Back and Forth | 21

Start from the beginning

Jimin POV

I could see her struggle to keep her eyes open, falling dead asleep on the couch. Ah this dumbass didn't even change, it must be uncomfortable to sleep in that corset.

"Being a little nice wouldn't hurt..." I thought, before hovering over her a little to unclip the corset so she could at least be comfortable. I lifted her waist up a little to throw it off. My face blushed realising how dirty our position looked even if she was sleeping.

My eyes fell to her wound.

"Uh? Why doesn't this idiot have a bandage around it?" I shook my head.

It's dangerous to walk around without one on, especially with so many germs flying around. Ah her stitches are so new too, what an egg. I felt hurt just looking at the wound, it must hurt really bad.

My hand automatically went to caress the stitches, blowing air gently. Her eyes suddenly shot wide open as she covered her mouth.

"I-It's not w-what it looks l-like!" I ended up screaming trying to defend myself of the situation that looked really wrong

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"I-It's not w-what it looks l-like!" I ended up screaming trying to defend myself of the situation that looked really wrong. She pushed me away, getting up and quickly running to the toilet.

"Huh?" I followed behind her feeling confused, did she have those midnight urges to pee? I peeked inside to see her kneeling in front of the toilet.

"What's wrong?" I asked, walking inside, kneeling beside her.

"It feels like, I need to vomit but, nothing's coming out..." she sighed, leaning against the cold bathroom wall.

"Should we go to the hospital? What about the cream, haven't you been applying it properly? Or is it something else-"

"Shut up." She cut me off tiredly. I realised I was asking too many questions.

"It's late, just go to bed, I'll feel better sooner or later. You said you wanted to go back to normal. Our normal was you not giving a single shit about how unwell I was and still giving me a stupid amount of work to do for you. So stick to the normal and go away." She told me.


"No Jimin. There's no buts. I'm done and tired of you confusing me." She said once again making me get up and leave realising how much she didn't want me there.

Next day

I was loading our suitcases into the cab, Yeseul looked a lot better than yesterday, she must've taken medicine. We sat in the cab, heading off to the airport. The car ride was silent, and this was normal.

It really was.

Thinking back through the years not once did we ever have a conversation during a car ride. Yeseul would always secretly put in her bluetooth into her other ear to listen to music while driving. Instead of telling her off, I always smiled at her thinking she was being sneaky.

After 5 whole years of resisting catching feelings, after 5 years of being a complete dickhead, I ended up being so, so close, to falling for her. In the short time span of 2 weeks. At least I came to my senses before I fully, became a disgusting person.

If I had let myself fall for Yeseul... I would've never forgiven myself for hurting Seulgi like that.

"We're here." Yeseul nudged me, stepping out the cab as I payed the driver. Just as I was about to open the boot of the car to get my luggage, I noticed Yeseul dragging both our suitcases, and already getting line to go through airport security.

"Right, this is, the normal." I sighed. Fuck me for asking for this shit back, but I guess this is the only thing I can do to stop myself. I jogged slightly, catching up to her. After going through the security we boarded the plane, making ourselves comfortable for this long long journey home.

She took the aisle seat while I sat in the middle of her and some girl. I had my mask on just in case of fans. Yeseul once again fell asleep like the sleep addict she is, only this time she had fallen asleep on my shoulder.

 Yeseul once again fell asleep like the sleep addict she is, only this time she had fallen asleep on my shoulder

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My eyes wondered off down to her wrist, noticing a bracelet. I held up her delicate wrist to see it closer.

It had our groups logo on it with my initial hanging down the side. I released a smile, eyes turning into small crescent moons so you could tell I was smiling even with the mask on.

"Excuse me." The girl next to me said, I looked at her tilting my head, wanting her to continue what she wanted to say.

"Can I take a picture?" She asked, ah she must be a fan, this mask does absolutely nothing to hide my face. I pulled down my mask and smiled, happy to take one with her. I took her phone and was about to take one before she interrupted.

"No, I mean of you 2. I think you guys make a very nice couple." She clarified, pointing down at my hand ever so gently caressing Yeseul's wrist while she was still dead asleep on my shoulder.

"O-oh, we aren't- I guess we are? Uh, sure." I stuttered with my words sounding like a fool. Do we really make that good of a couple?

"Why do you stutter? Is she not your girlfriend?" The woman raised her eyebrow. I chuckled at her sudden interrogation.


"She's my wife

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"She's my wife."

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