don't freak out

110 6 2

Word count: 713
Warnings: a bit of self deprecation from remus but not too much, mostly just fluff
Prompt: Uhm this is kind of inspired by a tiktok i saw, i'll link it in the comments if i find it but yeah basically just a love confession from Sirius :)
Remus had been having a relatively good day: he had gotten an O on his transfiguration essay and had been paired off with Lily Evans for the potions essay, and although that had annoyed James, Remus was glad because Lily was amazing in potions and he knew they would get a good mark. Currently, he was reading on his bed, their dorm deserted for once. James was off at Quidditch practice and Peter had gone to watch him, and Sirius was off god knows where, probably pulling a prank or flirting with a random girl.

Taking a sip of his warm tea, Remus sighed in delight, though it was short lived as Sirius very literally barged into the room, slamming the door open and almost falling down face first. Remus shot him an annoyed look, mad about him disturbing his peace but Sirius didn't seem to notice as he looked particularly nervous about something.

"Don't freak out ok?" Stated Sirius simply.

"What did you do this time?" Inquired Remus defeatedly, already thinking about all sorts of trouble Sirius could've gotten into, and inevitably would drag Remus into as well.

"I'm in love with you," said Sirius after a small pause, and Remus dropped his heavy book on his legs in shock, though his brain didn't register the pain because it was still trying to understand Sirius' prior statement with no success.

"C-Come again?" Asked Remus dumbfounded.

"I am completely, extremely, irrevocably in love with you Remus Lupin," said Sirius again but Remus still wouldn't understand it.

"Haha, hilarious Padfoot," said Remus humorlessly, sure this was— had to be a prank.

"I'm not joking, Remus," said Sirius, looking hurt. "I love everything about you; the way that one strand of hair always falls in your eyes, the way you loo when you're reading and something shocking happens and your eyes widen, or when something sad happens and you silently cry over your book, trying not to get it wet, that spark of mischief in your eyes when we pull a prank, that smile you try to repress when I do something stupid and you're trying to scold me for it, that look you get when we learn something in class like you've just discovered the most bloody interesting thing in the world, the way your nose scrunches up when you don't like something, the way your eyes change colours depending on which part of the moon cycle we're in, the way scars are littered over your body like a map showing your strength and courage, the way you nibble on chocolate right after the full moon when you're so tired you can barely stay awake, the way you roll your eyes when I act clingy, every single thing Remus," ranted Sirius as tears welled up in Remus' eyes.

"You don't mean that Sirius," said Remus softly after a moment of silence. "There's no way you could mean that you- you can't i'm a m-" said Remus, trying to convince himself more than anything, trying to force down that small sliver of hope slowly welling up in his chest, but Sirius cut him off by pressing his lips to his.

The kiss was short and Remus didn't kiss back in shock. When Sirius pulled back, Remus brought the tips of his fingers up to his lips as if in a trance, unable to believe the kiss had actually happened.

"Don't say that word. You're a werewolf Remus not a monster, and I love you, every part of you, even the wolf. And I don't care that you could hurt me and that you think you don't deserve me because none of it is true okay? And I wanna show you that you're not worthless, you're worth everything to me Remus, please don't shut me out," said Sirius, knowing Remus and his insecurities all too well.

A minute passed as Remus looked at Sirius, his mind whirring with everything that had been said since Sirius had entered their dorm, whilst Sirius started right back at him with more love and dedication than Remus had ever seen.

"I love you too," said Remus finally, and the dazzling smile on Sirius' face and the tears in his eyes told him more than words ever could.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2020 ⏰

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