Lightning [Elements I]

513 36 14

Content warnings:
- injury depictions + scars
- strong language

Extra notes:
- lmao a rewrite of one of my books lol i'm so sorry i have a hard time sticking to things
- as a challenge i won't be reading the transcripts so expect differences
- i don't own ninjago lol


"Now, though, I'm afraid that this is the end of your destiny."

I jolted upright in bed. Something was holding me down. I fought against my restraints and quickly tumbled out of bed. My back hit the ground, and I stopped.

It was just a nightmare. The same one that occasionally appeared to haunt me.

I didn't remember too much from my past apart from pieces here and there. I knew my name and a bit of my original language. I knew how to partially defend myself and a handful of stories and songs from my youth. Many other things, though, were a mystery.

Especially that nightmare.

It was always the same. There was a distant voice that kept rambling on and on about destiny, about how we were destined to meet. This voice would claim that my destiny met its end, and they would attempt to kill me. I would always wake before the final blow.

Every time, it was always an arrow between the eyes. A figure would stand before me, holding a loaded crossbow and aiming right at my face. The image of the arrow's metal end was burned within my mind. Every time I blinked, I could still see it.

I've always hated the thought of destiny. I always hated the thought that a prophecy could determine and control a person's life.

I hated that destiny took one of my closest friends away from me.

I wasn't from this Realm. No one, not even my current father, knew where I was from, and my father supposedly knew everything. I was so different from the people of this Realm, others would call me a freak, a monster.

There was one person I met that, over time, didn't call me a monster.

Morro was someone only a little like me. He didn't have a home just like I once did. He had arrived at the monastery in search of a place to stay, and my father had welcomed him in to train.

Morro grew up alongside me. He taught me his language, and I taught him what I remembered of mine. He taught me a few of his favourite things to do, like origami and kite-flying, and I showed him the things that I liked to do, like drawing and stargazing.

One day, though, destiny took him away from me.

My father had thought that Morro would be the one. My father thought Morro would become the Green Ninja, someone that would save Ninjago from a greater darkness, and my father set out to try and see if it was true.

Morro wasn't the Green Ninja, and Morro grew obsessed into proving that he was.

Morro would train day and night, so much so that there would be days I would have to carry him to bed because he overworked himself and collapsed. Whether he was sick, whether it was freezing or boiling outside, Morro would train.

He wanted to prove destiny wrong, to show that he would become the Green Ninja.

Then, one day, Morro left. He said that he couldn't reach his True Potential under my father. He said that he wanted to find a better place to train, and that he would come back once he was the Green Ninja.

Morro left with nothing but a backpack of clothes, food, and a stuffed bird I made for him years ago.

And since then, Morro never returned.

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