I have something to say

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I honestly really hate it when people say that I'm too obsessed with Sam and Colby. Those people don't know how much Sam and Colby mean to me, and what they help me through.

The reason that I'm mostly really happy, is because of Sam and Colby. They have changed my life so much, and I know that they have changed other peoples' lives too.

Whenever I'm feeling down, I know that if I just watch them, or even anyone in the friend group, I will have a huge smile on my face by the end. Sometimes I don't even realize that I'm smiling when I watch them.

I wish I had real friends that like Sam and Colby as much as I do, so I could talk to them everyday about different things. I do have one friend who likes them, but I don't fully trust her with everything even though I've known her for 5 years.

Most of the people in the Sam and Colby fandom are so kind and understanding. I feel like I can trust most of you more than the people I go to school with, or even some of my family members.

I honestly don't know what I'm going to do if and when Sam and Colby stop posting. I hope that day doesn't come soon. I know that it will eventually come because they can't keep doing this the rest of their lives. I hope when the day does come, it isn't until they're at least 50.

And who knows, they might have a family and have a YouTube channel with their kids. As long as I get to watch them, then I will be happy.

Just saying, I'm not sad or anything. I just wanted to say this because the people that say that I am over obsessed don't know what I've gone through with them. I don't want to say ot to them, so I'm saying it on here. Also, sorry if I had any spelling or grammar mistakes

Solby, Talks, And Sh*t Like ThatOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz