letting her know that her and Vision can come over for breakfast.

Eventually Pietro came out of our room, and sat down at the kitchen counter. Then, Wanda and Vision walk into the apartment, standing across from Pietro. "So what do you want for breakfast?" I ask.

They suggested eggs and bacon, so that's what I decided to make. I got out the ingredients, and started cooking. It didn't take long until I finished cooking, and we were all sitting down eating, and talking.

"I'm telling you, one day you will be able to create a sonic bomb if your speed keeps increasing like it is," Vision says to Pietro, and he smirks, taking another bite of food. Then my phone rings, and I see Ross's contact name appear.

I show it to everyone, indicating that to shut up. I pick up the phone, put it on speaker and say, "Hey Boss."

"Agent Romanoff, do you know where Vision is? His location says he's in Scotland, so is he with you?" Ross says, and my eyes go straight to Vision.

"Yea, he's right here give me a second," I say, and then put the phone on mute. "Just be yourself, no pressure. Don't give anything away about their location." I take the phone off of mute, and point it towards Vision's way.

"Hello Mr. Secretary of State. Is everything alright?" he asks, my nerves increase. He's based on an AI, he is supposed to tell nothing but facts. Let's hope my guess is right that he is beginning to gain human traits, mostly lying.

"Just making sure you were alright. Will you be staying with Romanoff for the time being?" he asks.

"Yes, I'll be with Ms. Romanoff in Scotland unless I'm needed," Vision says.

"So she really isn't keeping the Maximoff twins there like we thought?" Ross says, and I tense up, and I can tell the twins do too.

Vision pauses for a second, and I can tell he is thinking of the best way to answer. "Uh, no sir, she is not keeping them here," Vision says, and I shoot him a smile.

"Is there anything else you need?" I ask.

"Yea, I actually wanted to give you another mission," he says, and I tense up. Pietro was about to say something, when Wanda slapped her hand over his mouth, preventing him from speaking.

"What's the mission?" I ask.

"Well, it's a simple mission, though you might want something to do instead of Scotland besides sitting around all day," Ross says. "There is a person named Peter Parker, remember him?"

"Yes I do, the Spider-ling," I say, recalling picking him up with Tony.

"Well, apparently a guy named Adrian Toomes will be on Staten Island Furry in 2 days time. He reportedly has alien-like weapons who are similar to the ones in the battle of New York. We want to send you incharge with a FBI organization group to get him and the weapons," Ross says, and I sigh, knowing I'm going to have to leave again.

"A teenager reported this?" I ask, and he confirms. "What if he's just making stuff up?"

"Tony trusts him," Ross says.

"Since when do you trust Tony," I ask.

"I don't, but if he is telling the truth, this stuff can be highly dangerous in the wrong hands. Are you in?" Ross asks.

"Yea, I'm in. I'll take a jet over there tomorrow," I say, and hang up the phone. I sigh, resting my head on the table. There was silence, and I could tell Pietro was mad. I lifted my head to see Pietro staring at the ground, and Wanda and Vision were very uncomfortable.

Soon enough, Pietro gets up, and walks to our room, shutting the door. I could hear him lock the door, and I sigh. "I'll go talk to him," Wanda says, and walks over to the door, using her magic to unlock it. When she closes the door, I sigh realizing I could hear anything. \

The awkward silence was killing me, making me feel like I did something wrong. "We need to work on your lying. It has to be natural, not something you have to think about," I say to Vision and he nods.

"I guess I'm not as good as lying as you," he says.

"I don't know whether to be flattered or offended," I say, leaning back in my chair.

"Well, in this situation, it is a good thing," Vision says, and smiles. "I don't think I would ever be able to be so natural at that as you are."

"That's what I have been taught to do since I was little. I guess you just need practice," I say. I hear a door opening, and I turn my head to see Wanda walk out of the room. She cocks her head, indicating to enter the room.

I walk through the door, seeing Pietro sitting on the edge of the bed, head in his hands. I didn't really know what to do but sit next to him on the bed. I play with my hands in my lap, feeling the tension in the room.

After awhile, I finally got the courage to say something. "If you don't want me to go, say it."

I could hear Peter sigh. "I don't want you to go, but you have to," he says, and I look up at him. "I don't like knowing you will be facing something out of this world, and I can't be there to protect you. We don't know what this thing is capable of, and you're in charge of getting it."

"I can take care of myself, this is my job. I'm trained to take care of this stuff by myself, and this time I'll have a whole team behind me," I say.

"Yea, but I don't know them, and they aren't trained for this stuff. They just get robbers and burglars, not alien made objects or beings," Pietro says.

"That's why he put me in charge P," I say and make him look at me. "I need you to stop worry about me so much. You didn't do that before the Accords."

"That's because if you did go on a mission, and something happened, I could go help without getting my ass arrested," he says. "Plus I don't think I will ever not worry about you."

"That was cheesy," I cringe and he smirks. He leans in a places a sweet and loving kiss on my lips. I deepen in by moving my hand to play with his silver locks.

"I love you so much princessa," he mumbles against my lips.

I peck his lips one more time before saying, "I love you too Speedy."

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