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Alessandra's scream tore through the room making James freeze as he looked at his wife unable to do anything to help relief the pain.

"James I don't want to do this anymore," she cried out making him release a sigh as he pushed back some of the hair that stuck to her forehead "Please James it hurts so much," she moaned sweat rolling off of her forehead.

"Come on love you're almost there just one more," the midwife encouraged making Alessandra release a broken sob, just the thought of having to do that again after this made her release out another sob, she didn't think it would be this painful, she knew there would be pain but this was just so out of the world, how would she do this three more times, it wasn't going to happen James was just going to settle for 3 kids.

"Just one last push okay?" Anya encouraged making her nod her head while she took James hand and this time she thought she heard it break but she had just imagined it breaking.

With one final push Alessandra heard the cry of her baby, smiling she looked at James in shock, she had done it.

"Oh look at him," she cried as they handed her the wailing baby, who she immediately kissed not caring that he was covered up in vernix caseosa, she was just glad that the baby was finally there.

"Hey," James smiled at the baby who opened his eyes and the most bluest eyes stared back at him, making him laugh in joy, they had done that, it seemed so surreal now looking at him, their little boy.

"Look at our little prince," she said smiling up at James before another contraction hit, "I think the other one wants a to come out now," she stated after a few minutes of holding the boy, who she handed to James as she felt them become severe.

"Okay Alessandra don't push," the midwife calmly said not wanting to scare her, as the baby's head could finally be seen.

"What?" She stopped looking at James who was now handing their boy over to a nurse to get him cleaned up "What's going on?"

"Nothing to worry about honey we've got you," Anya said giving her a small comforting smile.

"Are you sure?" She asked worriedly not wanting anything to happen to her baby.

There was a problem as the nuchal chord was around her neck and if she had pushed it would have torn away her placenta, so the midwife clamped and cut the cord before the baby's shoulders were delivered and after that baby girl Wales was born and unlike her brother she didn't have blue eyes although she had the most gorgeous brown eyes Alessandra had ever seen and they were so big, she could already see her using them on her, and she'd do whatever she was asking, her babies were gorgeous and no one could tell her otherwise.

With the umbilical cut by James, the little girl was taken of to go join her brother, get cleaned measured and all that, although she needed more checking up because of the chord issue but when they were brought back they were told everything was okay with both babies as they handed them to Alessandra it seemed the girl was already hungry as she tried latching onto her mothers gown, so she was helped by the midwife who instructed her how to feed the little girl who immediately went to town the moment she felt the breast in her mouth, it was a bit uncomfortable but Alessandra didn't mind at all.

"Oh my goodness, look at them, their so beautiful," she gushed looking at them with a wide smile as the little boy yawned a bit in James' arms and opened his gorgeous eyes again, oh she could get lost in those eyes all day long she didn't mind one bit, they made this, they made the cutest babies she'd ever seen.

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