Chalter 24 Will It Last?

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Have you ever had a feeling of hopelessness of distraught and everlasting sadness well right now I do since I'm well...

"common Ava get down"

Stuck in a tree and can't get back down so now I have many emotions going through me shaking my head I try to make it as if I am happy up here by resting on the trunk and smiling not in happiness but in worry

My legs are shaking and all I can think of is what my body would look like if I fell.

It is a funny story on how I got up here for the past week they had been testing my strength, focus, agility, and speed but no-one would have expected me to climb up a tree because I saw a pretty bird and now the bird is gone and I was looking like a tree hugger and somehow it was pretty hilarious to the group around me of people I call friends and family

"oh common down Ava I have chocolate" Hunter bribed which made me wonder if it was there or not

"no hunter I'm proving a point no-one will ever cut down this tree if I'm here" I yelled down hugging onto it tighter as the wind blew past shaking the branch

"no one is trying to cut down the tree" he yelled back to which I had to reply

"that's because I'm up here doupfus"

"Ava I command you to get down right now," King said looking up at me with something I can only feel as worry and slight humor

"no.." my feet wobble and slide as the branch shakes

"Ava" he drones out

"only if everyone leaves" I command looking at them

"fine everyone out, go do something" he yells and everyone disperses apart from him who stands at the bottom of the tree his arms folded on his chest making his muscles bulge through his jacket his feet firmly planted on the ground

"Now Ava," he said giving up my pride I utter the words I never wanted to say

"I'm stuck" I whisper as another breeze of wind passes by making goosebumps rise on my skin

"Oh Ava why didn't you say," he said tenderly unfolding his arms and getting a frown on his face

"I'm scared King I'm so bloody scared," I say trembling my feet slipping as a drop of rain hits my nose then my head before it comes gushing down pelting of everything the sound loud and the bark of the tree becoming awfully slippery.

"Why does this always happen to me!" I whine loudly just my damn luck

"shh, Ava it's alright I'm coming to get you now okay I'm going to get you," he said before grabbing onto the branch of the tree and pulling himself up as I watched gnawing my lip with my teeth in worry and anxiety.

Soon he reaches me his hair soaked and stuck against his face making him look a hell as sexy he puts his and out to me and I slowly reach for it and he maneuvers me down in front of him and he climbs down every branch me following his footsteps till we reach the ground.

my legs finally collapse from underneath me and I land in the dirt which splashes against my grey t-shirt and blue jeans my t-shirt is soaked through revealing my black bra to the world.

Scooping me up in his arms he walks off towards my house to be greeted by grey and ash who follow us as I sneeze over and over my hair soaking wet and dripping onto the floor

Disposing me on the edge of the bathtub in my room king turns on the faucet filling it with hot water and bubbles Making me smile since I love bubbles.

"you know your not just my mate," he said out of the blue


"Why do you think grey and ash worry for you like I do, It common for things like this to happen," he said swishing the water and turning off the faucet.

"so I have multiple -"

"yes I'm the eldest so I feel more connected to you I tried to deny it you know when I ran into you you were so small and curious and well you know what happened uh anyway I wanted to properly apologize and say that I don't expect your forgiveness and will for the rest of life make it up to you even if you don't accept me I just wanted to let you know whatever you want I'll get it or do it for you," he said before getting up and beginning to walk away.

Tears welling up in my eyes ' I'm such a weak bitch' i think to myself which makes me grab his arm and pull him with all the strength I have to me and kiss his warm soft yet firm lips their sweetness drawing me to them as he slowly kisses me back as tears stream down my face and hitting his making him pull away but I'm faster I grip his head and pull it into my chest keeping it there with my arms as I play with his hair and sob ugh being a woman sucks.

"Please don't leave don't leave me please I love you don't go" I sob as he slowly wraps his arms around my waist

"I have to you need to bathe" he murmured making me slowly release his head

"don't worry I'll be right outside hr said getting up and leaving closing the door behind him.

sighing I change out of my clothes and climb into the warm bath. Relaxing I stay put until the eater goes cold and begrudgingly get out.

wrapping a towel around me and leaving the bathroom to find king on my bed his back to me his back tense hair a mess pointing up in every direction known to man.

Opening my closet door I grab some clothes a large sweater and shorts putting some panties on underneath the shorts I stand at the foot of the bed where his feet hang over the edge since it's not big enough for him smiling I remove his shoes and socks before looking him over his clothes are soaked sighing I lightly shake him to get no response so I do it again making him groan

"What?" he mumbles

"you need to change your drenched"

"mmm," he says before sleepy removing his jacket and throwing it off the bed making me shake my head.

sighing I climb on the bed and attempt to remove his shirt sighing I roll him over and climb on top of him grabbing the bottom of the shirt I yank it over his head which makes him groan sighing

"I'm going to remove your pants okay?" I ask

"mmm alright," he mumbles.

starting with his belt I unfasten it the undo the button of his jeans and fly before pulling them down getting a sneak peek at his boxers I throw the blanket over his lower half before pulling the jeans fully off and with his other clothes.

finally, I flop down next to him before he rolls onto his side and pulls me to him and squashes me in between his chest and arm his warmth seeping into me as I doze away. 

What Happened To Ordinary Mates #1Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora