" hey I was wondering if you wanted to eat lunch together" Keiko and Riku left while sakusa was walking to his seat.

" I'm sorry but I'm busy eating with someone else today." He looked sad

" really who?" His faced change it was almost scary. "Who is it tell me." He was asking me to know when I suddenly said.

" I'm eating lunch with sakusa" sakusa looked at me so fast. The boy looked at him, and scoffed. And walked towards him.

*sakusa p.o.v*
I was coming from the bathroom and heading to my seat when I seen that. Guy from yesterday talking to [Y/n]. I tried not to listen in but then I heard my name.

" I'm eating lunch with sakusa" uhh no your not who said.

Every one started to stare at me with envy but I kept looking at [Y/n]. The guy came up to me with hate all in his eyes.

" so you think your better then me." He put his hands on my desk.

" get. Off. My. Desk" he looked at me more deeply. I glared at him wanting him to move before his germs got to me.

" no stop talking to [y/n] or else" he stood up straight trying to make himself look taller. I stood up and bend down to his level.

" or else what" he became stiff. " I suggest you get out or else" he left the classroom when I heard my fan girls outside.

"Awww sakusa you looked handsome when mad!" She blew me a kiss while I dodged it.

I turned to [y/n]

" control you boyfriend before I do."

" he's not my boyfriend you electron" she walked to her desks.

"Electrons !!" I went to her " I'm not being negative I'm just telling you to control your pet." She stood up.

" he's not my pet and stop telling me what to do your not my dad" I never wanted to punch someone so bad in my life.

I rolled my eyes at her statement and sat back down to my seat you best believe I'm not eating lunch with a nasty germ near me.

* [Y/n] p.o.v*

Keiko and Riku came back and I had told them everything.

" you should stay away from that guy [y/n] I'm getting an off vibe from him" I nod as well as Riku.

" honestly I'm glad you said sakusa and he played along that could had turned out really bad." Riku said putting his hand on my shoulder. I blushed and he laughed.

"Is our little ace blushing" he patted my head as I pushed his hand away.

" stop I'm not that shorter than you." He laughed and keiko pouted.

" hey why don't I get a patt on the head." Riku looked at her with side eyes.

" because your to short" he laughed and she stood up.

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