Chapter Two

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"Abigail Foster, MaLe Grazer, Tomas Grazer, Pam Gardener, Peter Holmes..."

Charlie tried to drown out the noise. The endless murmuring and the never-ending chant of names being called off like sheep to a slaughter.

A woman stood at the front of the room, calling off names in rounds of ten. Earlier, she had explained she was a 'classification specialist'. She told them, with a bright voice and dull eyes, a short speech of why they do the test and how. She droned on with practiced ease.

"I know it may seem scary, but remember, this is who you are, and your new lives; it's for the best." Maybe that ending was supposed to be comforting, but to Charlie, it felt like the countdown before a death sentence was dulled out.


The girl next to him stood up harshly, her backpack colliding with his shoulder and sending him into the person to his right. Charlie sat struck for a moment, just watching as the girl hurried down the steps. At first, he wanted to snap at her, but after he got a glimpse of her face, her pale, "I'm about to be sick" expression, and thumb that looked gnawed till bloody, all fight shriveled.

However, that didn't stop the guy beside him.

"Hey! Watch where you're going, huh?!"

The girl turned back in terror, let out a squeak similar to that of a gerbil, and hurried off.

His attention snapped to the bulky guy beside him. He caught his eyes and flashed Charlie a thousand-watt smile, one that Charlie had to will himself not to shy away from.

"You okay," he asked.

Charlie, as dumb as it made him feel, could only stare at him in slight awe.
Here was this guy, big and scary, by the looks of him, probably an athlete, definitely a dominant, and by god, Charlie was intimidated.

"I'm... fine, thanks." Charlie gave the guy a quizzical look, that of which the man returned.

" Um... thank you, for..." Charlie let his words trail off, a blush crawling up his neck, and opted for weakly gesturing to where the girl had hurried off.

The guy looked at Charlie with unease for a moment (which Charlie did not miss, but chose to ignore) and quickly replaced it with another electric grin.

"I'm Mason," the guy offered out a hand to Charlie.
Again, Charlie hesitated. Confused as to why there was a need for introductions, but still, he offered his back. He didn't want to be rude.

Well... ruder.


"Charlie Montgomery, Paisley Minks, Tyler Martin, Ansley Martin, Patrisha Moort..."

Charlie snapped his head to the lady at the podium. He could swear she was looking right at him.

He stood up and the world swerved for a moment. Back and forth he looked between the lady and the line of kids waiting to be ushered out.

"...I've... got to go." With one last glance at Mason, he made his way down the stairs. Each step he took felt like walking on glass, sounding in his ears like thunder.

He made it last in the line, and as he approached, a new lady in faded yellow scrubs adorned with grinning sunflowers placed a hand on his back and offered him a toothy smile.

The students were led through the halls, all of them walking stiffly, and into the east wing gym.

The usual smell of sweat and teenaged musk was masked by hospital-grade disinfectant.

The gym had been split into rooms. Small offices sectioned off by sterile sheets of privacy, each room being no bigger than a portapotty.

The woman in the sunflower scrubs stopped in front of the line offices three rows down, which had a "please wait here" sign. She turned to the students behind her and gave a bright smile.

"Now," she said, clasping her hands in front of her, "when the sheet opens, you will go in and show the nurse your student ID, so make sure you have that ready."

Charlie, along with everyone else in line, scrambled to grab their ID off their person.

Charlie pulled the small plastic card from his pocket, almost feeling triumphant that he had remembered to grab his this morning (no thanks to his mother).

"Remember," sunflower lady started again, "don't be scared, or nervous. Doctors aren't scary, the test doesn't hurt," she gave a pleased smile, beaming at each face she crossed, "you'll be just fine."

Charlie let her words sink in for a moment. He almost wanted to believe her, to let himself think the things she was saying were true. He wanted to, but he knew he couldn't. The safety that she promised them was a lie. Safety was for normal people, not.... Littles. Not Charlie.

He knew what his classification would be. He had every reason to be worried.

One after another, the sheets slid open, adults in scrubs and gloves and smiles came out, students following after them and into a line of their own on the other end of the offices. Each doctor took a moment to go back into their room. When they all came out again, the nurse closest to the sunflower lady called out a "next".

And one after another, each student filed into an office, Charlie going last. 

A day in the life (DDLB/non-sexual age-play fic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon