Chapter 1 ~ Headache

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**** = page break

---- = start and end of the story (comes after the a/n at the top and before the a/n at the bottom

~ = time skip

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j0hnnyc4d3 sorry I just saw your comment but couldn't reply to it as it was reported as offensive

Crockery is things like plates, bowls, cups etc.
~the morning after the curse had been broken~

(Y/N) POV:

The curse had been broken - was the first thing I thought when I started to wake up. But once I had fully woken up all I could focus on was the vicious pounding in my head.

I pushed myself up so that I was sitting up in my bed. Big mistake. I quickly held my hands up to my head as a dizzy spell washed over me, trying to stop the spinning. Once the dizziness had subsided, I slowly stood up to get ready for the day starting with tablets to get my throbbing head to calm down. I started marking my way down the stairs.

As I gradually made my way downstairs, my head started to hurt even more. I thought the headache was bad earlier, but if I compare to what its like now on a scale of 1 to 10 - now is a 10 and before was around a 4.

I finally make it to the bottom of the stairs. but as soon as I take a step towards the cupboard with the tablets in a wave of nausea washes over me, I tried to run to the kitchen sink before I could have any chance of throwing up over the floor. but as I was trying to run, my vision clouded over, causing me to stumble around my apartment trying to find anything to hold on to.

Finally I found something, I didn't really know what it was at first but when I tried to grip onto it (as my hearing started to go all fuzzy as well) I ended up gently knocking different things off. That must of meant that this was the cabinet with all of my crockery and that also meant that I just knocked off and smashed about half of it.

I started to let go of the cabinet as my vision started coming back, my hearing still muffled. I still stood next to it just in case I needed it again.

Even though my hearing was off I could hear someone knocking against my door.

"Be there in a minute!" I said to whoever was knocking on my door.

When I finally felt ready I took a step away from cabinet, only for my vision to fade in and out focus. Pain. that was all I felt. then I realised I must have fallen backwards, crashing into the cabinet. The banging against my door became more urgent.

I felt my knees give out beneath me and as I fell to the floor so did the rest of my crockery. The plates a cups smashed around me and the last thing I heard before I blacked out were shouts of concern from a certain pirate.


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sorry if this is really bad its my first time writing a story.

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