Battle of Heroes

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(Hydra Agents May and Fitz covered Captain Hydra from the bushes when Black Widow and Simmons snuck up on them with their guns drawn)

Simmons: "Don't move."

(May and Fitz slowly turned to face them)

May: "Of course. Stark brought backup."

Fitz: "Cap'n wants us to eliminate any complications. He wants to deal with Stark himself. Best we not disappoint him."

Simmons: "Fitz please..I know this isn't you. You're a good man. You'd never work for Hydra."

Fitz: "You no nothing about me."

Natasha: "Okay. Clearly the easy way isn't an option. Fortunately I'm well prepared to do things the hard way."

May: "I like you."

(May attacked and Natasha fought back)

(Fitz held a gun to Simmons head)

Simmons: "Please Fitz...don't do this..I love you.."

Fitz: "Well that's too bad. Because serving Madame Hydra means everything to me. And I feel nothing for you."

(Skye slammed into the ground epically, Quaking the area, knocking Fitz off his feet)

(In slow motion Natasha watched Skye make her entrance in complete awe, she took her breath away as she gazed upon her...and then she received a fist to the face from Agent May)

Natasha: "Okay that was my bad. I got a little distracted."

(Hulk snarled as Captain Hydra landed in front of his three former friends and teammates)

Captain Hydra: "You're looking well, Tony. New suit?"

Iron Man: "Nope. Same old, same old. You shoulda followed my example."

Cap: "Heh. You mean you don't like my new look?"

Iron Man: "Cap..what you've become...what you've's not you. It can' you."

Cap: " is me."

(He thrust his shield at Thor, instantly cracking him in the head)

(Hulk roared and charged at Cap who flipped over him and beat his head in)

(Hulk grabbed Cap and threw him into a tree, Cap swung around the tree and kicked Hulk repeatedly in the face, Hulk stumbled back as Iron Man flying tackled Cap)

(Iron Man flew Cap up higher into the mountain and threw him onto the snowy mountain top)

(Iron Man fired his repulsors as Cap dodged)

Iron Man: "Uh oh, Cap'n. You seem to have lost your shield."

(Cap grinned and pushed a button on his wrist)

Iron Man: "That supposed to do somethin?"

Cap: "Wait for it."

(The shield flew up the side of the mountain and clanged Iron Man in the back of the head, knocking him down to the ground of the mountain top)

(Cap retrieved his shield and went to stab it into Tony's chest, Iron Man propelled away as Cap stabbed his shield into the ground, Iron Man flew around him and punched his head)

(Cap flung his shield and kept bouncing it off Tony with an extremely impressive series of kicks and taps)

(He tripped Tony and punched his helmet in before Iron Man blasted his unibeam, sending Steve smashing into the rocky side of the mountain)

(Iron Man quickly flew up and fired a laser which Cap deflected with his shield back at Tony, it knocked him back but then Tony yelled and flew straight towards Steve who flipped over him causing Tony to smack into the mountain side)

(Recovering quickly, Iron Man fired a missile which Cap kicked to the side, it exploded mere inches away from him as Steve rolled to the side)

(Tony flew at him again and attacked hand to hand)

(Steve and Tony were pulling off some spectacular combos as the two punched and blocked each other with devastating speed)

(Steve grabbed his shield and smacked it against Tony's helmet extremely fast several times before spin kicking him, causing him to fall off the mountain...but then Tony flew back up)

Iron Man: "Excuse me while I get something off my chest!"

(Blasts his unibeam into the mountain side above Cap creating an avalanche)

Cap: "No.."

(He was buried in snow and rocks as he tumbled off the mountain)

(As he watched him fall, Tony hesitated, knowing that the death of Captain Hydra would be a big win for the Resistance...but on a personal level..he knew he couldn't let his old friend die..)

(He caught him and flew away from the avalanche)

(Steve was injured and unconscious but alive)

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