𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 7

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(This has yet to be rewritten.)

We walked back down the hallway to the stairs and I laughed when I heard Milluki scream "Go away!!" followed by Killua's giggling.

We walked back down the carpeted stairs and Illumi brought me to a door that led to the backyard. He opened the door and dragged me outside, I looked around in awe at all the land, Illumi grabbing my attention by harshly tugging me forward.

I looked forward and spotted Mrs. Zoldyck sitting at a table, looking as elegant as ever; I always felt underdressed when I was with her.
We walked closer to her, Illumi letting go of my hand and she stood up, surprisingly, pulling me into a hug.
"Oh (Y/n), how wonderful to see you!" she beamed, pulling away from me. "How have you been doing?"
"Uh, just fine." I answered, smiling at her
"That's wonderful to hear, will you be staying the night?"

I looked back at Illumi and he shook his head.
"N-No, I'm not" I said, and noticed Mrs. Zoldyck pout
"Such a shame but, alright. How's your mother doing?"
"She's fine"
"And your father?"
"He's working, like usual. I don't really see him often."

She laughed and placed her hand on my shoulder "He must be a very hard working man." she said.
I nodded and shifted all my weight to one side, feeling somewhat uncomfortable now.
"And how is school, are you doing well?"
"Pretty good, still surprised I'm not failing" I laughed a little and all she did was nod.

"Well, it's nice that you came to visit us today. After all, we are moving tomorrow."

My face dropped, and I suddenly felt my heart hit the bottom of my stomach.
I looked back at Illumi and noticed that he was staring at me, taking in my expression and letting out a sigh and grabbing my hand again.

"Well, Mom," he started "(Y/n) and I will be in my room studying."
"Very well, I'll send a butler if I need you" she smiled and Illumi quickly turned on his heel and led me back inside the house.

I had to jog to keep up with his steps as he made his way up the stairs.
We walked into his room and he closed the door behind us.
"You're moving?" I hissed and he pinched the bridge of his nose.
"Yes, we're moving (Y/n), and I was going to tell you."

I scoffed at him and crossed my arms in front of my chest "Yeah? Well, you didn't."
He sat down on his bed, staring at me as I still stood in front of the door.
"Where are you even going?" I asked
"I need to look further into the details, but Mom and Dad found what they think is 'a better place' and that's where we're going. It's pretty far away from here."

The last statement really made my heart throb and I leaned against the door "So I won't be able to see you?"
"You might, but I'll be studying hard and Mom and Dad thought it would be best if I didn't have any distractions."
"'Distractions'?" I snarled "I'm a distraction?"
"Yes. You distract me more than you know, (Y/n), and I have no idea why" he said, exasperated as he laid down, putting his arm over his eyes.

As much as I wanted to feel insulted by that statement, I didn't. I felt . . . Happy that he said that? I don't know. All I know is that it made my heart throb painfully in my chest. "Ah, I see." was all I muttered.
I leaned against the closed door and slid down until I was sitting on the floor with my knees to my chest, hiding my face with my hands.

I heard Illumi move on his bed, probably sitting up before speaking again; "Are you alright, (Y/n)?"
Am I alright?
Illumi wasn't the only one who wanted the answer to that question, I wanted the answer to it too. In the end, I just stayed quiet.
It was quiet for a while until I heard Illumi move off his bed and walk towards me, crouching in front of me before gently moving my hands away from my face. I kept staring down at my knees, not wanting to make eye contact with him. He just sighed before tilting my chin up so that I looked up at him.

I pressed my lips together into a hard line as I stared into his large eyes, his expression unreadable. We stared at each other like this for a few moments before I quickly took in how close his face was to mine and heat automatically rushed to my cheeks. I ripped my hands away from his and stood up. He looked up at me, seeming slightly confused and I quickly turned around; opening the door and walking out.

"Where are you going?" he asked from behind me.
I turned back to look at him and wrapped my arms around my stomach "I just really need to go to the bathroom..."
He stared at me and nodded "Hm, alright."
With that I quickly ran down the hall to the bathroom and closed the door behind me, making sure to lock it. I closed the lid on the toilet seat and sat down on it, resting my hands on my knees as I leaned back.
I got up and walked to the sink, staring at myself in the mirror and noticing my red cheeks, covering them with my hands. I turned the faucet handle and brought my hands together, filling them with cold water before bending down and splashing the cold water onto my face.
I grabbed a towel that was draped on a towel rack and pressed it to my face, drying up. I folded the towel and placed it on the side of the sink before leaving the bathroom.

I was on my way back to Illumi's room when I felt tin hands grip the fabric of my tights. I looked to my side, slightly alarmed, only to find Killua smiling up at me.
"(Y/n), I'm bored! Can you play with me now?" he asked, slightly tugging.
I pursed my lips and thought for a moment, before smiling back "Sure, what would you like me to do?"
"Build a sandcastle with me!"he squealed, clearly very happy.
I giggled and patted his head "Okay, okay. Let me go tell Illumi first."
He nodded and grabbed my hand, quickly dragging me to Illumi's room before knocking on the door. "Illumi! Me and (Y/n) are going to go build a sandcastle!" he exclaimed before running down the hall and down the stairs, the toddler dragging me with him.

Once we got to the sandbox, I sat down in the sand, catching my breath. Killua of course, wasn't tired or out of breath at all and he just happily gave me a tiny yellow shovel and a castle mold. "You make that part of the castle, and I'll make this one!" he giggled, starting to fill up his mold. "Okay" I nodded and started filling up my own mold with wet sand. 

Remember Me (Illumi x reader) (Modern)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu