Chapter 21 Day Three

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Waking up, today felt different as if something bad was going to happen.

This has been something that has happened to me for years I've always got wired feelings and they've always been correct in a sense. Since I was a child I memorized these feelings on days I felt tired like inordinately tired I knew it was going to wither rain or snow.

Whenever I felt overly energized it was going to be sunny. And the last was a dreadful feeling I was able to never shake off it was like someone was putting pressure on my brain and wouldn't stop it was so hard to describe yet I knew it meant something bad was coming like a storm or hurricane.

Untangling myself from Ashton's limbs I sat up looking around the room I saw the windows curtains still open, the sky was grey with no sun peeking through at all it was grey and dull like a storm was brewing not liking the look of outside or the feeling I got I get up slowly and rush towards the window quickly closing the blinds I dive back onto the bed a pair of arms wrapping around me.

"mm what are you doing " he mumbles rubbing his head in my neck

"just shutting the curtains," I say snuggling into him

"mm kay sleep" he commands letting out a deep breath.

closing my eyes the warmth of his body and warm breath on my neck lulls me to sleep.

waking up again is different from last time this time it's not to the sun or a slightly bad feeling its to shouting and banging and engines starting as tires screech. Diving up I look around Ashton's not next to me anymore, a warm spot is the only signal that he recently left. Getting off the bed my feet hit the cold wood flooring padding towards the door I open it to be greeted with chaos. people are running from their rooms left right and centre yelling for people to hurry up. walking in amongst the crowd I finally make it down the stairs to find some people leaving others not, spotting Molly and Caleb eating I walk up to them

"what's happening?" I asked sitting next to them

"there's going to be a blizzard and everyone's meant to stay inside however the people who live close are going home unlike the rest of us we can't since we live further away and the storms meant to hit in about an hour according to the weather lady," she said pointing to the small TV in the kitchen on the fridge with a woman pointing at the symbol of a blizzard heading in our direction.

"Ave's here I made you some breakfast, "Greyson said putting as a plate of food in front of me.looking at it, I see some of my favourite food bacon, sausage's, mushroom omelette's and hash-browns not forgetting ketchup

" Thanks, Grey," I said diving into my food eating it like I was starved

"do you think its as bad as they say it's going to be?" I question shoving the rest of my omelette in my mouth

" could be, could not be it's hard to rely on the forecast however everyone here seems to think so that's why a lot are leaving apparently phone lines are meant to go down with how strong its meant to be," Caleb said getting up and kissing Molly's cheek

"see you in our room hun I'll see if I can find you a warm outfit," he said leaving

I awe at his sweetness I wish I had something like that I've not even had a boyfriend my first kiss was with Kingston which he never remembered then my second was with Ashton both were from a drunken mind yet I don't regret them neither of them no matter the circumstances yet I do feel shame for kissing two guys who were brothers how low am i. soon everyone has left the kitchen apart from grey and i

"uh Grey?" I say wondering if I should ask my question or not

"yeah Ave's "

"uh I um do you have any um is your house storm protected?" I say quickly

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