Day: 38-39 The Finale Part Two

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(Day 37. Night.)
Dean: Congrats guys final 3. The second time for all of us.
Aubrey: Congrats y'all.
Spencer: Yeah congrats. I wonder what the final advantage is.
Aubrey: Well in my season we had the ability to kick someone out of the jury. Maybe that will happen.
Dean: It could be that.
(Day 38.)
Aubrey: Guys tree mail.
Dean: What is it?
Spencer: Yeah what is it?
Aubrey: "It takes 6 votes for you to win. It's time to win a challenge to give one of your friends a twin". 
Dean: What does that mean?
Spencer: I think we are going to be able to give who ever we want on the jury an extra vote.
Aubrey: Oh my god.
(Aubrey to camera.)
Aubrey: This could be just the thing I needed to get on leveled ground with these guys. I do think I have the possibility of getting Stephen's vote. Other than that I am gonna have to pull off a major upset. That extra vote can either be what saves me or the final nail in my coffin.
(Dean to camera.)
Dean: I would say Spencer is my biggest competition. I think we are neck and neck in winning this game, but Aubrey isn't far behind. If I can win this advantage it will give me an edge over both of them. If I win I will probably give it to Jaclyn. I worked with her so long in this game and I'm hoping she gives me her vote.
(Spencer to Camera.)
Spencer: I think I have a pretty good case to the jury, but any advantage I can get over these two will be amazing. If I were to get it I would probably give it to Tasha.
Jeff: Come on in guys.
(Everyone walks .)
Jeff: You 3 have gone as far as you can go in this game. Tomorrow the jury will question you on the decisions you made in this game. This challenge is a way to better your odds at the final tribal council. If you win this challenge you will be to give one person on the jury an extra vote tomorrow night. You will give that vote to someone right before they vote. This may be a million dollar vote. Alright for today's challenge you will build a stack of cards. The first person to build a stack of cards that is 10 feet tall or has the tallest after 30 min will win the advantage. Worth playing for?
Everyone: Yep.
Jeff: Alright get into position let's get it on.
(Everyone gets into position.)
Jeff: Alright survivors ready? Go!
(Everyone starts to build.)
(29min in.)
Jeff: We have one min left in this challenge. Aubrey is at 9 feet. Spencer at 8 and a half feet. Dean is at 7 and half feet.
(Aubrey continues to stack.)
Jeff: Aubrey is at 9 and a half feet now.
(Spencer stack fall out of no where.)
Jeff: Spencer is out of this challenge.
(Aubrey tries putting the final block but a gust of wind knocks over both hers and part of Dean stack.)
Jeff: Nearly all of Deans stack fall and all of Aubrey's. Dean has about 3 feet left in his stack. Spencer is at 2 feet. 30 seconds left.
(Dean and Spencer both continue to stack.)
Jeff: Alright time is up. Spencer is 3 and a half feet and Dean is at 4. Dean wins reward in the form of an extra vote at the final tribal council.
(Jeff hands the reward to Dean.)
Jeff: Dean congratulations. Everyone head on out.
(Day 39.)
(Morning breakfast.)
Dean: Guys a toast to the final 3 of this historic season of survivor.
Aubrey: Hell yeah.
Spencer: Toast.
(Aubrey to camera.)
Aubrey: I played this game the best way I could. I made some great strategic moves. I played some idols. I had great social bonds with everyone.
(Spencer to Camera.)
Spencer: Winning survivor Raw would mean so much to me. I have played more days in my 3 seasons of survivor then any other 3 time player in survivor history 115 days. I have won more immunities in my 3 season than anyone in survivor history. I have played 2 advantages correctly. I think I deserve to win the title of sole survivor.
(Dean to camera.)
Dean: I think I have played a great game this time around. I have more challenges then anyone out here. I have played more idols then anyone out here. I do think that I have played a great strategic and social game and I do think I deserve the million and the title of sole survivor.
(Final tribal council.)
(Everyone is sitting down.)
Jeff: Time to bring in the members of the jury.
(Jury members start walking in.)
Jeff: Ozzy, Tasha, Woo, Stephanie, Stephen, Amanda, Russell, Jaclyn, Colby, and Carolyn voted out at the last tribal council. Alright guys welcome to the final tribal council of survivor RAW. As of recently we hold the final tribal council in an open forum, based on the 3 attributes of survivor, outwit, outplay, and outlast. We will first begin in opening remarks from each of the finalist. Then the jury will begin with the outwit portion of the game. Dean start us off.
Dean: I came into this game not wanting to make the same mistake as I did last time. I knew I had to be as social as I could be with everyone. I wanted to find my one alliance member that I wanted to go with me all the way to the end with, which was Jaclyn. Once I had that one alliance member I just built from there. I got Spencer on my side and with him came his alliance. Once the final 12 happened I played a more physical game. I won 3 immunities to protect myself and played 3 idols correctly. I also strengthened my social bonds outside of my alliance bringing in Carolyn to flip the numbers on Russell. I won the most challenges out here. I won 3 immunities 2 rewards and the fire making challenge to secure my final tribal council seat here tonight.
Jeff: Alright Dean. Aubrey your up.
Aubrey: This game has always been about social strategy and readings to me. How can I bond with people in order to get them to benefit my own interest. I knew I wanted to be apart of a big alliance of threats which is why I aligned myself with Stephen and Russell post merge. I knew I was in the majority and even if the minority alliance had 2 idols and the necklace around the 3 of them I knew I wouldn't be targeted. When that alliance was reduced down to nothing. I flipped to benefit my own interest. I knew that those 3 would not want to sit next to each other at the end. Which is why I partnered with Spencer and I told him if I get rid of Russell this time. The next vote one of your allies need to go. It was through my social bonds with Colby and Carolyn is why the power couple or trio of the season were split up. On top of that I found 2 idols one was played correctly.
Jeff: Ok thanks Aubrey. Spencer you are up.
Spencer: This game brings out the best and worst in me. I have played this game to the best of my abilities. I have tied the record for most individual immunities won in a single season. I have played 2 idols, an extra vote and vote steal to their highest degree of benefit to my game. I have worked with many of you in the jury in different points of the game. I orchestrated many moves in this game. I set up the split vote to get Ozzy out. I played my extra vote to send Stephen home even though his alliance had twice the numbers mine did. Perhaps the biggest move I made was sending Russell home at the final 7 by flipping Aubrey securing the votes I needed to split and send him home.  I think I have outwitted many of you. I have outplayed and outlasted all of you. I do truly think I deserve the title of sole survivor.
Jeff: Alright jury you have had the chance to hear their opening pleas. We will now move on to the outwit portion of the final Tribal Council. This section is dedicated to the relationships you have in the game, the alliance's you made, the relationships outside of those alliances. Jury who would like to get us started.
Stephanie: Jeff I would.
Jeff: Ok Steph get us started.
Stephanie: Ok guys first I want to say congratulations to you all. We have all been there before and y'all managed to do it again. My question is obviously this game is built on relationships. I first want to know what is the one relationship that helped you get to where you are right now?
Jeff: Dean get us started.
Dean: Ok. I think mine is obviously Jaclyn. She was my ride or die. I was completely honest with her since day 3 in this game. Me and her were together the entire time. I trusted her a 100%. She helped me out a lot.
Jeff: Aubrey same question for you.
Aubrey: I would say Stephen. Me and him were together for a while. Me and him would share information with each other and decide what was the best course of action to take.
Jeff: Spencer same question to you.
Spencer: I would say that the two people sitting next to me have helped me with getting to this point. I don't think I necessarily relied on them but they definitely helped me. Dean helped me out strategically a lot when it came to getting people to flip. When I got Aubrey to flip and vote Russell out. I knew I was gonna have to write down the name of one of the people I had been working with for a long time, but it was something I had to do to make sure I have a chance at winning this game.
Stephen: Spencer to me that doesn't make sense. One of the people you picked you betrayed and the other you didn't work with until the final 7. Where you loyal to anyone?
Spencer: I was loyal to people when it was to my benefit. I wasn't sure that I could beat both Jaclyn and Dean in the final.
Russell: Stephen why would Spencer stay loyal to you when you took the first jab at him. Spencer took the first jab at Dean because he didn't think he could beat him that is good gameplay.
