𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 11

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(This has yet to be rewritten.)

I turned around and was met with the same blue eyes that I had met back in my school years. 
"Oh...Hello Machi. It has been a while." My grip tightened around my glass.

"You two know each other already?" Chrollo said and I turned back to him, his eyes were glued on Machi. 
"Yes, (Y/n) and I went to school together." her reply was nonchalant. 
She sat down beside Chrollo and I could see Hisoka shift from the corner of my eye, his elbow resting on the table as he looked across from me to her. 
I slumped back in my seat, taking a massive gulp of my fruity alcoholic drink as my eyes locked with Feitan's. 

His brow furrowed as his gaze held mine and he looked away and got up, pushing his chair in. 
"I'm going to head to the men's room." was all he stated before leaving.

I wonder what his problem is.

"So, (Y/n), how have you been?" I turned my head, and noticed machi leaning forward to look at me. 
"Oh, erm, I've been doing okay." My voice came out slightly muffled due to the fact that my lips were still covered by the glass. However, I could tell that she still understood what I said because she nodded and said, 
"That's good. I haven't been doing too bad myself."

Chrollo and Hisoka soon got food but, I wasn't too hungry so I didn't really eat. I nibbled a bread stick here and there but, I didn't eat anything too filling. I just wanted to go home. 
I drank more, I drank a lot more. Some drinks were gross and bitter, others were sweet and fruity, and I don't remember how many I drank but, I do know that I drank a lot more than I was supposed to..


I opened my eyes, squinting and stretching. The head sinking into my pillow as I turned on my side, tucking one of my hands underneath it. I closed my eyes and felt an arm wrap around my waist and pull me into someone's chest, their head resting on top of mine. I sighed and took in a deep breath, they were warm..

They were warm!??

My eyes shot open and I quickly pushed them away from me, scrambling away and falling off the bed. 
"Woah. Are you okay?" I heard them say with a chuckle and I instantly recognized the voice. Looking up from my place on the floor, I saw a messy haired Chrollo laying down in the bed. His suit jacket gone and his tie slightly loosened. Heat automatically rushed to my cheeks and I looked down at myself, my clothes were still on and I sighed in relief.
Chrollo laughed and I looked up at him once again. 
"Don't worry. We didn't do anything weird." he gave me a charming grin and I looked around the room. 
The queen sized bed I was on moments ago was covered in soft, white sheets and had a beautiful, black bed frame. A dark, fur carpet took up most of the wooden floor, and I noticed my belongings on a chair in the corner of the room. 

"Where are we?" I asked. This didn't seem like a hotel room at all. 
"This is my room. We're at my place at the moment, since I didn't know where you lived." 
I got up from the floor and went to go grab my things, bringing my hand to my head since I suddenly felt extremely dizzy. 
"You were drunk last night, so I brought you here. I would have brought you to your place but-"
"You don't know where I live, I know." 
I buttoned up my shirt before grabbing my jacket, I slipped it on and zipped it, stuffing my hands in its pockets. 
"Leaving so soon? Don't you want any breakfast?" He asked, getting up from the bed and smoothing out the wrinkles on his shirt. 

"Thank you but, I'm not really hungry at the moment." I stated, and then I realized something. "Hey, why in the world didn't you lay me down on your couch? We didn't have to sleep in the same bed."
He blinked and raised a brow "I was planning on sleeping on my couch. I wasn't going to leave you the couch because I felt like that would have been rude of me to do so. However, you had started crying when I laid you down on the bed and asked me not to go. So, naturally, I stayed with you and eventually fell asleep." 

I nodded and opened the door, stepping outside the room.
"Um, where's your bathroom?" I asked, looking back at him.
He smiled and and crossed his arms, pointing to the right "Down the hall, the third door to your left."
"Thanks" I quickly walked down the hall and closed the door behind me once I reached the bathroom. 

Once I finished and flushed the toilet, I turned on the sink and washed my hands before splashing my face with water and dragging a towel across my face. My head was still throbbing, I really shouldn't drink.
I got out of the washroom and heard Chrollo in the kitchen. Walking in I was greeted with a beautiful, white kitchen with marble counters and a marble island in the center. With his back facing me, he filled up a teapot with filtered water and placed it on the stove.
"Would you like some tea, (Y/n)?" he said, clearly aware that I was watching him.
"Sure." I muttered, still watching him as he turned on the stove and took out a beautiful set of teacups  and placed them on the table in front of me.  

I sat down and he went back to the stove, taking out a pan from a drawer underneath his stove and grabbing a carton of eggs from his fridge. I quietly giggled to myself without realizing it when I saw him put on a pastel, pink apron. If I'm being honest, the man looked good in a pink apron. He then took out sliced bread and slid some in the toaster before grabbing canola oil and carefully pouring a bit into the pan. Cracking two eggs inside the pan, he loomed over it as the eggs began to quickly cook. 
He grabbed salt and pepper shakers and sprinkled a bit on both the eggs. It didn't take long for the eggs to be done and he slid them on a plate before setting the pan to the side and turning off the stove. Placing the toast in his plate once they had finished toasting. 
He smiled at me and set the plate down in front of the seat beside me, and I noticed a sewn in heart on his apron. 

The teapot gave out this piercing whistle and he turned off the heat before lifting it up and gently pouring some tea into my cup. After he poured some tea into his own, he set the teapot in the middle of the table and sat down beside me. 

"Bon appétit"

Author's Note: 
Oh hey! It's been a while, hasn't it?(」゜ロ゜)」!!
I'm really sorry for the long absence- School has been really stressful and I was dealing with writer's block for a bit but, hey! I'm happy that I was able to update today (*•̀ᴗ•́*)و ̑̑

I'm on Holiday break now, so I'll try to update more before school starts again. I don't think the whole every week/every two weeks is really going to happen because I'm really unorganized.. (#⌒∇⌒#)ゞ
So, I'll try to update when I can, and try to keep you guys posted if I'm gone for a while again. (⌒▽⌒)☆

Remember Me (Illumi x reader) (Modern)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें