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Harry had done a lot of things that angered James from time to time, but this was taking it too far, telling his father about Alessandra was wrong and now he was forced to go to dinner with the Bradfords not that he had minded, Harry had let slip to James about who they were dining with since Charles didn't want to share the news with James just yet, he wanted James to find out the night of the dinner.

Present at the dinner would be Charles, Camilla, William, Harry and Ingrid of course the Bradfords.

"I expect you to be on your best behaviour James" Charles gave his son a stern warning as the two were travelling in the same car "It's not me you should worry about" James grumbled out as the car stopped at a red light.

"Your grandmother tells me you're looking to clean apartment 1A (This is where the Duke and Duchess Of Cambridge live, It's joined with apartment 1 which is was used by the Gloucester's, apartment 1A is said to be the best apartment according to Princess Michael of Kent), make it your own, is that true?"

"No, I just told granny it's time I move out plus I don't want to live with a married couple because I'm bitter and jealous" Charles could tell that James was being sarcastic that last statement literally had sarcasm dripping all over it, and everyone knew once James becomes sarcastic that means to drop the question or statement.

"Are you dating anyone currently?"

"No" James lied easily, lying to Charles wasn't hard for James, his father didn't raise him so Charles didn't really know James that well, he was raised by his aunt since she couldn't have kids, his grandfather only had 2 children Mary and Jane and while Jane couldn't have kids she adopted later on when James was old enough but the complications come as once his grandfather passes on James would become the Duke of Fife (There is currently a Duke of Fife but for the purpose of the story I'm using this title for his grandfather) while also holding a dukedom given to him by his grandmother also meaning he has to take over their family business which was going to be hard, the only times James got to spend with Charles or his brothers when he was young was during tours or any public royal event including Christmas and Birthdays other than that James lived with his aunt, despite what the media would want you to believe about Diana being like a second mother to him sure she was nice and all that but she didn't help raise him.

"Well my friends' daughter is single too, maybe you two could get along"

"Maude has someone in her life," James said to his father who just nodded his head while he smiled at the passing view.

"I never knew you were friends with Prince Charles," Alessandra said to her father who sat at the head of the table, "Yeah, they were friends way before you were born" Maude added as she helped set the table.

"Oh shut up you act like you know that they were friends"

Maude set the cups at the table and turned to look at Alessandra "I actually did some of us were born before 1990"

"Maude tell your father that his guests have arrived" they heard their mothers voice shout out.

Maude rolled her eyes as she turned to face her father "You heard that right?"

Frederick put his paper away as he stood Alessandra following but she was walking towards the guest bathrooms, when she passed by Maude, Maude stopped her with a hand "Don't take what Charles says to heart" Maude whispered to Alessandra who raised her eyebrows "Just trust me on this one"

"Charles old friend it's been a long time" The two men hugged as Alessandra took a glimpse and there she saw the Prince of Wales with his sons and Ingrid as she walked up the stairs.

Going down the stairs and into the dining room was one of the toughest things Alessandra had ever done, she was meeting her boyfriends family, which she thought was too soon and the boyfriends' father happened to not know their relationship, she was also nervous about how Charles would feel about her.

"Ah Ali there you are" Frederick called out waving for his daughter to come to sit on his right while Camilla sat on his left "Charles this is my youngest daughter Alessandra"

"It's a pleasure to meet you sir" Alessandra did a small curtsy to Charles before sitting down.

"A pleasure to meet you too" Charles smiled but James could see that his fathers smile didn't reach his eyes.

The dinner went down without a hitch okay maybe it didn't really go down that well

*During the dinner*

"So Alessandra do you know of the baggage that comes with dating my son?" Charles as James smile dropped as he didn't want to go over this conversation tonight, while Ingrid rolled her eyes, Charles gave her the same speech.

"Uhm yes, I do?" It sounded more like a question rather than an answer.

"Do you really? Unlike Harry and William, James here is going to be king and when you marry him you'll come into the family as a senior royal meaning you'll not have as much free time-" James was getting annoyed of this interrogation before it even got anywhere so before his father could continue he slammed his hand on the table making on the glasses move and looked at his father who was wide-eyed at his son's reaction.

"Pa drop it" James whispered harshly whispered causing Alessandra to frown while Charles looked wide-eyed at his son's harsh statement "You don't have to answer him" he said looking at his father when he said that but Alessandra got the message.

"I'm just making sure she knows what she's signing up for" Charles mumbled embarrassed that his son had harshly him off, Charles frowned as he thought of his son's behaviour it had begun to change around new years the same time Harry claims to have heard William speak of James dating Alessandra, was she the reason his son's behaviour was changing?

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