Tasha: I would also like to ask the jury. Who here worked with Spencer at one point or another raise your hand.( Tasha, Woo, Colby, Jaclyn, Stephanie, Carolyn and Stephen raise their hand.) You see he had relationships with more than half the jury. He has played a social game.
Colby: Ok guys here is another question I want to ask all 3 of you. Not one person between of the 3 of you were on the right side of every vote. Yet, y'all are still sitting at the end. How did you adjust your social game to get back into the fold?
Jeff: Spencer.
Spencer: I think this question will show just how flexible I am in this game. That final 9 tribal I knew that I didn't have a necklace or an idol but I knew y'all would split between me and Dean. That allowed me to put that extra vote to send Stephen home. With him gone I knew Carolyn would be more inclined to join my group which would give my group the numbers going forward.
Jeff: Aubrey?
Aubrey: I think that I was able integrate myself back in to the majority because I was really good at reading the room. I voted in the majority at every vote except the final 8. I knew every time where the votes were going.
Jeff: Dean?
Dean: Alright at the final 8 was the first time Spencer didn't have an idol or the necklace. He told me he was like I have a steal a vote to make it a 4-4 tie. I was like I don't want to burn my idol to just to be safe from rocks. I went to Carolyn I convinced her to come with us. Since Russell left that tribal with Carolyn's vote we flush an idol out of Aubrey and took out Russell's closest alliance member.
Carolyn: I do want to attest to Dean's social game. He was able to flip someone without even having to use his idol as leverage it's a testament to his social game.
Spencer: I was able to switch Tasha at the last vote before the merge and the first merge tribal. I flipped her with my social game. She had been with Russell the entire time before that. The fact that I did that I think is a testament to my social game.
Tasha: I do think that Spencer's social game is underestimated. He flipped me against the people that I was with from day one. He orchestrated the plain to get the biggest physical threat out and flushed an idol out of Russell all at the same time.
Jaclyn: I do think that is a big move but coming into this me Dean and Carolyn had no prior relationships. The fact that he did that is impressive yes but he already knows you. Dean didn't know Carolyn.
Russell: Dean why did you never take a shot at Spencer?
Dean: I learned quickly that Spencer was a shield for me. There was a reason why he always had his name written down anytime he didn't have the necklace, and when he did have the necklace on I was getting my name written down. My plan was once we got down to 5 I was gonna send him home but he won out. Jaclyn can attest to that.
Jaclyn: Yes I can. I would also want to add that we knew that if we flipped on him it would be us going next.
Russell: Ok fair point.
Tasha: Aubrey I want to know a big move you were responsible for making.
Aubrey: The vote at the final 6. Spencer told me he was like I want to make a move against Dean and Jaclyn but I need your help getting rid of Russell. When we did make the move at the final 6 both Carolyn and Colby were nervous about Spencer. If it wasn't for relationship with them I don't think the move would've worked out.
Tasha: Ok.
Jeff: Let's move on to the outplay portion. You have to help around at camp. You need to know how to navigate advantages and idols. How do you respond to switches. You have to perform well in challenges. Ozzy get us started.
Ozzy: Ok guys I want to know what was your strategy in individual immunity challenges.
Jeff: Dean.
Dean: My approach was to only win if I deemed it necessary. That double tribal I knew that they were gonna vote either me or Brad because we were the biggest physical threat. My second win was the tribal when Tasha went home. I knew if didn't win I was gonna have to burn my idol. The 3rd one was just to make sure Russell didn't get it.
Jeff: Aubrey.
Aubrey: I was always on the side of the numbers. The only tribals I wasn't I had an idol to protect myself. I always thought it would be cool but I never deemed it necessary.
Jeff: Spencer.
Spencer: I won challenges that I thought were necessary. The challenge at that joint tribal I was pretty sure the votes would go to me which is why I wanted that necklace. The merge tribal I was legitimately terrified because one vote could change it. Then I won the last 3 to secure my spot here.
Amanda: I want to know how long each one of you had your advantages.
Jeff: Aubrey.
Aubrey: I had my idol from the final 9 right after the 3 idol plays. When I found this I knew it was impossible for both Dean and Spencer to have an idol. I found my second idol at the final 5. I again thought there is no way Dean can have one little did I know he had another one up his sleeve. I still played mine correctly at the final 5. I didn't tell anyone about my idols.
