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On Friday, my sister and I walked with our friend to her house after school, and once we got there, we went inside to put our backpacks away. After that, the three of us went back outside to wait for my dad to come and drop off clothes for my sister and I so that we didn't have to stay in our school clothes.

Only maybe about 2 seconds after we got outside, the three of us heard one of the neighbors yelling, "help," over and over again. We all ran over to the house, and ran up the stairs leading to the neighbors front door because we thought that the screaming was coming from inside.

Then we looked down another set of stairs, and we saw the neighbor ((that is a 90 year old woman)) layed flat on her back on her concrete driveway. We ran down those stairs, and we asked the woman what happened.

She said that when she was walking up the stairs, she slipped on the second step when she was going up, then fell backwards and hit her head on the driveway. My friend told my sister to go and get our friends' grandmother.

While she went to go and do that my friend and I was comforting the lady, and telling her that everything was going to be okay. 25 seconds later, our friends' grandmother came out with my sister, and we called the hospital.

We also got the lady sat up, so that she wouldn't be laying on the ground.

After the call with the hospital, we had to wait THIRTY FXCKING MINUTES UNTIL THEY ARRIVED!! They took half an hour to come, and they weren't even busy. A 90 skinny a*s woman, fxcking fell down her stairs, and hit her head on the concrete.

Her head was bleeding a little bit, not a lot though, and she had this huge a*s bump ontop of her head.

When the ambulance arrived, they put a neck brace around her, then she couldn't even breathe. I thought that she was going to die. Thankfully, they fixed it though.

After they finished with the neck brace, thr people who came, put the lady in a stretcher ((I think that's what it's called)) then put her in the back of the ambulance.

My friend, sister, friends grandmother, and some other ppl who came, said bye, then we all left and went back to our houses.

Around 9pm, a lady came to my friends' door, and the three of us ((Me, my friend, and sister)) went to see her. She said that the lady who fell was just going in for a cat scan.

The three of us said thanks for telling us, then she left.


Sorry if I didn't explain that well. It was very eventful and lots of things happened. Also sorry if I made any spelling mistakes 😐

Solby, Talks, And Sh*t Like ThatHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin