Day:13-15 A Line Drawn.

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(Coming back to camp Ulong.)
Troy: WOW that just happened.
Spencer: Sorry that I didn't clue you all in. I should've told you all.
Stephanie: It's ok.
(Stephanie to camera.)
Stephanie: It is definitely not ok. I no longer trust Spencer a 100 percent. He should've clued us in.
(Day 13 challenge.)
Jeff: Come on in guys!
(Matsing walks in before Ulong.)
Jeff: Matsing getting your first look at the new Ulong tribe. Monica voted out at the last tribal council.
Russell: WOW!
Jeff: Russell why such a big response.
Russell:Monica really isn't a threat. There are much bigger fish to fry on that tribe.
Jeff: With that being said everyone drop your buffs.
Everyone: WOW again.
Jeff: Alright get onto your tribe matt.
(Everyone moves to their new tribe.)
Jeff: Alright on the new Ulong tribe we have Spencer, Dean, Jaclyn, Troyzan, Tasha, Ozzy and Russell.  On the new Matsing tribe we have Amanda, Aubrey, Stephen, Woo, Carolyn, Stephanie and Colby.
Jeff: No challenge today head out.
(Everyone leaves.)
(Russell to Camera.)
Russell: Now that I have some threats on my tribe that aren't in my alliance it's time to get busy and send these guys home.
(At Ulong.)
Ozzy: WOW y'all's place looks nice. Only way I can make it better is to go get some fish.
Troy: I'll come with.
Dean: Spencer you wanna come with me to go get water.
Spencer: Sure.
(In the woods.)
Spencer: What are you thinking?
Dean: Well as of right now I think me you and Jaclyn are tight.
Spencer: Yeah definitely!
Dean: I don't think we can trust Troy to vote with us.  We need to find someone else.
Spencer: I think I know where you are going with this.
Dean: (Dean smiles.) You need to get Tasha on our side.
Spencer: Yeah I am gonna have to get to work on her.
(Spencer to camera.)
Spencer: I know that Tasha is the swing vote. Now it's time to figure out how to convince her that coming with my side is best for her game over the people that she is spent the last 11 days with. That's the question.
(On the boat.)
Ozzy: Troy where is your head at?
Troy: I was completely blindsided by Monica going home.
Ozzy: Well if you come over to our side. You can take your revenge on them. Me, Tash and Russell are solid you come with us. You can take out whoever you want. Just tell us who.
Troy: I want Spencer gone.
(Ozzy to Camera.)
Ozzy: The fact that Troy wants Spencer gone is great for me and my alliance. With him on our side it's time to take out someone who is in the way of me winning this game.
(At camp Ulong.)
Tasha: Do you think Ozzy is working Troy?
Russell: That's what I would be doing right now.
Tasha: We need his vote to get the majority.
Russell: Yeah hopefully Ozzy gets to him in time. Who do you think we should go after?
Tasha: I think Dean.
Russell: I was thinking Spencer. The dude is an all around player.
Tasha: It doesn't matter to me. The both need to go.
(Tasha to Camera.)
Tasha: Obviously me and Spencer have history. I mean come on we played 2 seasons together. Both seasons I did well on. With that being said. If it came down to it. I know he is a big threat again. Time will tell. Right now I am just gonna keep my options open.
( Matsing Day 13.)
Amanda: Welcome to Matsing everyone.
Colby: Man you all have a nice set up here.
Stephen: Woo you wanna go gets some fire wood.
Woo: Sure.
(At the water wale.)
Stephen: We need to get a solid 4 together.
Woo: Who do you have in mind?
Stephen: I think I have Aubrey.
Woo: I am pretty sure that Colby and Steph are together. I think they are gonna work Amanda in since they have history.
Stephen: That just leaves Carolyn.
Woo: Yeah we need to work on her because if she joins those 3 we are done.
Stephen: Agreed!
(At camp.)
Stephanie: I think we are alone now Colby.
Colby: What's up.
Stephanie: I think we need to talk to Amanda and Carolyn. With us two and them we will have the numbers.
Colby: Yeah I will talk to Amanda you work on Carolyn.
(Day 14 Ulong.)
Spencer: Hey Tasha can we talk for a minute?
Tasha: Sure.
(On the beach.)
Tasha: What's up?
Spencer: I wanna see where head is at.
Tasha: My mind is open to anything.
Spencer: Well I want to see if you wanna make an alliance together.
Tasha: Spencer well who are our numbers.
Spencer: Me you Dean and Jaclyn.
Tasha: That group sound like a good group of people. I am in.
Spencer: I am giving you my word that it's us 4 to the end.
Tasha: Agreed.
(Spencer to Camera.)
Spencer: Everything I told Tasha is completely sincere. I think it would be a fitting end to both our survivor journeys if we both make it to the end.
(Tasha to Camera.)
