Chapfer 19: The Challenge

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"What do you mean, Junseo?" Joy chuckled at the sight of the boy.

"Hold on! I'll go get it! Omo I hope it's still alive" Junseo rushed out with his little feet in a flash. Joy could only raise her eyebrow at Peniel but he only replied with a shoulder shrug. Did he say... alive?!

"It's alive!!! Here you go, Miss Joy! A very special gift from Uncle Sungjae brought to you by the cutest and most reliable Junseo! Told you I have a mission" Junseo was beaming brightly as his two small arms struggled to carry up high an adorable puppy with a green ribbon on his collar, alongside a golden dog tag.

Joys eyes widened at the sight. Sungjae gave her... a puppy? Junseo handed the puppy over to Joy and she suddenly felt all the good butterflies in her stomach with its touch. The puppy looked at her with his sparkling eyes and licked Joy's face. It was as if he knew she was her owner instantly. Joy reached out for the dog tag and read his name, "Haetnim?" she chuckled.

"Oh and one more thing! He comes with a letter!" Junseo clumsily reached for a piece of paper tucked in his small pocket. "Oops... it's a little crumpled. Don't tell uncle Sungjae!!!" Junseo pouted as he tried to straighten out the piece of paper with his tiny hands before handing out the letter to Joy. He had slightly failed on that part.

Joy noticed the little discouraged boy so she patted his head before getting the letter. "You did such a great job, Junseo. I'll tell your uncle to reward you with lots of ice cream". Junseo's face instantly brightened with Joy's remark, making Joy smile too. She opened the letter to read its contents...

I heard about your competition. I know you'll do well! Don't worry about it. Here's Haetnim to guard and support you while I'm away. I'm pretty sure a lot of guys will be there so I have trained him to bite them just in case someone attempts on hitting on you. Hmph. Go win that trophy (NOT the guys' hearts). I'll see you soon. Take care of our first child while I'm in Singapore!!! Kekeke


Joy blushes at Sungjae's last sentence. What does he mean about their first child?! She could only shake her head while smiling. She can't deny that her heart flutters when Sungjae gets protective over her.

"Well, looks like you're very inspired now. Let's now start the taste test!" Wendy teased Joy as pay back from earlier before leading everyone to their kitchen.

The taste test ended up being an eating feast for the two boys. Joy and Wendy looked at the two in disbelief as the latter consumed 5 whole cakes in a span of 40 minutes.

"That... was... THE BEST!" Junseo exclaimed while licking the remaining icing on his fingers.

"Your mom and dad will kill me... but I agree! Goodbye, abs. I'll gladly trade you in for these cakes anytime" Peniel jokingly said as he strokes his tummy.

"I think you have forgotten your purpose here, misters? Which cake will Joy do for tomorrow?" Wendy stood in front of the two boys with hands on her waist.

"Strawberry Banana cake!" the two responded in unison. Wendy looked at Joy with her I-told-you-so smirk.

August 23, 2022

"Wake up, sleepyhead! Big day today! Omo, I'm so excited!!!" Wendy's cheerful scream can be heard from the outside of Joy's room.

Annoyed with Wendy's early morning blabbering, Joy tried to cover herself with her fluffy blanket as an attempt to get a bit more peace and quiet.

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