A new friend

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Harry's POV:after we got out of the boats I saw a few people staring at me I also heard a few people call me things like "cute" or "adorable" I blushed a little bit and my ears went down I felt a hand rest on my head and looked up to a smirking lucious "it's ok shorty they are just admiring how cute you are ~" I didn't even have to cover my face my ears did it for me I heard a chuckle coming from lucious and remembered back to when I was still Harry Potter how he never laughed or smiled it was a sweet sight so I took his hand in mine and started walking with him

3rd POV:lucious was shocked at his actions but quickly contained it and said "two can play it that game~" and wrapped his arm around Harry's waist and pulled him close to his side at this point harry was as red as it gets but relaxed into his touch and started to purr,  lucious warmly smiled after that they all entered the school and sat down

Harry's POV:I sat down next to lucious I heard laughing so I turned around and saw my DAD!?! AND SIRIUS AND REMUS AND PETER!?! I looked at them and they stoped laughing and looked at me Sirius WiNKED AT ME!?! At first I was a bit shocked at how handsome he was but I smiled kindly at them my dad smiled back I felt happy but then I saw who they were laughing at it was Severus snape.... I felt bad then I felt a pair of eyes staring at me so I turned back around to see who it was but I saw no one was looking at me I felt a hand touch mine I followed the arm to see luscious looking at me a bit worriedly and I felt a bit of grip around my wrist I saw a also worried shi he unravels himself from my wrist up around my neck and into my robes hidden from everyone else I turn my attention back to luscious "are you ok?" "I'm alright I just felt like someone was watching me" he looked a bit more anxious now so I brought him into a hug and said "don't worry about me I will be fine I promise" he sighed as he hugged me back "ok but be careful"

3rd POV:dumbledore walked to the stand and said "quiet down everyone" everyone was immediately quite "we are going to be sorting some new students into their houses"after 7 people were called it was hadrians turn he walked up to the stand sat down and put his ears down so the sorting hat wouldn't fall off when He did that He heard some "awws" coming from the crowd of kids in which made him blush the sorting hat Spoke in a low voice to where only Hadrian/harry could hear"Hadrian sora dragon or should I say Harry James Potter~welcome back last time you made the choice of being in griffindor but you would fit in well with all of the houses but you would fit best in HUFFLEPUFF" Harry smiled softly as he still felt several eyes on him as he walked to the hufflepuff table and sat down when a girl approached him when he looked her he noticed she had a slythrin tie she also had diffrent colors of blue in her hair she smiled and held out her hand and said "hi I'm Susan I'm in slythrin would you like to be friends" Hadrian smiled and said "I'm Hadrian and as you see I'm in hufflepuff and I would love to be your friend"

A second chance (a Harry Potter story)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin