5. The start of the great disaster

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They woke up with limbs tangled around each other, Off's face snuggled in Gun's neck and Gun's face nestled in Off's hair. Gun groaned when he heard the incessant knocking at what he presumed was Off's front door.

(Yes, they did it at Off's house last night. It was too late and Off didn't want to waste time searching for hotel room so he drove straight to his home. Gun wanted to protest that they were breaking a rule but with Off's mouth on his neck and hands all over his ass, Gun's mind and judgement were clouded.)

He tried to push Off away but the man had a death grip on him. Gun tried to wiggle his body around until Off wakes up.

"Urgh stop annoying me this early in the morning." Off groaned.

"Someone's at the door idiot. Go open it."

"You go." Off said but his words contradict his actions when he pulled Gun closer and hugged him tighter. Gun's face was smushed againts Off's hair and his protests were muffled.
While they were bickering, the knocking stopped but neither realized. Annoyed by Gun who wouldn't stop moving, Off flipped them so that Gun would be under him. He hovered over Gun and  pinned  both of Gun's arm above the man's head. Gun tried to pull his hands away but he couldn't so he was left writhing on the bed.

"What the hell Off?!"

"Oh so now it's just Off huh? That's rude of you." Off teased, his infamous smirk which irk Gun endlessly was plastered on his face.

"Cut it off okay. Let me go." Gun said, his voice straining. Their position is affecting him.

"Call me Phi." Off whispered huskily.


"You were screaming it last night so why not now?"

Gun was about to reply when someone cleared their throat behind them. Both of them were beyond surprised. Off jumped away from Gun while the latter sit up straight.

They were greeted by the sight of Tay, looking very unamused leaning againts the doorframe.

"I thought you said you guys don't do it at your home?" Tay speaked as his eyes roamed over both of them. Off immediately threw the comforter over Gun when he realized all of Gun's thighs were exposed. Tay rolled his eyes at Off.

"Gun's like my brother idiot." Tay muttered.

Meanwhile, Gun was flabbergasted. Tay knew about them? But that's impossible. When they started sleeping together, they made a deal that they won't tell anyone about it. He held his end of the promise very dearly. He didn't tell a single soul, not even New.

"You told him?" Gun asked, looking at Off in disbelief. The latter only rolled his eyes and got up from the bed.

"It's no big deal." He said offhandedly. Gun saw red the moment Off said that. He pushed the comforter aside and stood in front of Off.

"We made a deal asshole! I didn't tell a single soul.  But you just went and blabber away? I knew I shouldn't trust you." Gun yelled.

"Listen shorty, it's only Tay and Arm. I  accidentally told them okay. Don't act like this is a big deal."

"But it is. You didn't tell me that they know. Now I know why they always look at me weirdly. I bet the three of you had a good time making fun of me huh." Gun's voice cracked a little at the end and it didn't went unnoticed by either Off or Tay.

"Gun it's nothing like that. We never made fun of you. I swear it never even crossed our minds." Tay said, steping closer to Gun. He grabbed Gun's shoulder and made the shorter guy faced him.

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