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Black Widow: "Guys we're picking up a large energy surge on a submarine not far from here."

Nick Fury: "I've already sent in a Shield team to investigate but they're not responding. Our Intel suggests a scientist named Holden Radcliffe created a virtual world known as the Framework along with an assistant robot called Aida. Something on that sub should shed some light on what they're up to."

Captain America: "Not to worry, Fury. We've got this."

Tony Stark: "That rhymed."

Cap: "Huh?"

Tony: "Worry Fury." (Chuckles)

Thor: "You are a sick man, Stark."

Tony: "Sure am. Pepper can confirm."

(Everyone groaned)

Bruce Banner: "Too much information."

(The Avengers snuck into the submarine base, and stealthily searched for the missing agents)

Cap: "It's quiet. Too quiet."

Iron Man: "Please Stevie. You're already a walking cliche. You're just making it worse."

Thor: "I do not care for your face, Stark."

(Hulk grunted amusedly)

Iron Man: "...laugh it up, fuzzball."

Black Widow: "Okay who's idea was it to bring the Hulk on a stealth rescue mission?"

(They entered a room with a lot of electronic equipment)

Iron Man: "Before anyone asks no I did not build any of this."

Aida: "I did."

(Cap spun around and got slammed into a wall by the woman)

Iron Man: "What the..?"

(Aida placed her palm on his arc reactor, powering him down until he fell over)

Thor: "Tis hamma time!"

(Aida backhanded him with more strength than Thor was expecting, sending him crashing through a wall)

(Aida swiftly delivered a brutal combo to the Hulk and knocked him into her machine)

(Black Widow went to hit her with her taser but Aida blocked her)

Aida: "I've studied each of you in great detail, Agent Romanov. So far I'm not impressed."

(She flipped her over and slammed Natasha to the floor)

Aida: "However...I can always be proven wrong."

(She leaned in and kissed her soothingly)

(Electricity coursed through Natasha caused by Aida's kiss, Natasha passed out)

Aida: "I shall enjoy getting to know each of The Framework."

(She blasted a surge of electricity, sending all Avengers into her machine, beside them lay the missing Shield team)

(Unconscious next to them lay Phil Coulson, Daisy Johnson, Melinda May, Leopold Fitz and Jemma Simmons)

Avengers: The FrameworkOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora