(2)Who's Your Vader

Start from the beginning

"Ani, your a man!"

"Mom, how are you alive? I saw that man in black."

"His name was Darth Vader, and he saved my life." Anakin and Padme looked to Luke, who ignored them. Shmi turned her attention, to Luke.

"Darth? Mom that means he was a sith! Are you sure he would just save you? Maybe he had different intentions."Anakin said worried

"No, Vader would never hurt your mom." After all she is his mom, Luke thought.

"Vader mentioned you, before he left."
"Oh, really?" Luke felt his cheeks flush. He really hoped his dad didn't say anything to unbearable.

"He said how you were so strong, a great pilot, and how we know each other." She gave him a meaningful look that said it all. Vader had told her that they came from the future. Luke felt tears in his eyes, he walked up and gave a hug to his grandmother. A hug for everyone he missed growing up. Shmi looked at every one and asked for some time alone with Luke.

Everyone nodded, Anakin looked confused and hurt, but one look from his mother had him out as well.

"Why, not talk to your son?"

"He has his own life, and besides I don't know what to say. I've already said so much to him, but I haven't said anything to my future grandson yet"

her eye twinkled with her small joke.
"Father told you." It was a statement not a question.

"Your father always tells me every thing." She said with a sense of confidentiality. "You looked so much like him, so handsome. I'm so proud of you."

"You better talk to dad before he turns in to Vader early." Shmi laughed, a little sadly.

"Okay, I love you."

"You too." He tells shmi, and walks out to the Naboo cruiser. Waiting for the transmission from Obi-Wan.

When the transmission came in, and as R-2 refined it, Luke went to get Anakin.

"Anakin, there's a transmission from Obi-Wan!" Anakin gave him a look of alarm and concern. 'How ironic' luke thought, 'concidering he's the who kills Obi-Wan'. Anakin went in side the Naboin ship to listen to the message, Luke didn't bother he knew what was on the message. He had read Obi's jounral after all. He checked his pocket, and sighed in relief, he still had Obi's jounral. He had some ties with his Obi-Wan, and proof that he wasn't crazy. Anakin and Padme came out.

"We're leaving Luke, sorry mom we can't stay longer."

"It's fine, but take C-3-P-O, I don't really need him. Besides,"now shmi had a look of mischif to match her son's own, "you might want to give it to a lucky lady."she said with a wink. Both Anakin and Padme blushed, while Luke laughed. They said their good byes, and went off into space to save Obi-Wan.

Man they were dumb. They fell into the traps they fell for last time, even Luke. They were captured, and sentenced to die with Obi-Wan.

Things changed at the loading bay. It was obvious that the Padawan and senator had a lot to say, but wasn't because of Luke being there.

"Just kiss already." Luke practically yelled. They smiled at him then each other and kissed. He felt every akward to be next to them. This is what it was like to have love birds for parents. They road out into the coliseum. The roaring crowd jeering loudly at them. Obi did not look happy to see them.

"I was beginning to wonder if you had got my message."

"I retransmitted it as you wished master, then we came to rescue you."

"Good job, and who's the kid?"

"A extra bodyguard padme's family hired."

"For all the good it did you."

"Hey!" Luke was feeling indignant, he had helped alot. Then came the creatures that would kill them. Luke felt like he would die. Where was Vader? He was always there when he didn't want him to be, but when he needed him he was gone.

"Young one! Why are you here and not on Naboo?" Luke felt relief. When he saw his father out of the corner of his eye. Walking like he was on his death star, in control of every thing.

"Well we came to rescue Obi-Wan."
"Good job."

"That's what I said." Obi-Wan said to no one in particular. This new person, who the boy seemed to know was tall, dark, ruggedly handsome, and had a resemblance to Anakin.

"Hey Dad is that a new mask?" Luke asked, desperate to change the subject.

"No, I modified my old mask into this one." His mask now was strangely minimalistic. If you haven't seen the Darth Vader mask before, then you wouldn't have guessed that is was Darth Vader's. Now It was mainly just a plain black mask made of metal. Reflective eye pieces, and no more life support system. He had taken it off and it was clipped to his hip.

"That's your dad!?" Anakin, Obi-Wan, and Padme say at the same.

"Yeah." He said in a tired and embarrassed tone. "Dad, you need to get my hands untied, so I can help."

Vader looked at him, and with no hint of amusement said, "I find your lack of faith in me disturbing, young one."

Making the iconic claw hand, he reached out towards the creatures, and all of them stopped, convulsing, then dropped dead of suffocation. All except luke was was scared to say the least. All could feel the hate for all who was in the arena watching.

One snap of fingers, and the cuffs unlocked and fell. Luke walked up to his father and gave him a hug. "Thank you, father." The others kept their distance. Wary of The stranger in Black. Luke waved them over, the people in the stadium who had been breathless, and confused from shock, and having no idea what just happened were slowly coming back to life.

"This is my father, Darth Vader." Both Jedi stepped back in alarm.

"A sith!" They both, felt dread at what would happen.

"Relax, I am not an enemy of the Jedi." There was pause. "Yet." Then the crowd stared to riot, and in came more jedi. "And so" Darth Vader said soberly, "the clone wars have begun."

The battle was happening just the as last time. This time both Vader and Luke fallowed Padme and the two jedi into a hover craft. They held on for dear life. Then Padme fell out right on schedule.

Before anyone could do anything Vader pushed Luke after her saying,

"look after the senator."

"You just pushed your own son out the door!"

"He will do his duty, as we will ours." They looked stunned to be lectured on duty by a sith.

They arrived at the cave and they jumped into the fray, except for Vader who stood watching. Obi-Wan was knocked on conscious, and Anakin lost his arm, it was only then did he step in.

"Now old friend, it's my turn. "The words old friend was uttered with great deal of sarcasm and hate. He lunged at him hacking and pairing with unbridled strength and speed. He had dooku on his knees. He was about to kill him, when a picture of his son came to his mind. He swung his sword and chopped off his hand.

"That is for Skywalker." He turned and saw Yoda. He bowed respectfully, and as his back was turned Dooku escaped. Vader didn't mind, he knew that he would be able to get him, one day.

"Know who you are, I do."

"It is good to see you again master." His yellow eyes flashing with amusement.

"Many things, you have to say, hmm?"
"Yes, master."

"Well, come, help me with them, you will."

"Yes, master" Vader picked up Obi-Wan and fallowed his younger self, and Yoda. He would have a lot of questions to answer.

-word count: 2052

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