Chapter 7: Day 19-20 Double Time Part one

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(After tribal.)
Russell: Damn that was a good move. Y'all splitting the votes. I never thought y'all would get the numbers to be able to.
Stephanie: It was.
Tasha: Sorry I had to do that to y'all.
Amanda: Don't be sorry it's a game.
(Russell to camera.)
Russell: Man it pisses me off at the sheer level of stupidity. Tasha went from at least 6th place to a guarantee 8th. My game isn't over. I know my idol will be hidden again. Plus their may be an idol from the merge already. I have 2 chances of finding one.
Time to get to work.
(Day 19.)
(Everyone is up early to try and find an idol.)
(Stephen to camera.)
Stephen: You know as soon as an idol is played another one is being hidden. You have to move fast.
(On the trail.)
Russell: Any luck.
Stephanie: No.
Russell: Let's check tree mail.
Stephanie: Let's do it.
(Both Russell and Steph check around tree mail.)  (While looking Russell notices a symbol on the bottom part of a tree.) (He walks over and digs next to the symbol and finds the idol.)
Russell: I found it.
Stephanie: That is great.
Russell: As long as I keep finding them. They will have to keep splitting the votes.
Stephanie: That's amazing.
(Stephanie to Camera.)
Stephanie: Russell finding the idol both sucks and is great for me. It helps me that he is on my side. On the other hand if they split between me and him I am going home. Unless I win immunity.
(Meanwhile on the beach.)
Spencer: Those palm trees look suspicious.
Stephen: Yeah they do.
Spencer: Let's go take a look.
(Spencer and Stephen look around the palm trees. While Stephen is digging around one palm tree, Spencer sees an arrow pointing down and digs their.)(Spencer finds the idol and puts it in his pocket.)
Spencer: Any luck?
Stephen: No.
Spencer: Me neither.
(Spencer to Camera.)
Spencer: I have 2 idols and an extra vote right now. This is amazing. I just have to make sure I don't screw this up.
(Later in the day.)
(On the beach.)
Tasha: Who are y'all thinking next.
Spencer: Well I was thinking splitting again. 4 on Russell and 4 on Steph.
Stephen: I think Amanda is a more strategic threat.
Spencer: Yeah I agree with you on that but Steph is better in Challenges. She almost beat Tasha in the last challenge.
Stephen: That works too. If one of those 2 win Immunity then we throw the other votes that way.
(In the Forest.)
(Russell to Camera.)
Russell: I need to get numbers. If I can get Aubrey and Carolyn to vote with my 4 I am good. They have to realize they are playing for 7th and 8th. With me they at least are getting 5th and 6th.
(In the Forest.)
Russell: Aubrey where is your head at.
Aubrey: I don't know. Obviously me and Stephen are good.
Russell: You know that you are at the bottom of their pecking order. If you flip I promise you I will take you all the way to the end. Think about it Woo Tasha and Spencer have played 3 seasons together you think they are gonna take you over someone they just met.
Carolyn: It's the same thing with your alliance to.
Russell: Yes but my alliance has all turned on each other in the past. Tasha and Spencer they have played what 70 days of survivor together not including this time. They are huge threat being kept together.
Aubrey: We will definitely consider it.
(Aubrey to Camera.)
Aubrey: Russell does make a good point about Tasha. The  problem is even if I did flip with Carolyn and Stephen. We would be in the minority to them.
(Later that day.)
Carolyn: What do you think about Russell's idea.
Aubrey: I just think it's to soon. If me and you flipped all that does is put us at the bottom of his alliance. I think the best bet would to wait at least one more round so we would be even. 3-3.
Carolyn: Ok.
(Day 20.)
Jeff: Come on in guys.
(Everyone walks onto the challenge.)
Jeff: First things first immunity I am gonna take back immunity from Tasha and Spencer. Once again immunity is back up for grabs. Before I tell you about today's challenge. I need everyone to pick a rock from this bag. Blue rocks on one side. Black rocks on the other reveal.
(Blue rocks: Spencer, Aubrey, Stephen, Carolyn, Woo and Jaclyn.)
(Black rocks: Dean, Russell, Amanda, Tasha, Colby and Stephanie.)
Jeff: Their will be two people going home tonight. Both sets of 6 will be going to tribal tonight.
(Spencer to Camera.)
Spencer: Me immediate thought when Jeff said both tribes are going to tribal was f*ck. These tribes are terrible. I have no one from the minority on my tribe to send home. Then you have 2 of my closest allies on the other tribe outnumbered 2-4. Damn it.
(Russell to camera.)
Russell: This is the break that I needed.
(Back to the challenge.)
Jeff: Today you will be sliding a puck down a table. The score you get will be 1-20. If your puck slides of the table it will be a zero. The person with the highest number from both tribes will win individual immunity.
Jeff: Blue rocks will go first. Jaclyn you are up.
(Jaclyn slides and gets a 12.)
Jeff: Jaclyn gets a 12 thats the mark to beat. Carolyn you are up.
