Taking Action

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Mammon's POV

"This is stupid! Ya know how much time we've been wasting on just lounging around here?" I exclaim in frustration. Satan looks over at me and sighs.

"We know this is hard, it's difficult for all of us to not be able to jump into action right away. But we can't be rash. This is y/n we're talking about. It's better to be safe rather than sorry." He told me in what I assumed was reassurance. For the past day and a half we had been staying with Diavolo in his castle, planning and planning and planning away. Yet despite that it didn't really seem like we were making much progress.

"Behave yourself Mammon. Now isn't the time for you to get anxious." Lucifer cautioned. I scoff.

"Really? I would think that if a time called for me to ever get anxious it would be now! Not that I am or anything, obviously not. I'm just angry we haven't done anything! Two days have almost passed us by and nothin! We have the tracking spell so what are we waiting for?" I ask, plopping down in an armchair.

"He's right, though noisy about it. We're all basically back up to fighting strength and have everything we need to find them. So why aren't we leaving yet?" Beel asked, taking a small pause from eating scones prepared by Barbatos to ask his question.

"See? Even Beel doesn't get it! Every second counts ya know!" I say crossing my arms over my chest.

"I can't even begin to imagine what horrible things might be happening to my precious y/n.. I'm all for careful and elaborate planning but this is taking too long for my taste." Asmo chimed in, taking a sip from his tea cup.

"I understand that you're all worried, as am I. But remember that this is a human's life we're preparing to save. This person is capable of killing demons and angels and shows no reluctance to turning to violence. If we're hasty or sloppy it could put y/n in danger." Lucifer reminded.  

"Even so, I'd say we're pretty darned prepared by now. We have a strategy set and the only thing we're really waiting for is the chance to actually go." Levi said looking up from his phone.

"Yeah but we could have left yesterday! We had the tracking spell ready since y/n was taken yet we've waiting this long already!" I say in exasperation. 

"Whining won't help us get anywhere." Belphie mumbled, rubbing his face in obvious frustration. I slump in my seat and sigh. This was too much to bare.

"It's not that we don't understand how you feel Mammon. Trust me, we do. But before we do anything there are other important tasks at hand that need attending to." Lucifer said walking over. I scowl and the other's uneasiness didn't seem to subside.

"What could possibly more important than rescuing y/n? We're just wasting time!" I protest.

"You may want to consider rewording your statement Lucifer. He's right. At the moment you seem to be valuing something we aren't aware of above the safety of an exchange student." Solomon interjected. Lucifer cleared his throat after a moment of silence and nodded.

"My apologies. That isn't what I meant in the slightest. Right now we're being tasked with ensuring the safety of the population of the Devildom. I've been assisting Diavolo and Barbatos in preparing certain restrictions and precautions to make sure we reduce, if not completely halt, the amount of casualties the killer gets to." He explained, settling himself down in a chair. I was about to complain again but decided against it. It was clear to see that Lucifer was more exhausted then usual. His usual perfect posture was ruined by the slump of his shoulders and slight inclination of his head towards the ground. He was putting a brave face on, just like the rest of us. Sure, I was pissed as hell that we hadn't left yet, but I suppose he had a good enough reason for keeping us here. Suddenly Asmo cried out in what I assumed was frustration.

𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐲 𝐃𝐚𝐭𝐞 (𝐎𝐛𝐞𝐲𝐌𝐞 𝐌𝐚𝐦𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐱𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora