Lost But Found - BAU Team

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It was bad, really bad. Five women murdered in 2 months, the last victim found a week ago. These young women who had their whole lives ahead of them murdered so gruesomely and left behind in trashy places. The one thing that connected them?

They held a position of power.

Two CEOs, two police officers, and most recently, an ex-FBI agent. The killer was getting brave, finding and attacking women with bigger titles. But the team had one clue, whoever this person was, they were killing in twos. The next victim was suspected to be another FBI agent.

"Who?" was the question. Prentiss, J.J., and Y/N could be possible victims, making the case much harder to solve. The team didn't want to give the killer another possible victim, so the trio would have to remain undercover until the killer was caught.

But that day, Y/N wasn't careful.

The team was stuck, stuck trying to find the connection between the locations the bodies were left behind. If they couldn't pinpoint the next victim, they would find the next location to catch the killer in action.

"The unsub chose two junkyards and three dumps, far from where these women lived and worked. These places have no connection whatsoever other than being full of trash," Y/N started.

"They specifically took women who had a higher title than the common person and purposely left them behind in these places to mock their titles," Spencer added.

"But why choose these specific junkyards and dumps? They aren't abandoned, so they wanted the victims to be found eventually," J.J pointed out.

"Do we have the names of the people who own the places? Employees names?" Derek asked.

"Yes! That's it, I went to interview the owners. The files are in the car, key me Derek," Y/N mentioned. Derek throws the keys and Y/N leaves before any other decision could be made.


Y/N was making her way towards the car when her badge fell from her person. She didn't notice until a slightly older woman picked it up.

"Excuse me, you dropped this."

"Oh thank you! I would be in so much trouble if I lost this."

"No worries! Are you some type of officer?"

"Oh no, I'm an FBI agent."

"Really? That's great! Where are you from?"

"Well, I grew up in a small town in Ohio and then I went out and explored the world. I think it was the best."

"Oh, must have been terrifying."

"It was, for a while. Eventually I got the hang of it. But I have to get going, my colleagues are waiting for me."

"Oh I don't want to keep you from them, it was lovely meeting you!"

"And you too!" Y/N turned back towards the car and was opening the trunk before the woman spoke again.

"Oh! Before I forget..." Her trailing off caused Y/N to turn around. Only, this woman did not have good intentions. She blew a white powder into her face and pushed Y/N into the trunk of the car. Y/N grew dizzy and it didn't help when she hit her head. She soon passed out, leaving the woman to shove Y/N's limp body into the trunk.

"Really? The last one put up a fight, maybe you aren't cut out for the job," the woman whispered.


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