Tasha: I am telling Spencer what he want to hear. I am not sold yet on going with them.
(Back at Camp.)
Russell: Ozzy did you talk to Troy,
Ozzy: Yeah he is on board to get rid of Spencer.
Russell: Do you think everything is good with Tasha.
Ozzy: Yeah I am sure. She knows that she can't beat Spencer in the end.
(Russell to Camera.)
Russell: It could just be me being paranoid but I am getting very suspicious of Tasha now. If she flips I have my plan b with my idol but I can't protect everyone in my alliance with one idol. It's time to draw a line. To see where people's loyally's are.
(Matsing Day 14.)
Stephen: Hey Carolyn can I talk to you.
Carolyn: Sure let's take a walk.
(On the beach.)
Carolyn: What's up.
Stephen: I just wanted to see where your head is at.
Carolyn: As far as what?
Stephen: Where your loyalty lies.
Carolyn: I am open to anything. I don't feel really included in any alliance.
Stephen: How does a final 4 with me Woo Aubrey and you sound.
Carolyn: Great.
Stephen: We are tight us 4.
(They get back to camp and a little while later.)
Stephanie: Hey Carolyn could you come with me to the water wale.
Carolyn: Sure!
(At the Water Wale.)
Stephanie: Hey I just wanted to see where your heads at.
Carolyn: I don't really have anyone solidly in this game. Like I have no alliance or close allies.
Stephanie: How do you feel about teaming up.?
Carolyn: Us?
Stephanie: Yes us 2 Colby and Amanda solid 4.
Carolyn: Sounds great.
Stephanie: So we good?
Carolyn: Yes for sure.
(Carolyn to Camera.)
Carolyn: Man so far this season it has been a roller coaster for me. Last swop I though I was done. Now I am in the middle of 2 alliances of 3. It's my decision now. I am not at the mercy of anyone.
(Day 15 challenge.)
Jeff: Come on in guys.
(Both tribes come in.)
Jeff: First things first time to take back tribal immunity.
(Jeff is handed back tribal immunity.)
Jeff: Tribal immunity is back up for grabs. For Today's challenge you will be transporting 2 tribe members from one platform to another via step stoles. Once you get both tribe members from one side to another all 7 tribe members on a small platform. The first tribe to complete the challenge wins tribal immunity. In addition to winning tribal immunity winning tribe will also get a picnic. Complete with sandwiches, chips, soft drinks and brownies. Worth playing for?
Everyone: Yes.
Jeff: Alright everyone get into position.
(Everyone gets into position.)
Jeff: Alright the people being transported for Ulong Jaclyn and Tasha, for Matsing Aubrey and Amanda. Survivors ready? Go!
(Both tribes begin transporting.)
Jeff: Right out of the gate 2 different strategies. Matsing seems to be transporting Amanda just by one platform. Colby putting in that work lifting the step stool while the other tribe members just keep it steady. While Ulong is doing the challenge how it was initially intended.
(Jaclyn falls.)
Jeff: Major set back for Ulong Jaclyn you have to go back to the start. Meanwhile Matsing is extending their lead.
(Amanda gets on the platform.) (Matsing goes back for Aubrey.)
Jeff: Ulong is about halfway to getting Jaclyn on the platform. While Matsing is right behind carrying their final balancer in Aubrey.
(Jaclyn falls again.)
Jeff: Ulong drops again! Back to the start. Right now it's total blowout for Ulong right now. Matsing gets Aubrey to the final plank. Everyone must get onto the balance beam.
(All of Matsing gets onto the plank with one foot up.)
Jeff: Matsing wins Immunity!
( Matsing falls into the water.)
Jeff: Matsing come get your reward and immunity head out. Ulong got nothing for you head back to camp see you at tribal.
(Ulong camp.)
Spencer: That was a tough one.
Russell: Yeah it was.
Jaclyn: Balancing was ridiculous.
Dean: Yeah tough challenge.
Troyzan: Time for the chaos to begin.
(Later in the day.)
Troyzan: Russell.
Russell: What's up?
Troyzan: Spencer?
Russell: Definitely.
(Russell to Camera.)
Russell: Troy wanting Spencer our is music to my ears. That guy is like a young Boston Rob he is a super strategic player. He is also good in challenges. He needs to go premerge.
(On the beach.)
Spencer: Where is your head at.
Tasha: I don't know Spencer. I want to work with you but I don't know if I can trust you.
Spencer: What can I do to convince you to trust me.
(Tasha to Camera.)
Tasha: I know Spencer has an extra vote advantage because I willed it to him. Right now I am not sure if I can trust him but if he reveals that he has it to me. I will trust him 100%.
(Back on the beach.)
Spencer: Tasha I have an extra vote.
Tasha: What really?
Spencer: Yes it's right here.
(Spencer shows it to Tasha.)
Tasha: What is your plan?