Jeff: Spencer.
Spencer: I found my first idol Day 1. I found my other idol around the time of the merge. The extra vote I received was from Tasha. The steal a vote was from the outback reward. I honestly think I played all of my advantages to the best of my ability. The only people I told were Dean and Jaclyn because we were on the bottom.
Jeff: Dean.
Dean: I found my first idol on day 1. When I blindsided Jaclyn the first vote I told her she could trust me again. My second idol I found at the merge. The 3rd idol I found was after the chaos of the final 8 tribal. The only person I told about all 3 idols was Jaclyn. I told Carolyn and Spencer about one or two of them.
Stephanie: What was y'all's biggest obstacle coming into the merge.
Jeff: Spencer.
Spencer: I knew right away I wanted to pick of Russell's alliance so my biggest obstacle was Russell. He saw right through me and knew I wanted him out. That first tribal at the merge I flushed his idol and took out the biggest physical threat in his alliance.
Jeff: Aubrey.
Aubrey: I think my biggest obstacle was the powerful trio in this game. When me Carolyn and Stephen flipped on Spencer and Jaclyn at double tribal I did that because I wanted to secure Stephen's loyalty to me not Spencer. Russell and Stephen took so many shots at the trio of Jaclyn, Dean and Spencer and missed. In true mastermind fashion I turned their own alliance against themselves. I took one shot and made a bullseye.
Jeff: Dean.
Dean: I think my biggest obstacle was how I was perceived. I didn't want to be seen as the one calling the shots or the biggest physical threat in my alliance. I think I overcame being seen as the biggest threat by allowing Spencer to take most of the heat. Which is why his name was always the one being put down whenever he didn't have the necklace. Even when me and him were getting votes split between us it was always him as the primary target.
Jeff: Ok will move on to the outlast portion. Did you put the people on the jury that will vote for you in the end. This is the final 3's last chance to mention anything they want to say to the jury. Aubrey.
Aubrey: Survivor is a game of social manipulation. Can you get people to benefit your own interest. I made relationships that help me pave my way in this game. Since the merge I have been on the right side of the numbers every time except once. I played two idols to protect myself. I was the only one this season to successfully take a shot at the power alliance this season and not miss. I do genuinely think I played a great game and I hope you respect my game when you vote. Thank you.
Jeff: Dean.
Dean: I first want to say that all the relationships I made in this game were real. I knew my fatal flaw last time was that I didn't make alliances with everyone. The ones I did make I didn't stay loyal to. Jaclyn I stayed loyal to you the entire game. I was never going to write your name down. I won 3 individual immunities. I won 2 rewards one of them was crucial because I needed make a bond with Carolyn to flip her to my side. I won the fire making challenge. The only person in survivor history to win the fire making challenge twice. I made big moves. It was my idea to to split the votes at the final 5 so that it would guarantee Carolyn being at the final 4. Which is a fire making scenario I would win.
Jeff: Spencer close us out.
Spencer: I think this season of survivor is gonna go down in history as one the best ever, right up with winners at war. I think a historic season should have a historic winner. I tied the record for most individual immunities won in a single season. I beat the record for the most individual immunities won in multiple seasons with 11. In a total possible 117 days that I have played survivor I played 115 days. That beat Parvati's record for 3 time players at a 114 days. I put my all into this game I made big moves. I took out anyone I thought could be a threat to me searing here. I may not have taken out my biggest one, but unlike him I took shots at him. I believe I have outwitted, outplayed both the people sitting next to me. It's ultimately up to y'all to decide who outlasts in the end.
Jeff: Alright jury I am gonna let you take it all in. Then we are gonna vote.
Dean: Jeff. This is the season of advantages. There is still one left to play and I'm gonna play it.
Jeff: Go ahead and read your advantage to the jury.
Dean: This advantage allows me to give an extra vote to one of the jury members.
Jeff: Have you decided who you will be giving your extra vote to?
Dean: I'm gonna give it to Jaclyn.
(A few minutes later.)
Jeff: Alright jury you have asked a lot of questions to this final 3. It is time to vote Ozzy you are up.
(In the voting confessional.)
Woo: Cagayan representing. I hope you get it. Good luck!!

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