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A/N: Me? Updating? It's a miracle really but thank you all again for your patience and cooperation! It really means a lot to me. Anyway I'm very sorry but this will be a very short chapter until I get the motivation to write again. Please bare with me lovelies. <3

Solomon's POV

"No!" I exclaimed, instinctively running forward when they dropped off the branch and into the portal. The seven brothers all seemed to have done the same thing. But she was already gone by the time I took the first step. My knees buckled and I fell to the ground, hunched over with my forehead pressed against the ground and my hands gripping at the small blades. I grinded my teeth together and shut my eyes tightly. How was it possible that minutes ago we were celebrating our accomplishment together and comparing each other like the siblings we never asked for but loved all the same? Minutes! That's all it took for things to go so horribly wrong. For her to be snatched away by the very person we had all been trying to track down. 

"They got to us before we could get to them.." I breathed out. The sudden weight of a hand on my shoulder snapped me back to my senses. I lifted my head and turned it slightly to see who it was. Mammon's face looked down at me, his face lined with lingering anger and frustration.

"I'm sorry.. None of this would have happened if I had just waited until morning to get her out of bed." I apologized in a soft voice. His eyes hardened and his jaw went stiff. He straightened up and looked away. 

"Well now you have to help us get her back. Dumbass." He growled softly. I looked up at him and nodded, feeling my eyes start to sting when tears threatened to slip out. She was like a sister to me, of course I was going to help them get her back. I got to my feet and looked over at the others. I shuddered, how did I not notice how suffocating the air was around me before now? If rage could seep into the air this was definitely what was happening right now.

"Solomon." Lucifer called out to me. I focused my attention on him. He approached me and I couldn't help but notice how vivid his red irises seemed right now.

"Yes?" I asked him. He stopped when he was a few feet away and used his head to gesture to the floating knife from before.

"I am going to assume that this was the reason why you two were up so early in the morning. Did you break the spell? Will we be able to use the knife to track them down?" He asked me. Even for someone usually so calm and collected there was an extra edge in Lucifer's voice. I nodded and cleared my throat before responding.

"Yeah we broke the incantation placed on it and were about to head back in when the alarm system went off and.. well you know the rest." I told him, my voice dropping off into a whisper at the end. He nodded and rubbed his temple.

"That's well and dandy but how did they manage to get past the barrier in the first place? Not even someone like Solomon could have managed to get through that easily." Asmo said, joining our little group.

"Is it possible that someone let them in?" Mammon asked. All eyes turned to look at him and the tension around us grew even worse.

Mammon's POV

I guess I struck another nerve like I always do. Honesty I think I struck one in myself with that sentence too. Just the thought of one of us going behind everyone else's back to bring harm to y/n was unbearable. No, it just wasn't possible. We all cared about her so much, it was hard to believe someone would intentionally do something like this

"So you're suggesting a traitor?" Beel asked, Being the closest one to the group while everyone else approached. I waved my hands in front of me and shook my head, making sure none of them could say anything else before I explained myself.

"I ain't accusing anybody! It was just a thought alright? The only ones with access here are us, Diavolo, Barbatos, Solomon, and y/n. So the killer being let in by someone just made sense to me okay?" I explained. To my surprise no one made the advances of scolding me or yelling at me for even suggesting such a thing like there being a betrayal taking place, and if I'm being honest, that made everything seem worse.

"But no one has the motive to do something like that. Right?" Levi asked, fidgeting with his hands. Everyone exchanged a glance with one another, each look examining someone as if they were trying to see into their minds for a dirty conscious.

"We need to head to Lord Diavolo's Castle right now." Lucifer spoke up again. Belphie stepped forward.

"What good would that do? We're only wasting time that could be used to find y/n. We have the knife, we have Solomon, he has the spell. I don't see why Diavolo needs to be involved any more than he already has. So cut the crap and lets look for her." He spoke up. Lucifer looked over at our youngest brother and everyone held their breath. The soft crunching of the grass being crushed underneath Lucifer's feet with every step he took closer towards Belphie seemed almost deafening considering how quiet everything had suddenly became.

"I never once said we weren't  going to look for her. Y/n is a very strong and capable individual. I'm sure she can hold her own while we come up with a fool proof strategy to get her back." Lucifer shot back in an intimidatingly calm voice. They glared at each other, deadly auras emanating off the two of them.

"We should all calm down and think rationally." Satan said stepping between the two of them. I give him props for that. There was no way in Devildom I would want to step between that mess.

"I agree with Satan. The longer we stand around arguing is the longer my precious y/n spends with that wretched killer." Asmo said rubbing one of his arms as if he were cold.

"That's what I'm trying to say! Let's hurry up and have Solomon cast the damn tracking spell!" Belphie cried out in exasperation.

"I'm sorry Belphie but I think I'm siding with Lucifer on this one. We can't afford rushing into this unprepared." Beel said looking away with a shy expression. 

"Yeah you can't rush into a boss battle unprepared. Then you'll never advance. What I'm trying to say is that going to Diavolo right now would be the smarter and safer route." Levi added in. Belphie looked at his brother in disbelief. His gaze landed on Solomon and I.

"What about you Mammon? Solomon? Do you really think we should waste all that time?" He asked us. Solomon stayed quiet but the look in his eyes was apologetic so Belphie already knew his answer.

"Unbelievable.. Mammon? Come on I know you'll be on my side." Belphie said, his voice seemingly almost desperate. I furrowed my brow and took a step back.

"I'm sorry Belphie. Normally I would agree with you. But this is too risky." I told him. He looked at me, if it could, his gaze would be boring a hole through me. He nodded slowly.

"Fine, let's go then. Let's see what Diavolo has to say about this whole situation." He said turning away. The rest of us exchanged glances again before nodding. Off we go to greet the future ruler of Devildom yet again, only this time on a more serious occasion.

𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐲 𝐃𝐚𝐭𝐞 (𝐎𝐛𝐞𝐲𝐌𝐞 𝐌𝐚𝐦𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐱𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now