Fire [Elements VII]

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Today was grocery day. And though my father was the one that usually went out to purchase food, the task fell on the three ninja today.

"(Y/n) isn't coming with?" Zane asked.

I shook my head. "I can't. Not everyone is as okay with me as you all are."

"What!" Jay exclaimed. "But you're, like, super cool and awesome!"

I quietly laughed. "Thanks, but not everyone thinks the same thing."

I was doing my best to keep my anxieties down. My father had gone early this morning in search of the last ninja. I was the only one up, and he told me not to tell the others. My father stated that this last individual might need a bit of a push to truly understand the dangers within this world.

Meaning, the last ninja would show up, Jay, Cole, and Zane would return, and the three might fight this new ninja, thinking he's an intruder. Then the last ninja might realise that he needs to train more, I guess?

I had asked why. My father said he had already visited the last individual a few days ago, and the last ninja wasn't at all interested in learning how to fight. My father would convince him, and he would most likely come along begrudgingly.

It was weird, hearing my father say all of this. A few days ago was when I got hurt. Did he leave while I was unconscious?

I bade the three ninja farewell, and they soon left the monastery. I was alone, and I let out the cough that I had been holding for hours.

Sickness wasn't too common for me, but it still happened somehow. I couldn't catch illnesses from anyone, and no one could catch anything from me, but I still occasionally got sick from something.

And soon, I'll have to have another conversation with the others before I get too sick. At least before I'm sleeping for half the day and worry everyone to death. Not to mention that my body temperature would rise, leading to more fear and confusion.

Until then, I headed back inside to rest. I might as well attempt to sleep my illness off before it grew worse.

Not too long after I landed in bed, however, I heard the training course running outside. Even though I wanted to keep sleeping, I had to see the newcomer. None of the others would be back for a few hours, so I might as well see if I'm able to teach the newcomer a bit before his surprise test.

If I really am sick, though, I might not be able to do much.

I got up out of bed and slowly made my way to the exit. I slid the door open and gently stepped out.

I only took two steps before I froze. I was face to face with the end of a blade.

A new person stood before me, katana in hand and pointed at me. The individual's hair spiked up in a few different directions. He wore a dark grey apron over a dirty shirt and pants.

He looked terrified, yet tried to stay brave. It was an expression I was all too familiar with.

"Stop," My father stood nearby. He held out his staff and pushed down the newcomer's katana. "This is my child."

The newcomer looked confused. "I thought they'd be normal."

I let out an annoyed huff. "Rude."

The person whipped back to me with a bewildered expression. "You can talk?!"

My father raised his staff and hit the person's head.

"Ow!" The newcomer turned to my father.

"(Y/n) is as much of an individual as you are," My father said. "You will treat them as such."

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