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"Do we have to do this?" Alessandra complained as she fixed her shirt, she wasn't going to wear a dress, this was one of the most tiring weeks of her life by far, so she'd be making it as comfortable as possible or maybe James had arranged the out...

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"Do we have to do this?" Alessandra complained as she fixed her shirt, she wasn't going to wear a dress, this was one of the most tiring weeks of her life by far, so she'd be making it as comfortable as possible or maybe James had arranged the outfit for her, yeah it was definitely the later.

"I'm going to fire my stylist and hire you," she joked as she marvelled at the outfit he'd chosen for her.

"Don't let her hear you say that,"

"Already did, are we hiding the bangs or is this the big reveal?" She asked taking out the curling iron.

"Yeah, and this is the big reveal, it looks nice right?" She said looking to James for reassurance.

"Why don't you like your hair in it's natural state, I love the curls,"

"Yeah but they won't work with bangs James," she said with a eye roll as Caroline began working on her hair.

"What if Alice has your curls?"

"Oh my goodness then I can't wait to style them like my mum had done with my hair, I was so lucky my mum is mixed, I got so many different hairstyles when I was young especially with my curls, that's how I met Sammy we bonded over our versatile hairstyles,"

"We need to bring out those baby pictures of yours," James said kissing her forward as he went to check on the twins.

"What if they both get your curls?" Caroline wondered as she started with her hair.

"That would be amazing,"

"Yeah it would wouldn't it?"

"Don't have curls Theo then you're going to be too cute to resist," Alessandra said with her fingers crossed.

"Who's going to be too cute to resist?" James asked popping back into the room, Alessandra glared at him as he'd scared her, why did he even leave if he was going to be back a few seconds later.

"Theo if he had curls," Caroline answered for Alessandra.

"Our children are going to break a lot of "royal protocol"," he said with air quotes, knowing fully well that the press mistook anything new as breaking royal protocol, Alessandra has red lipstick protocol, Ingrid wore black protocol, Alessandra sneezed protocol, it was a bit ridiculous knowing that most of the things they say is not royal protocol the queen had done some of it.

A few minutes later of them discussing hair styles and royal protocol Caroline was done and they were on their way to collect the twins and be on their way, James couldn't wait to get back home and show the twins their nursery although the one at Kensington was a bit neural so any other future child could use it, while the Crosby court one was made specifically for them they'd use it until they would go their separate ways.

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