(Carolyn slides and gets a 9.)
Jeff: Carolyn you are out. Fishbach you are up.
(Stephen slides of the board.)
Jeff: Stephen is out. Spencer your turn.
(Spencer slides and gets an 11.)
Jeff: Spencer you are out. Aubrey you have the last shot.
(Aubrey slides and gets an 8.)
Jeff: That won't beat Jaclyn. Jaclyn wins individual immunity. Safe tonight at tribal council.
( Black rocks turn.)
Jeff: Russell you are up.
(Russell slides and gets a 14.)
Jeff: Russell is the mark to beat. Tasha you are up.
(Tasha slides and gets a 12.)
Jeff: That won't do it. Tasha you are out. Russell still leads with 14. Colby your turn.
(Colby slides and gets a 6.)
Jeff: Colby your out. Steph you are up.
(Steph slides and gets a 16.)
Jeff: Steph the new mark to beat with 16. Amanda your up.
(Amanda slides and gets an 11.)
Jeff: That won't do it. Amanda is out. It is down to Dean and Stephanie.
(Dean to Camera.)
Dean: I know if I don't win this I will have to burn my idol tonight and I do not want that. I need to win this immunity.
(Back to the challenge.)
(Dean slides and gets a 19.)
Jeff: Dean wins Immunity safe tonight at tribal council.
Jeff: Dean, Jaclyn come forward. Both of you safe tonight at tribal council neither one will be going home tonight. As for the rest of you 2 of you going home tonight. See you tonight at tribal head out.
(At camp.)
(Dean to Camera.)
Dean: It feels awesome to have this necklace on. I new if I didn't win I was gonna burn my idol tonight because I am pretty sure I would get the votes. Now it's time to get to work because right now I still have to try and protect Tasha because she is most likely the person those 4 are voting for.
(At camp.)
Dean: Tasha. What do you think is going to happen.
Tasha: I am pretty sure they are all voting me. Can I count on your vote to stay.
Dean: Of course. Who you going to talk to and who do you wanna target. Russell?
Tasha: Yes.  I think I am gonna talk with Amanda and Colby. The vote is for Russell tonight.
Dean: Ok.
(During this talk on the beach.)
Russell: It's obvious it's gonna be Tasha. No need to scramble or anything.
Amanda: Yeah definitely.
Colby: Of course.
(Colby to Camera.)
Colby: Nothing is ever cut and dry in this game but it feels like it is right now. 4 votes against Tasha and she goes home tonight.
(Later in the day.)
Tasha: Amanda you know Russell is a major threat in this game.
Amanda: Yes I know.
Tasha: He can manipulate and has no problem sending his allies home to get ahead. He has done that in the past.
Amanda: Yes I know.
Tasha: Both me and Dean are voting for him. If you and Colby vote him he is gone.
Amanda: I will see what I can do.
Tasha: If you vote with me I promise I will return the  favor.
(Later that day.)
Amanda: Colby, Tasha gave me her pitch.
Colby: How was it.
Amanda: It was a good one. She definitely is trying. Just think about it. We have one night of power. Russell can't exactly protect all of us with his idols. Getting numbers is the only way to protect me and you going forward.
Colby: Yeah I see where you are coming from. I don't think it's a terrible idea. I think if we did we should split 2 and 2 though.
(An hour before tribal.)
Amanda: Colby and I are considering it. If we do me and him are gonna vote Steph while you two vote Russell.
Dean: That's cool.
Tasha: Great.
(Amanda to camera.)
Amanda: Getting rid of Russell would be a huge move in this game. With that being said Tasha has so many connections in this game that it makes me nervous. I am honestly torn about it. Both have good reasons to leave.
(Right before tribal.)
(Dean to camera.)
Dean: I am considering using my idol on Tasha. If I don't get the right feeling Colby and Amanda are gonna vote Tasha.
(At Tribal.)
Jeff:Will now bring in the first member of the jury. Ozzy voted out at the last tribal council.
Jeff: Russell what was the fall out after tribal. Well I really trusted Tasha before last tribal but she utterly betrayed me. Now she is in the hot seat because of it.
Tasha: Jeff if I were to stay in that alliance I would be on the bottom. Once it got down to it. The one thing I am not is an idiot. He is Russell Hantz if I have a chance to take a shot at him I am gonna take it.
Russell: Now she is in trouble because of it.
Jeff: How is she in trouble because of it.
Russell: She was dealt a terrible hand. All of her allies that she made the move with are over their on the other side. All she has is Dean.
Dean: Actually Russell she doesn't just have me she has this. (Dean takes out his idol.) Here is what is gonna happen I am gonna play this on Tasha. She is voting for Russell. I am gonna vote one of the other 3. If all 4 of you vote Tasha even if Russell has an idol one of you are going home. You can't split because I have immunity.
(Everyone's eyes wonder around.)
(Colby and Amanda whisper.)
Russell: I don't think Dean has the guts to do that. Let him do that he will go home next mark my words.

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