The Captain

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(Natasha's eyes opened)

(She was laying in bed, wasn't a bed she was familiar with)

(Sleeping next to her was..Tony Stark...a very shirtless Tony Stark)

Natasha: "No no Why?"

Tony: "Something wrong?"

(She gasped and tried to catch her breath)

Natasha: "Uh..not really. Why..why are we in bed together?"

Tony: "Cause..last time I checked we've been seeing each other..for like 6 months?"

(Natasha couldn't believe her ears...six months? Dating him??? That couldn't be wasn't right..)

Natasha: "I'm..I'm gonna put some clothes on.."

Tony: "Sure you don't want a shower first?"

Natasha: "Uh..yeah..maybe."

Tony: "Want me to join ya?"

Natasha: "Definitely not."

Tony: "Eesh. My shoulder's gonna melt it's so cold."

(She went into the shower, trying and failing to wrap her brain around what was happening)

Thor: "Your move."

(He stared across the table at Bruce)

(Bruce put down an 8)

Thor: "Wait. I cannot remember if we were playing Crazy 8's or Go Fish."

Bruce: "Go Fish yourself. I'm not feeling it."

Thor: "Suit yourself, Banner. I am victorious once again."

(Slurps his beverage)

Bruce: "We should keep moving. Hydra won't be far behind us."

Thor: "Worry not, my green companion. Those squishy squid men shall never capture us. If they are foolish enough to try I shall hammer the point home."

Bruce: "It won't be that easy. I can't explain it feels like something is very wrong here."

(The Triskellion)

Steve Rogers: "You summoned me, Madame?"

(Aida turned around and grinned)

Aida: "Captain. I trust everything is in order?"

Steve: "The Resistance won't hide from us for much longer. Shield will not win. I won't let them."

(Aida grinned evilly)

Aida: "I know you will not disappoint me.."

(He walked up to her)

Steve: "If I ever did...I would accept your punishment."

Aida: "Hmm..who's to say you aren't already being punished?"

(She grabbed his chin forcefully and pressed a searing kiss to his lips)

(Her mouth engulfed his as he kissed her back)

Steve: "...I accept any punishment you have to offer, Madame Hydra."

(Aida smiled)

Aida: "Don't you have anything else you'd like to say?"

Steve: "...Hail Hydra."

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