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5:00 AM...

I woke up and looked beside of the bed and I saw you sleeping peacefully, I sighed and get up my bed and head to the bathroom to start my routine.

I head out to the bathroom wearing my robe and towel on my hair, went downstairs to prepare some meals for our kids and for him.

Even though he is skipping or touched his meal I always prepare for him and hoping that he will be eating it, as I was preparing some ingredients and I decided to make some simple breakfast meals eggs and bacons.

5:30 AM...

I went to the balcony with my mug that I am holding well I became of my hobby drinking coffee and going to the balcony to have a view and I already removed my towel in my head because it's already dry.

I greet some neighbors passing by to our house and I guess they went outside to jog and I took a sip on my mug seeing a nice view and buildings before the sun rises.

6:00 AM...

As I was looking the beautiful view I look at my phone and it's already time to wake up our kids, I head back inside and saw Jeonghan head out our room wearing his suit, I sighed and forced a smile on my face "going back to work?" I asked.

He didn't answer, "If you're going to work please come home early and go eat downstairs I make some breakfast earlier" I said still smiling, he looked at me with his cold look and went downstairs as I heard the door opened and shuts it, I closed my eyes and let the tears falling down my cheeks.

Why he changed so sudden this is not the old him. But I am curious about it, why did you changed?

6:30 AM....

After crying for like a 10 minutes and I already wake the kids up, they already eaten and ready for school as for me, I wear casual clothes and planning to visit Nayeon Unnie it's been so long that we've been hang out as a whole group but I heard a lot of them were busy they're works and their family but I decided to visit Nayeon unnie.

I hopped in the car and our kids as well, "Kids wear your seatbelts" I reminded them and start the engine and drove away.

7:00 AM....

"Kids have fun in school! Just tell mommy if you got bullied okay?" I asked the kids and gave me a thumbs up, I smiled and drove at Nayeon Unnie's house.


Jeongyeon took a deep breath looking the view of her new school 'TWOTEEN ACADEMY', "I guess this my new alma matter now" she mumbled.

She went through the entrance and all of the student looked at her and started whispering.

"Wow is she new here?"

"She's so pretty"

"She looks so cute"

A lot of student whispering about her being pretty and cute and some of them didn't appreciate her appearance.

Jeongyeon looked down and started to walked to the principal's office.

"Hey you there" She stopped walking and looked back with a confused look. The girl started to walked towards to her which Jeongyeon don't know what to do.

"Are you new here?" The girl asked which Jeongyeon nodded, the girl chuckled and smiled, "Ah I see you must be the new student that I have to lead to the Principal's office, I'm Im Nayeon and you?" Nayeon asked.

"Jeongyeon, Yoo Jeongyeon." She quickly answered back, "Follow me" Nayeon lead the way to the principal's office which she follows her.

"Don't mind to the students here they're just you know crazy for you or jealous about because of your appearance." She said, "I know..." Jeongyeon mumbled.

"I see you're very shy but don't worry I'll be your friend here forever and I'll introduce you to my group of friends too."

"I'm very shy at first but when you get to know me better you'll probably see my craziness personality I had" Nayeon chuckled on what Jeongyeon's said.

The two already arrived in the principal's office, Nayeon knocked the door 3 times before coming in the office.

"Here's the student sir" Nayeon said which made the principal nodded.

"I see you must be Yoo Jeongyeon, I'm Yoon Sungwoon the principal on this school" he greeted the younger.

"So you probably came here just to see your schedules right?" He asked.

"Yes sir" Jeongyeon nodded, Sungwoon chuckled before getting the paper on the folder, "here" he gave the schedule to Jeongyeon.

"Well you can tour around the school and it's still early to attend the class and thank you for choosing this academy" he smiled.

Jeongyeon nodded and waved a goodbye to the principal same as Nayeon, Once they exit the office both of them sighed.

"Was I look nervous in there?" Nayeon asked, "No, but I'm more than nervous than you" Jeongyeon let out a chuckle and looked at her paper.

"Well what class are you on?"

"Class 3-3"

"Oh we're in the same class!" Nayeon said and jumped happily, "Don't mind me, I'm very happy because I have a classmate who I already closed with on the first day."

"Well do you wanna go tour around? I'll lead you anywhere" she said, Jeongyeon nodded which makes the older smiled "let's go!" Nayeon held her hand and start to roaming around the school

Jeongyeon smiled remembering her first day of school on her when she was new and Nayeon is the only one who approached and helped her.

She stopped the car and hopped off the car, she walked towards to Nayeon's house and yes she arrived to Nayeon's house.

She knocked the door and wait to open the door, while she was waiting outside, she looked around the neighborhood and saw a group of 4 friends walking towards to Nayeon's house.

"Jeongyeon Unnie!"

A U T H O R ' S N O T E
So how's it been y'all and sorry for being inactive because of schoolworks I had or I should say Modules, which makes me stressed so much but I decided to update this 1st chapter of the book and sorry for the wait :< but sadly I must focus this book before the other and I know some of you guys are dissapointed or sad probably. But don't worry I'll try my best to update as fast as I can.

Don't forget to vote and I hope you guys like it, and please avoid my grammatical errors and my wrong spellings.

Wash your hands, wear your mask if you're going out, and mostly stay safe as always!


Memories [Y.JH X Y.JY] DISCONTINUEDOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz