The decision

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3rd POV:Harry sat on his floor in a puddle of his tears and blood,Vernon had just beaten the daylights out of him he couldn't move and when ever he tried to all he felt was pain after a while harry closed his eyes and fell asleep


Harry's POV:I woke up to an agonizing pain in my back,head,arms,and legs "dammit" he whispered. When he heard his uncle yell "GET DOWN HERE AND MAKE BREAKFAST BOY" "I know if I don't come down there he will come up here and I don't want to take that chance he" I thought to himself. I slowly started to get up and limp to the door when I opened it I saw a worried petunia about to walk away she looked at me sadly and said "I'm sorry harry I never wanted this to happen to you I loved my sister so much"she looked like she was about to cry "I know and it's ok"I said with a warm smile she looked happy which I haven't seen in a long time.She helped me to the middle part of the stairs and let's go "be careful harry" "I will auntie don't worry"we whispered to each other she then walks ahead of me before looking back a bit sad before walking into the living room. I walk the rest of the way down the stairs only to see a very angry Vernon "HURRY UP FREAK ME AND DUDLEY ARE STARVING" he yells basically in my face "y-yes sir" I put my head down and walked into the kitchen

3rd POV:when harry got to the kitchen he turned on the stove and started cooking eggs,bacon,and ham and took it to them but he never got to eat any of the food he made "GO DO YOUR CHORES OR ELSE" Vernon yelled harry was a bit happy since today he had to work on the garden which was his favorite thing to do since he loved plants and the outdoors. When harry was outside he notices a grey owl with a note attached to its leg he went over to the owl and grabbed the note and it said

Dear mr.potter

this is Griphook you are needed at the bank immediately to discuss a proposal made by the ministry.

Signed griphood

Harry looked at it a bit skeptically and thought to himself "what could the ministry have to offer me" he looked down at the letter once more before grabbing his wand and whispering "dragon ally bank" and disappeared out of the garden to dragon ally right infront of the bank he took 3 deep breaths and went inside and approached the front desk

Harry's POV:I looked up at the goblin and said "I'm here to see griphook" the goblin didn't even look away from his paper and just said "name" "Harry James Potter" the goblin finally looked at me and said "oh mister Potter griphook and the ministry have been expecting you" I stood there for a second before the goblin looked back at his paper and said "down the hall very last door" I started to walk down the very long hall when I finally retched the last door and slowly grabbed the door handle and opened the door as soon as I stepped inside everything was silent griphook looked at me and said "welcome mr.potter" I didn't move a muscle when a loud voice said "harry james potter we have called you here to discuss something important with you" "well what exactly is it?" "We have realized your situation and would like to give you a choice" "which is" "would you like to go back to the far past when Tom riddle,Sirius black,and your parents were all in school along with others OR you can stay here in this time and continue to live in utter misery" I stood there in silence for what felt like eternity and thought about the pros and cons of this opportunity I could actually see my parents and get to know them but I wouldn't actually be there child and I could see Sirius but he wouldn't know I was his godson and I would get to see other people then I realized I would be in school with TOM RIDDLE aka VOLDEMORT!?! I then said "I would like to go to the past" "very well you will have all your memories when you are there and you will be in 2nd year of hogwarts your name will be changed and you can never come back to this timeline because it will not exist good luck Harry Potter"

3rd POV:and just like that he was gone

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