"B–but...the ones I call you are so...sexual," Taehyung insists, pecking Jungkook's forehead softly, pushing back his cherry red (slightly pink) bangs, so that he could look into Jungkook's Bambi eyes that were sparkling with happiness. Jungkook laughs, hiding himself in Taehyung's chest, their legs tangled together beautiful as Taehyung loosely wrapped his arms around Jungkook's waist, pulling the smaller boy closer, "they're not sexual Taehyung. They're cute."

Grinning, Taehyung rasps out, "they're not so cute when I'm pounding into you calling you baby." Blushing profusely, Jungkook lightly slaps Taehyung's chest, "we've only had sex once! You can't make jokes like that yet!" His grin becoming bigger Taehyung replies, "once, but I made you cum three times," he adds cockily which makes Jungkook's blush a deeper red, if that was even possible. "And I'll have many more times to bury my seed in you."

Jungkook pulls a disgusted face, "okay now you just ruined the moment Taehyung." Chuckling, Taehyung pulls Jungkook onto his lap, and the cherry haired boy get comfortable straddling Taehyung, placing his hands on Taehyung's chest, looking down at the older with big eyes.

"You're so beautiful doll," Taehyung mumbles, reaching up to push Jungkook's hair away from his eyes once more.

Jungkook takes Taehyung's hand in his, bringing it to his pink lips, kissing it softly, smiling down at his lover, "I've waited so long to be here like this, with you Taehyung," Jungkook whispers, holding Taehyung's hand ever so softly. Taehyung chuckles, chest rumbling slightly. "Well then, in sorry that it took me so long... but I'm kind of happy that all of this has happened... because now, all that I see is a future that is filled with happiness, love and loads of se-"

Jungkook clamps Taehyung's mouth shut with his hand, "don't even finish that sentence Taehyung! You're such a brute," Taehyung smiles, licking Jungkook's hand. A little weirded out, Jungkook pulls away, before laughing, "you really are a puppy. Licking my hand. Following me around. Asking for treats." Taehyung narrows his eyebrows, "first of all, licking your hand, yes, I did that...but the last two? In your dreams sweet cheeks," the raven haired boy mumbles, massaging Jungkook's thighs as the cherry haired bun reaches over and plays with Taehyung's permed hair with a soft smile, "you hair is so soft and fluffy."

"Oh yeah? I'll give you my conditioner, it's yours now," Taehyung says, pressing even more kisses on Jungkook's chest. They just couldn't get out of this loving daze of knowing that they finally have each other until fate does them apart. And they were stuck in this moment, this moment where the light fuse to their happiness was finally switched on, revealing that they were in the same room in the first place.

Not searching for a way out, not searching for a sliver of light, but just searching for each other. And now that they knew that they did have every inch of each other, Jungkook and Taehyung just couldn't keep their hands to themselves. Minds in cloud nine, bodies with each other.

It was like that fleeting feeling of knowing what other people thought, but still, you didn't give a fuck because...you were so in love with each other that it didn't matter anymore. And that's exactly how Taehyung felt. He stopped giving two shits about people that didn't matter, because the only person who mattered to him was the beauty laying on top of him.

Jungkook smiles softly, sucking some fresh love bites on Taehyung's neck, the tingling feeling of having Taehyung under him rushing up to him spine.

Everything was just so perfect.

"Taehyungie?" Jungkook mumbles into Taehyung's neck softly, pressing kisses on the hickeys he had just created. "Yes baby?" Taehyung replies, drawing mindless patterns on Jungkook's back as the two boys just basked in each others warmth, not wanting to leave...ever.

"Could you...maybe fuck me now?"

Taehyung looks at Jungkook playfully, "how about," he pauses for a second before abruptly flipping them over, emitting a loud squeal from Jungkook, the cherry haired boy blushing at the sound he just made, "I make love to you," Taehyung rasps, massaging Jungkook's bruised hips. Jungkook giggles loudly, throwing his hands around Taehyung's neck, "I'd love that," he whispers, before pulling the blue eyed boy in for a long, sweet and gentle kiss.


Hey everyone, I know that this is a very late update, but 6 days ago my grandad, sadly, passed away. And I decided that I needed at least a week's time off before even attempting to write a chapter for this book. But writing was the only thing that was able to distract me in the last week, so I was able to pull through and write a chapter.
I hope everyone is doing okay, and keeping safe. My school keeps on getting more Corona cases and yet they still don't want to shut the school down smh. So please stay safe everyone!!
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