Spencer: I want one of those 3 out. I would prefer Russell.
Tasha: I think he has an Idol.
Spencer: Well he won't expect it coming.
Tasha: Yes but if he does play it. The next 2 or 3 votes will head your way.vWe don't have the numbers to split.
Spencer: Ok what is your alternative.
Tasha: What about Troy?
Spencer: I am fine with that.
(Spencer to Camera.)
Spencer: I hope to god I can trust Tasha. If she screws me I am gonna be voted out with an Idol and an Extra vote.
(The both get back to camp.)
Russell: Tasha what's up.
Tasha: Who you thinking?
Russell: Spencer. Numbers me you Amanda and Troy.
Tasha: I don't think we have Troy. He told me that he doesn't trust you that you may have an idol.
Russell: What why would he tell you that.
(Russell to Camera.)
Russell: Why would Troy want me out. He is the one that came to me with getting Spencer out. Now plan B.
(Back at camp.)
Tasha: Spencer told me that him Jaclyn and Dean will vote Troy. If we do the same then all of us move one step closer to the merge. Plus with Troy gone we have even number 3-3.
Russell: Fine that sounds good. I am gonna make one change to that plan. You vote with those 3 against Troy. Me and Amanda are gonna vote Spencer. Since we don't know where Troy's loyalty lies I'd rather be safe.
Tasha: Cool sounds good.
(Tasha to Camera.)
Tasha: The plan that Russell lays out is perfect for me. I leave my options open to working with either side and get out someone who I don't really trust.
(On the beach.)
Tasha: Spencer so here is what I think is going on. Troy is voting you. Me you Dean and Jaclyn are voting for Troy. Russell told me that in case Troy has an Idol both he and Amanda will vote you.
Spencer: Damn is their anyway to convince them to put their votes on someone else.
Tasha: I don't think so.
Spencer: ok thanks for the update.
(Spencer to Camera.)
Spencer: If what Tasha told me is true I am gonna have to make a plan B just in case.
(At camp.)
Spencer: Dean, Jaclyn come here.
Dean: What's up?
Spencer: So apparently I am getting 3 votes tonight. Can we make a plan B.
Jaclyn: Spencer stop being paranoid. Me Dean and Tasha have your back Troy does not have an idol.
Dean: Let's just hear him. It's always good to have a backup plan.
Spencer: I have an extra vote advantage. If things blow up at tribal. I'll use my extra vote and us 3 vote Amanda.
Jaclyn: Will call that plan B.
Dean: That sounds fine. We need to stick to our original plan. Troy needs to go.
Spencer: I just wanted to make sure we have a plan B.
Jaclyn: Of course.
(Jaclyn to Camera.)
Jaclyn: Man Spencer is too paranoid we have the numbers. He has nothing to worry about.
(Tasha is their conversation.)
(Tasha to Camera.)
Tasha: Why are the people I am working with having a conversation without me in it. Makes me wonder what they have going on. If I am not included then they will just have to be broken up.
(At tribal.)
Jeff: Those who don't have a torch grab one dip it in an get fire. This is part of the ritual of tribal council because when your fire is gone so are you.
(Everyone sits down.)
Jeff: Russell how is it that it is Day 15 and this is your first tribal council.
Russell: On one hand it's great because I have had a free pass to this point to the game but now I have to rely on the relationships I have built.
Jeff: Spencer you have been to a number of tribals this season and survived. This time your up in numbers in a swap from your previous tribe. Is it cut and dry that it's one of the 3 tonight.
Spencer: On paper it sounds simple there is 4 of us 3 of them but that's the only place where it is simple. Everyone has their own agenda.
Jeff: So what do you to keep your numbers together?
Spencer: Well with us 4 sticking together it would mean more then likely safety to the merge.
Jeff: Amanda how do you try and get someone to flip?
Amanda: You offer them a better deal. You have to remember we have switched twice and we know for a fact one of those 4 were left out from a vote. That should instantly tell you are on the bottom.
Dean: The flip side to the argument is that if we wanted you gone you gone you would've been sent home that night.
Jeff: It sounds like there is a big elephant in the room. Tasha who of the 4 are y'all referring too.
Tasha: Troy.
Jeff: Troyzan how do you navigate two side vying for your vote.
Troyzan: I just hope that the decision I make will get me to day 39. I have my mind made up but I don't even know if it's the right decision.
Jeff: Well I guess the questions we have going into the vote is who is Troy gonna vote for and is his vote the deciding factor. Time to clear the air. Jaclyn you are up.
(Russell the last person to vote sits down.)
Jeff: I will go get the votes.
(Jeff comes back with the votes.)
Jeff: If anybody has a hidden immunity Idol and would like to play it now would be the time to do so. Ok one the votes are read the decision is final person voted out will be asked to leave the tribal council area immediately. I will read the votes.

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