Chapter 3 ~ Emergency!

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**** = page break

---- = start and end of the story (comes after the a/n at the top and before the a/n at the bottom)

~ = time skip

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~after the crash/Killian shouts your name~


"(Y/N)!" I repeated

still no response.

I started hitting against the door trying to get in. my shoulder hurt from how many times I had barged into the door trying to get to (y/n).

It just needed one more push. Just one more then I could see what happened and be with the one I know I love.

Rather than using my shoulder this time I took a step back before I stepped forward to kick the door. Just as my foot made impact the door swung open revealing a horrific sight.

I stayed stood in the doorway staring at something I never ever want to see again. First I look at the cabinet which was used to hold all of your crockery, now has empty shelves that are no longer straight. I slowly cast my gaze downwards scared to see how much of a mess the plates and cups are in.

But what I saw made my heart stop.

You were laid on the floor, unconscious, halfway between the staircase and the middle of the kitchen.
Pleated and cups shattered around your unconscious body. Shards of glass and pottery were wedged into the flesh of your arms and legs. One large shard had sliced across your stomach - not so deep to kill you but deep enough for you to lose a lot of blood.
Fortunately, you are lucky because nothing serious had happened to your head apart from hitting it as you fell.

I then took notice to the blood pooling around you. My brain quickly leaped into action.

I ran over to where you were led to see if you had your phone - I'm still confused about those things. I checked all your pockets no luck. So then I checked around you to see whether you had dropped it or it had fallen out. I spotted it a few feet away from you.

I quickly picked it up and dialled 999 which is the number (y/n) told me to call if there was an emergency.

after 2 rings they picked up

"hello, what's your emergency?"

"I-it's my... f-friend. S-shes on t-the f-floor."

"is she awake?"

"n-no I think she hit her head."

"is the patient breathing?"

"I-I t-t-think so."

"can you please check for me sir?"

I looked over at you. then knelt down next to you to get a closer look.

"shes brea-thing. real-lly sh-shallow."

"okay, we have sent an ambulance for her. it should be arriving shortly. just stay on the call with me until help arrives, okay sir?"


"what's your name? and the patients name?"

"I'm killian jones, and my friends name is (y/n)"

"does the patient have pulse? can you please check for me sir? so the paramedics know what the situation is."

I reached a hand out towards you to try and find a pulse. I pressed my index and middle finger against your neck. at first I couldn't feel anything and started to freak out but then I really concentrated I found one, hardly, but I found one.

"b-b-barl-ley" I said started to panic. I started finding it hard to breathe.

"sir? sir..? sir I need you calm down. I need you to breathe. in... and out... just copy me."

in... out... I was started to calm down. I needed to be here for (y/n).

"there you go sir. the paramedics should be there any minute"

*knock* *knock*

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*****Please read*****


sorry its so short and sorry it took so long I just didn't have any ideas.

I might stop this story for a bit.

I was gonna write a peter pan one-shot book, but I've sort of gone on Once upon a time at the moment. so instead I am planning on writing a story about werewolves.

my werewolf story probably wont be that good but I'm gonna do some research on werewolves and try and get a better understanding of them so I can write a better story.

love you all x

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