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Please Enjoy reading and please avoid my wrong grammar I'll edit it if there was a mistakes ,and spellings etc.
  Y O O J E O N G Y E O N

I sighed looking outside in the window it's already midnight waiting him, our kids already sleeping I guess they're tired waiting for you, I took a sip of coffee as I was holding looking the view while waiting you to come home.

2:00 AM...

2 hours had passed yet still had no signs of vehicle came into our house I sigh once again Yoon Jeonghan where are you?

2:30 AM...

I saw you parked the car from our garage then I came towards to you I am very worried that you we're always go home late at night, "Honey where have you been?" I asked but you walked passed by me "But please tell me where have you been." I asked you once again, you stopped walking still your not facing me.

"Work" you said in cold tone I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, "You said that many times and I am sick of it! You know I always waiting you for like a thousand times that I can't count yet you said that your at work?! Look I am really worried that your cheating on me!" I said letting my anger out glaring at him.

I saw you clenched your fist then you started to walk towards on me which makes me to walked backwards not until I had cornered because you already in front of me glaring which makes me scared off. "Why do you care anyways? It's not that you're my mom that always make go home early!" you yelled at me.

"Look I am worried okay?! what if you got into car accidents or what if you got lost in the middle of nowhere, now you're saying this to me that why do I care?!" tears falling down to my cheeks I bit my lip, "I only care about you and our kids Jeonghan, yet this is the way you treat me back?! skipping breakfast , ignoring my calls, cooking dinner, going to pick the kids in the school?! now look at you! you had dark circles in your eyes and you look very pale!"

"It's just a work okay?! I just need to finish it till midnight! that's why I go home late" you exclaimed, I sighed "Do you still love me?" I said you just froze there having a deep thoughts "tell me Jeonghan do you still love me?" I asked again still no response "I said do you still lov--" you shut my mouth and you harshly pushed to the wall with a force of your hand, "Let's just stop talking please I am so tired of your nagging like you always do, you don't know me Jeongyeon, you don't know me fully." you said in cold tone.

3 R D P E R S O N 

Jeonghan left her behind and went to their shared bedroom, Jeongyeon wiped her tears before going to their room she opened the door and saw Jeonghan laying on the bed without changing his clothes on she sighed and went to their closet to get Jeonghan's shirt and pajamas, she lay down on the side of the Queen size bed she kissed Jeonghan's forehead before she go to sleep, "No matter what you did to me I still love you Yoon Jeonghan" she thought before she went to sleep.

Will Jeongyeon love him till the end of the chapter or will she do everything just to appreciate her efforts to Jeonghan ? Will Jeonghan tell her that he can't love her anymore because of his weird attitude? We'll find it out. 


A U T H O R ' S N O T E

Sorry if there was a wrong grammar or mistakes on it english is not my 1st language you know which makes me more difficult but I'll try my best to update a lot because it's been a week or month since I haven't update the story. but don't worry I'll find some time to update it while having a difficulty on module papers I had.

Memories [Y.JH X Y.JY] DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now